Future of Iran, America & Iranian Americans

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Future of Iran, America & Iranian Americans

Postby Ahreeman X » Wed Dec 01, 2004 10:55 pm

Future of Iran, America & Iranian Americans
December 1, 2004

Alas O alas, .......

On 559 BC, Cyrus The Great, Persian Emperor, wrote the first declaration of Human Rights of the nations in the world. After, he freed 42,000 Jews from slavery of Babylon, he brought "Freedom for All". Persian Empire (unlike Rome/Greece/others) was the sole Global Super Power with non existent slavery in her social system! Today, The Mullahs of Tehran write the Death Contracts for Free Thinkers of The Globe such as Salman Rushdie! How did we get from The Great Persian Empire (Rulers of The World) to the Islamic Republic of Iran (Armpit of The World)?!

The US Election is over & Americans have obviously spoken! Before the election, I repeatedly wrote that as Iranian Americans, it is your national duty to America & Iran to vote for W. Obviously you have done your national duty cause Bush has got elected again. Now that we got W elected, we need to concentrate on encouraging the administration to start a full blown military invasion of Iran. It is crucial for us to do our best to push the administration for the liberation of Iran.

Liberals as always are a block for salvation of Iran. Foreign policies of democrats through the history, has caused much catastrophes for Iran & Iranians. One of the major reasons for the fall of the civilized Imperial Regime & rise of the Islamic Fundamentalist Regime in Iran, was indeed Mr. Carter. Carter's double talk, false analysis of the situation & not backing the Shah, were the basic reasons for destruction of Iran. America had lost a great ally & we have lost a civil government!

Carter was so out of touch with the reality of the Iranian situation, that in his last visit to Tehran, he gave that famous: "Iran is an island of stability in the region" speech! Iran was about to fall in to chaos & riots were forming outside in the streets, while Carter was giving this nonsense speech in the formal reception! Carter had lost Iran & Panama both.

On New Year's Eve 1977, President Carter visited Tehran. His remarks did show on how out of touch he was with realities inside Iran. He praised Shah, but later on he did not back Shah! During those troubled days, he sent mixed signals to Tehran! Shah was ill with cancer & could not show strength & make a firm dicision to avoid Islamist Chaos by all means possible. Carter had to be of a help to America's long time ally but instead, one day he forbid Shah to take sever actions by screaming his famous "Human Rights Issue" & the next day he would encourage Shah to make a stand by showing him the green light & encouraging Shah to create law & order in Iran! These mix signals had finally brought Death to Iran! Carter & his advisors in military, CIA & specifically General Hoiser, later on avoided the Iranian Generlas to make a firm stand on fighting the Islamists. I have always said that if Shah would eliminate 10,000 Islamists rioting the streets of Iran, then the Islamic Republic of Iran would have never been born.

On that night & in that reception, Carter said: "Iran, because of the great leadership of the Shah, is an island of stability in one of the more troubled areas of the world. This is a great tribute to you, your Majesty, and to your leadership, and to the respect and the admiration and love which your people give to you."

Iran was everything but an island of stability! Next came Islamic Reaction & then Islamist Regime, then Hostages & then Creation/Revival of Islamist Fundamentalist Movement in the world with its founder, theoretician & father, Ayatollah al Ozama, Khomeini!

Democrat's Foreign Policy wanted to create an Islamic Green Belt around USSR, so they helped creating Mullahs of Iran, Taliban of Afghanistan, Madrasahs of Pakistan & Al Qaedas of the world! They created the Islamist Movement against Communism but less did they know that Islamists were a far more dangerous crowd & ideology than communists & communism ever was! America's policy had backfired in their face!

Carter, Democrats & Administration lost a great ally (Imperial Iran) & have created a great enemy (Islamic Republic of Iran) for itself! I guess foreign policy is not a great point with Democrats! Now can you imagine in 100 years, this would have happened during Nixon's administration?! Not ever! Nixon would have never abandoned Shah!

If Imperial Iran would have remained in power, America did not have to drag her forces half way around the world to protect the region, oil & US benefits in Middle East! Imperial Iran had always played the role of the "Police of The Neigbourhood". Carter & Democrats stabed America in the butt!

Clinton's foreign policy was also a tragedy. He did not eliminate Osama when he had the chance. Instead he bombed Serbia, Sudan & Afghanistan to divert public's attention from his famous cigar in the mouth of Monica Lwinsky!

At last ......

Finally we had a moral, decent, down to earth fellow in the White House & when W said something, he meant it. He done as he preached. However, we must have in mind that in 2004 election, Republicans & Bush voters voted for Bush, because they wanted Bush to run 4 more years, yet Democrats & Kerry voters voted for Kerry because they hated Bush! No one really liked Kerry! Kerry had no agenda, no plan, no will power, no determination, no honesty, no morality, no power of speech, no charisma & no set foreign or domestic policy! His supporters voted for him because they hated Bush.

In general, Democratic Party has been hijacked by the extreme left wing of the party, such as Kennedy, Clintons, Dean, Edwards & Kerry. This is not the Democratic Party which was once the party of people, labor & tradition. Today's Democratic Party is not the party of FDR or JFK. Today's Democratic Party is a hodge podge of either Radical Liberals or Moderate Liberals who have been trying to take United States in the direction of Socialism, Extreme Left, Social Wellfare State, & Big Government progatives. Today's Democratic Party idolizes The European Union, France & German system as role models! Democrats have been in search of Alliance with France & Germany & EU. They been waiting for UN & Foreign Powers for orders, approvals & green lights to make a move. Mr. Kerry & the rest of the Klan, were awaiting orders from United Nation, European Union, Foreign Powers, Foreign Leaders & France; however, W & GOP were taking their orders from the American People, Heartland America & Americans!

While Senator Kerry & Kennedy were seeking approval ratings & popularity in EU, UN & Paris; ironically, W & GOP were relating to the Heartland America! This is why Democratic Party has lost touch with America & Americans! W does not take his orders from UN or EU. W is responsible to answer to the American people. W is requierd to provide security for Americans & destroy enemies of America. W is responsible to fight the war against terror. W's progative is not to seek popularity in Europe! Seems like Democrats have forgotten this fact! Seems like Democrats wanted to make America a puppet to United Nation & European Union!

UN is the most corrupted global organization existing & in addition, it is the most powerless global organization possible! EU is a hard try to create a relevant global economical & military power! France is a Fallen Empire seeking power by wheeling & dealing with corrupt terrorist regimes such as Saddam's & Mullahs Regimes. Paris looks @ us with envy, simply because they have lost the global hegemony long ago. They envy our economy, technology, wealth, industry, military & power. They can never be the same as America.

So Democrats wanted to push America towards Socialism & create an understanding between America & Terrorists! Kerry wanted to conduct a sensitive war against terror! Kerry claimed that he will fight a Sensitive War! Kerry had become the candidate of choice for Mullahs, North Korean Regime, Taliban & Al Qaeda! While Kerry & Big Fat Rich Boys of DNC were seeking understanding with EU & Terrorists, W was capturing America's Heart by putting America first @ his agenda!

On 2004 Election, as the final blow in the face of Democrats, America had clearly spoken & said No to Socialism, Communism, Islamism, Pacifism, Welfare State, Big Government, Big Spending, High Taxations, Nationalization of Medical Care, Government Bureaucracy of DC & Liberal Views.

While liberals won a line of few states in North East (New England) & West Coast & large cities, GOP won the whole nation! Liberals could not even win one lousy state in south or Midwest! well, they won Delaware, if you consider that south!

Democrats lost the house, senate, governorships & presidency! They lost the presidential election with 3.5 million votes difference! This was the highest turnout in any election during the history of America. They lost with landslide. They lost everything & now GOP is the majority in everywhere & everything.

But instead of learning something from the experience, they wonder where did they go wrong?! Instead of dropping their old policies, they are still screaming sore loser songs & they move more to the left. They simply do not get it that America is simply moving away & faraway from the left. Socialism has no future in America. Artificial Equalization of all the people, distribution of wealth, big expenditures, social engineering of nation, creation of welfare state, affirmative action, nationalization of medical care, High taxation & Big government programs has failed & America is clearly moving to the Right, Democracy, Capitalism, Individualism, Free Markets, and Free Will.

This is only the beginning. After this first 8 years of GOP (Grand Old Party) in power, we are zooming for the next election. We are predicting for GOP to be in charge between 12 to 24 years. And when I say in charge, I mean in charge of everything.

Today, liberals are working on Hillary Clinton & John Edwards as candidates for 2008. Today, we must think about 2008. We must change the constitution, so Foreign born Americans can become president, why not? Constitution must improve with times. Once, slavery was in the constituion but we changed it. GOP is the party of vision & futurism. We must look @ today's world. We are the nation of immigrants & president can also be a immigrant. We must change the constitution by the popular vote & then find a charismatic person, an honest person, a moral person, a good politician, & a popular person @ least as popular as W, to run in 2008. Today we must think about Arnold Schwarzenegger or such person for 2008. Someone who can beat liberals by popular vote. Someone worthy.

GOP must remain the party of visionaries. Visionaries such as Lincoln, Theodore Roosevelt, Great Ronald Reagan (Father of Supply-Side Economics/Destroyer of Communism), & ofcourse W.

Liberals hate W with a passion! He is probably the most hated GOP president in history of US. The more they hate W, the more we love him! What I love about W, is that he is a cowboy, a no nonsense type o guy! Heartland America indeed. He means what he says & he does as he preaches. He Kicks Axe! Hell yes, it is "Axis of Evil" & there is a "Crusaide" going on in the globe, so why sugar coat it, PC garbbage it & liberalize the realities?!

Today, the domination of media by liberals is over, simply because the days of Big Three TV Networks (ABC, NBC, CBS) & Big Time Newspapers (LA Times, New York Times, Chicago Post) & control of liberals on the media is over. Today there are alternatives. Today, people do not have to watch the Clinton's News Network (CNN) if they do not want to! Today there are Cable TV Networks, Talk/News Radio, Internet News Sites, B Loggers, etc. Today there are Giants like FOX News Network on TV, Rush Limbaugh (EIB Networks), Sean Hannity, Bill O'Reilly & others on the Radio, Ann Coulter Books & Web to inform the public. Liberals cannot have the past monopoly by enforcing the FCC to control the media! People like George Soros, Ted Kennedy, Ted Turner, Jane Fonda, Barbara Streisand, Al Franken, Bill Maur, Dan Rather, Michael Moore, Mainstream Media, Time-Warner & Hollywood Elite would love to trurn the clock back to the dark ages of information & liberal controled biased press! However, one cannot turn the clock back & live in the past. Today, we are in Information Age & the whole nation gets more informed due to variety of news sources. Majority of this nation does not believe that a liberal government can protect their national security. For the first time, GOP got the majority of women's votes & Hispanic Votes.

While liberals scream slogans & pretend that they are the protector of the minority rights, women's rights & labor rights, GOP acts for the benefits of minorities. W's cabinet is the most diversed cabinet in the history of USA. We got Women, Blacks, Cubans, Hispanics, Philippinos & minorities filling up the positions. We have giants like a Black Female Secretsary of State (Dr. Condoleezza Rice). There are more black homeownerships during this last 4 years of Bush than ever in the history of America.

They want to pretend that they are the party of people & we are the party of rich. The truth is that hard working ethnic groups, labor, farmers, middle class, working class & blue color workers of America made their choice & they have chosen GOP!

Iranians are the most educated, most professional & wealthiest minority ethnic group in America. We have flooded the Aerospace, medical, information technology, engineering, universities & other technical fields of America with our specialists. Iranian American's who are considered patriots to both Iran & America, have voted GOP; however, business persons seeking profit from trades with IRI & pro dealings with IRI without sanctions, have voted for liberals! Profit Seekers & Wheelers & Dealers, also Petty agents of IRI in USA & the Persian Community voted for Kerry while True Patriots voted for W. Have we expected any different? No proud Persian would vote for DNC.

They want the public to believe that they are the party of Blacks. Welfare recipients, food stamp collectors, unwed teenage mothers, ghetto gangsters, lampoon of the lower classes & Hip Hop Bums, maybe so, .............. but the true hard working, successful Black Americans, who did not get where they are by Affirmative Action & Social Programs & Handouts, remain as GOP members.

General Colin Powells & Dr. Condoleezza Rices & Alan Keys of America reamin as GOP members. GOP remains as the party of Working Blacks & Doers of The Black Community.

Bums, criminals, con artists & Race Card Players such as Reverand Jessie Jacksons & Reverand Al Sharptons of the world, still remain as good members of the Democratic Party.

Democratic party needs to understand that making friends with Hollywood Elite, Mainstream Press, & Washington DC Beurucrats cannot win them elections. They need to connect with everyday Americans. Everyday American does not negotiate the national security of America with Paris or Berlin or United Nation! Everyday Average American does not specifically live in New York or Boston! Everyday American cares about morality, honesty, modesty & compasion, ............. every behavior which they have not seen in DC Elite like Senator Kerry, Kennedy, Edwards, Clintons & others.

W is of the people, same as the average people & could communicate with the people, everyday people of America & thats why we won the election by 3.5 million difference! That number equals the population of a small nation such as an Arab Nation in the Arabian peninsula!

Yes sir, America has clearly spoken & they do not want to sacrifice the American Way for the sake of Foreign Popularity. They want the good old US of A's way, heartland America, Apple Pie & Olg Glory, Home Cooking & Stars & Stripes, Freedom & Capitalism, all in the spirit of America. Everyday American does not want the US president to bend over backward for political correctness, EU, UN, overseas popularity & Terrorism!

Maybe Terrorists can force a regime change & effect the results of the election in Spain & Europe but this here is United States of America, protector of the Freedom & Democracy & leader of the Free World. Al Qaeda cannot make elections like they did in Spain! Osama would have loved Kerry to win! Osama would have loved a "Sensitive War on Terror"! But America has a duty to Americans, All Americans & the World. We do not need to seek help from UN or France. If it wasn't for us, there would have been no France! France would have been a Nazi German Colony! We do not need alliance nor approval of the French! Is this a joke? French do not fight! They would not even fight to free their own land! We had to do it for them! French & Germans & EU do not care about Democracy in Middle East. They only care about their Wheeling & Dealings with petty Dictator Regimes such as Saddam's! They were all happy as long as Saddam would keep the oil comming to Europe. They did not care about prisons, massacres, Kurdish Slaughters, human rights, free elections & democracy. United Nation is a corrupt body of politics who did food for oil deals & pocket the money! France sold arms & technology to Saddam & now to Iran! What do they care about masses in the Middle East?!

We do not need Paris, Berlin or UN's permissions or approval to make a move to protect USA, Democracy, Freedom, Civilization & The World. We are the leader of the free world. We do not need approval ratings of European Union, thus they are regimes caring only about their finances! Their financial needs overlap the urge for freedom & democracy in Middle East. We have a duty to the world. We do not have a duty to answer to Paris or Berlin!

The Iranian American Agenda

As Iranian Americans, our agenda must be based on mass information to other Americans & US Government on the reality of situation in Iran. We must urge the administration to make a move during the next 4 years & preferably as soon as possible. A change of regime in Iran is for the benefit of America, Iran, Administration, Opposition & a stable world. It will be a Win-Win Situation. Islamic Republic of Iran is the central heart of the global Islamist Terrorism. IRI funds, supports, trains & protects Islamist Terrorism all over the world. Al Hamas, Al Jihad, Hizbollah, Sudanese Regime, PLO, Al Fath, Bosnian Islamists, Chechnian Terrorists, Tejik Islamists, Iraqi Shiite, Afghan Shiite, etc. all & all are sattelites of Tehran & IRI.

If we want to destroy global terrorism, we must attack & destroy the heart of it & the heart is Islamic Republic of Iran. Iran is where all the money is comming from. There are @ least 10 Terrorist Training Camps all over Iran. Islamic Revolutionary Guards & Ghods Units train Arabs, Pakistanis, Afghans, Africans, Central Asians & others to become full blown Suicide Bombers & Commandos & then send them to their lands to become active. Now imagine a nuclear Islamic Republic of Iran! Mullahs regime might say that they are stopping the nuclear program but the actual Doing of it, is a completely different thing! You cannot trust Mullahs as far as throwing them in Trash!

The bottom line is that no one cares to stop IRI except us. USA must stop IRI right here & right now. Iranian opposition has failed to make a change in Iran. 25 years of struggle has resulted in a zero. Iranians inside, eventhough they hate the Islamist Regime, yet could not do any better. Iranians inside or outside have failed to overthrow the IRI Regime. But one thing is for sure. Once there will be a US Military Invasion & Liberation, the majority of Iranian population will aid & fight side by side of the US Troops to free Iran. @ least 80% of Iranians are against IRI. 2/3 of Iranians are basicaly under 35 years of age & they will battle the Islamic Regime as long as they know that US Troops will not back down & will overthrow the Islamist Beast. Majority of Iranians hate the Arabo_Islamization of our Persian Land during the last 25 years!

The best time to end the Islamic Republic of Iran's reign is this next 4 years of Bush's Government. We must get W & GOP to make a move. That is the main agenda & everything else & every other discussion & debate can wait for the future. This is our goal. We as Iranian Americans, Iranian Opposition & Iranian People inside or outside Iran have failed to change the Islamic Regime in Iran. Majority of us hate the regime, yet could not organize, unify, arm & plan to get rid of the regime. IRI is almost the same as Nazi Germany. Regime has Elite devoted units & Militia the same as Nazi Germany. Groups like Ghods Units, Sepah Pasdaran, Ansar Hizbollah, Basij, etc. are amongst these groups.These folks will fight to death to protect the regime. The good news is that they are a slim minority yet well armed. The bad news is that opposition is not armed, organized or unified! Only an American Invasion can unify the people/opposition to revolt against the regime. Now it is time for US Government to step forward cause IRI (Islamic Republic of Iran) is no more, an Iranian problem or a local problem, yet a global problem! Global Civilization is in danger! Iran's Islamic Regime acts as the brain for the body of terrorism. It is time to electricute the brain & fry the gray matter!

This is our chance to get the administration to invade Iran & to liberate Iran. This is our chance to fight along American Troops to free Iran. Persoanlly, I will be the first to go back & fight the Islamist Regime, how about you?!

The agenda is the military invasion & liberation of Iran by America & participation of Iranian Americans. Once this happenes, the rest (provisional government, elections & the future democratic regime) will take shape. Unless we manage to remove IRI from face of The Earth, then Human Rights, Democracy, Federalism & Seculrism will remain as only dreams & discussion subjects for Iranians around the globe!

Alas .......

There was a time that when we said we are Iranian, the world had looked @ us with praisal!
Today, when you say you are Iranian, they look @ you as a Lowly Islamist Terrorist!

- We went from the land of Zarathustra, Cyrus, Darius, Xerxes, Nadir Shah, Omar Khayyam, Ferdowsi, Moulana, Reza Shah to the land of Sub Species such as Khomeini, Khamenei & Khatami!
- We went from The Great Persian Empire to the Islamic Republic of Baboons!
It is time to get serious & get with the program.

Let's concentrate on the agenda which is the freedom of Iran.
We must establish a Free, Democratic, Secular & civilized regime in Iran.
We must return Iran to the arms of the global civilization.

More power to All Freedom Fighters of Iran
More power to Resistance

And Freedom for all .............



Last edited by Ahreeman X on Thu Dec 09, 2004 1:28 am, edited 3 times in total.
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Whats your input?

Postby Ahreeman X » Fri Dec 03, 2004 12:34 pm


I want to possibly get your reaction on this issue?

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Postby SoarAndEnvision » Mon Dec 06, 2004 2:12 pm


You make some very strong points in your post. I may have mixed feelings on certain things you touch on but I agree with your main point which I will explain below. I will only suggest that you do not refer to Iranians as a "minority" in America. While Iranians hold their distinct place in the community of course, but the word "minority" has certain racial implications that Iranians, as Caucasians do not represent. However having said that :

Individuals like those who run the islamic republic do not understand reason, only carnage and force. There are a disturbingly large number of Iranians who promote nonviolent methods to overthrow or "reform" the IRI. This is an impossibility and an exercise in over-idealism. Governments such as these will never go away nonviolently and should be seen as an occupational force that is sucking the life and honor out of the Iranian homeland. Unfortunately also this will lead to bloodshed and the horrors of war. It is important to recognize that it is the machinery of the IRI that sowed these seeds 25 years ago. The blood will be on thier traitorous hands forever.

Kindest regards.
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Postby Ahreeman X » Wed Dec 08, 2004 2:25 am

Dear Comrade:

I dig the screen name!

Allow me to address the issues in which you brought up.

I. It is totally understandable for some Iranians to have mixed feelings towards the future United States Invasion/Liberation of Iran; however, once you look @ it from the Iranian American point of view, then you will see where I am coming from. To free Iran is a service for an American, specifically an Iranian American to do for the global civilization.

II. It is also totally understandable for a Nationalist &/or a National Socialist such as yourself, to not be so keen on the term "Minority" for Iranian Americans; however, Iranians are considered an "Ethnic Minority" in United States and they are not a "Racial Minority" in the states. In addition, have in mind that Iran is a huge country & even though the majority are racialy White Aryans or Mixed Whites, yet there are many races existing in Iran. Turkmens (Orientals), Blacks (South), Indians (South East), Arab Hemites (South West), Jewish Semites, Mixed Races, etc. are amongst some of them. So any Iranian is not necessarily a White Raced person, set aside being an Aryan! And indeed not any White Iranian is necessarily an Aryan! Do you see my point? Of course we are talking Raciology here.

III. I strongly believe that us, as the Iranian Opposition have failed to free Iran. 25 years of vegetating & bashing each other on & off the net is enough. It often seems like the different Opposition Groups hate each other more than they hate IRI.

Put an Iranian Monarchist, Mojahed, Communist, Socialist, Republican, Nationalist, Social Democrat, National Socialist, Fascist, and Freelance Muslim, all in one room together for 3 hours & see what will happen?!

As I have always said:

Have one Iranian & you will get ingeniuty & creativity.
Have two Iranians & you will get disagreement & conflict.
Have three Iranians & you will get Chaos & Anarchy!

Yes my friend, and that is why we do need United States of America's Military Invasion of IRI, to get us unified or best said, force us to unite & fight side by side the American Forces to free Iran & then to form a provisional government & then to conduct elections & etc.

We need the American Interference as an Spark Plug to jump start a "Change". Otherwise each opposition group will continue jumping on other group's throats & write garbage on their Internet Websites for another 25 years! This stage of vegetation has been going on for 25 years! Trust me, I know my people pretty well!

Many Iranians due to either pride, ignorance or servitude of IRI, may disagree with me; however, everyone deep in their hearts, know that this is our only alternative!

IV. Now in regards to "Pacifism". Pacifism acts as Syphilis. It is contagious & a Pacifist can be a carrier of the disease around the community. Pacifists are often weak people with no guts & deffinitly no Balls! Eventually Pacifism attacks the brain cells & by then it will be too late! Pacifism @ it's final stages shows up as Long Haired Wus Balls carrying Peace Signs + No War Signs & wearing Canves T-Shirts peddling themselves for donations on university campuses & shouting: "Bush Lied, Kids Died" or other garbage! A pacifist also acts as a leech clinging to society such as a parasite without effecting any meaningful changes in the process. The Shakers & Doers of the society, often have to detach & throw these leeches away to make a progress. A Leftist Liberal Environmentalist Wacko Pacifist, is the Pacifist of the worst kind!

Personas of Unshakable Determinations are not often pacifists.

Thanks for your input & keep real.

More power to resistance

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Postby Irani » Thu Dec 09, 2004 9:50 am

Only Iranians can free Iran!

If the US would attack Iran it would just mean destruction of Iranian cities and Blodshed, if 100.000 were killed in Iraq 1.000.000 would be killed in Iran, is that what you want,dr.x?

Iranians can all unite like this http://60000000.com/

While Iranians have many diffrent views everybody agrees that this constitution and regime is wrong. With some effort they can enlighten those who are brainwashed by this regime and make them understand that they havent done anything good for our country. They support this regimes religious views but what about the economy?
no, i dont think so, this regime is so corrupt that the people dont even get half of the 7000 GDP. But dont forget that the real hezb-allahis arent probably more than 10-15% so in a real election they wouldnt get much power.

It is easy for us in the west who sits in our comfortable homes to wish for war, it is not as fun for those living in Iran. We have done one revolution wich was high-jacked by the Mullahs, we can do it again.
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Why Are We Doomed?!

Postby Ahreeman X » Thu Dec 09, 2004 8:31 pm

Why Are We Doomed?!

Liberal Left has no tolerance!
(A case study in sociology)

Let me tell you about the ills of our society to make a point related to this topic.

Liberal left has no tolerance of anything except their own rhetorics. Liberal left is used to call anyone on the right, names such as Fascist, Nazi, Racist, etc.

Let me give you an example. During the times that even Jebhe Meli forum is shy to censor anymore posts, yet certain "Bang & Meat Market" forums/sites are bold enough to keep on censoring people's posts.

I do not want to advertise for this pitiful Bozo confused liberal child out of college & his Bang & Salavat website by even posting links to his site here, but I simply have to mention this issue which is one of the greatest ills of the Iranian Society. Well what the hell, let me grant more advertisement to this kid! Ahreeman is generous!

IPC Office have released this announcement & sent it to political parties of Iran & posted it in all the Iranian Forums. No one except this "Alef Bache", typical "Bache Susul" intolerant socialist Bozo Liberal in Canada deleted our post.

This was the original post:
http://iranpoliticsclub.net/club/viewto ... 873ffbe2e5

This is the Bozo's Website:

This is his Meat Market Forum for Iranian Idiots:
http://s6.invisionfree.com/persia/index ... topic=2066

Check out on how he deleted the informing IPC Office's post & the way he twisted the subject by posting a text out of context into one of my humor pieces in IPC Website & got the conclusion that I am a Nazi (because I support Bush)! So the Bozo deleted IPC's post, shamelessly twisted the subject to protect Islam & then accused me of being a Nazi & of course "Generalized" IPC in a way that everyone in IPC is supposedly a follower of my ideas! And of course check out the irrelevant idiotic posts of the people on this forum regarding The Lion & Sun Emblem! They compared Our Lion & Sun with a mirage of Goddess Mithra in the sun to Maddona (Pop Whore) on fire or so!


Do you still wonder why majority of Iranians are so westoxicated (outside) or Arabtoxicated (inside) to even think straight? They mock their own Persian Gulf or Lion & Sun logo! This is what we as the Nationalists & Free Thinkers & thinking Body of this nation must deal with, a bunch of lost intoxicated bozos! This is typical liberal left.

And I keep on encouraging our members to not go head to head with these lost souls, thus it is a waste of time. You cannot turn a Guspand or Gav to a thinking human being!

A Bit History

After IPC Office has informed me of this episode & their trade of posts, I wanted to ignore this issue because it is irrelevant to the cause but then again it makes a great example of the "Iranian Cultural Infection", specifically the Arabo_Islamic roots of it.

This Bozo (Bodazy) or Bo-Daisy or Bo-Disney or Bo Deadly or whatever, was once an IPC member. He started his web episodes with IPC Club. He made a few pages of web design & then he mass advertised for his silly site all over IPC club. As always, we support Iranians & Iranian Businesses, so we wanted him & his site to grow; therefore we added his links in IPC Central:

IPC Central

We put his links in different sections of forums, sites, etc. just to support the kid. Eventually he opened up a little forum using some free hosting with much technical problems to promote his silly site. His role model was Iranian.com, & Jahanshah Javid or such. He wanted to grow up to become like Javid & his site. Little less that he knew, even Iranian.coms of the Iranian community are simply Gossip Columns or Meat Markets in a larger frame!

So now, the kid finally made a two bit website & during the time that he was an IPC member, we always supported him to grow. Now as soon as he made a Bang & Salavat Website like the rest of the Iranian Gossip Columns & Tabloids, he started to feel like God! As usual the Office posts our informative posts all over the net. The funny thing is that this Bodazy or Bozo was the only one who deleted office's post!

My point is this:

You know & I know that through the years we shoved the respect for freedom of speech to Iranian forums & political groups. After years of pratically injecting Democracy to these little Thug forums, they begun to grasp the concept. Little by little we held them by the hand & introduced them to Democracy. Jebhe Meli forum & organization was the perfect example! They deleted achers of our posts & many of our members discussed a lenghty useless discussion with these guys. The funny thing is that this Bozo's site is practically nothing in Iranian politics (same as Iranian.com); however, this Bozo in Canada who believes he is Che Guevara, & his Arabo_Muslim Fascisto_Islamist moderator found the nerves to delete our post! He deleted our post, the post of the same people who helped him to grow in IPC!

This is a plane shame! this action is irrelevant to us, to Iranian politics & to future of Iran. Little Pee-On kids like this Bozo & his site cannot hurt us or the opposition by deleting our posts. Even Javid & his Grocery Store, old forum did not hurt anything when they deleted IPC Office's post,

These forums come & these forums go .........
Payvands, Iranian.coms & tens like them come & go

But we been there from the begining & we are here now & we will be here in the future.
Even after a great hit by IRI & close down of our old forum for months, we are back & we are here to stay.

.... but the issue here is a matter of principle. I am talking to you about principles. Principles are what majority of our infected culture does not have. Brother screws brother & son screws the father. Why would you bite the hand that fed you? And why on Earth would you delete a political announcement? You see, I simply do not understand the concept! Why is it that people like Jahanshah Javid or this Bodazy Guy are like this? What makes them behave like this? Is it years or decades of complex (Oqdeh), inferiority complex, being ignored by public, envy or simply heart of Evil? Why are they behaving like this? Are they seeking fame or want to be relevant in public eyes? What makes them tick? Why do we Iranians act like this?

Why is it that when someone creates a TV Station, Newspaper, Magazine, Website, Rug Gallery, Ice Cream Company, Taxi Service or etc., then suddenly we have to go & open 100 more like it to screw up the field of business & then again instead of cooperation, we bite each other like wild dogs? That is why for instance there are tens of Iranian Sattelite TV Stations with baseless garbage as programing but they will not work together to create one lousy contentful, informative & meaningful TV Station on Cable like Mexican or Chinese do & for their community to enjoy!

Why would some Bozo like this guy accuse me of making a buck by Internet hits & putting Iranian singles add next to my political article, when all of it is false & IPC Website is not even a commercialize site?! What would he gain by saying these things? What have I ever done to him but to support him to grow? Why is he or likes of him accuse me of financial benefit seeking while I spend 25 years of my life for the Iranian Opposition & spent a great amount of my own money & my family's money for this opposition & for the cause? Let me refresh your memory:

"I have as many knife marks on my body (for entangling with Hizbollah), as combine members of the leadership of Jebhe Meli hypocrites have hair on their heads!"

You see my friends, these are the reasons that once more I am proving my case to all of you. We, as Iranians & Iranian Opposition or even everyday Iranian Wanna be Businessmen like this guy, have failed to bring IRI down, & why is that? Because each of us hate each other & hate other's political opinion more than we hate the Mullahs, & thats why we are doomed to beg America to invade Iran & to free Iran.

No sir, if petitions, artificial gatherings in DC & LA, facade of superficial alliances, political websites, & sweet talks or Non Violence would work, they would have been working by now! 25 years have past & we are still banging on each others heads in Exile! We even hate each other for no reason @ all!

Once my comrade Admzad told me that he was seriously disappointed with Iranians that he would not even talk to one, for a decade! Do you see where he was coming from? I do not want to be a pessimist but look @ what we have to look forward to everyday?

I want to know one thing:

Why is it that every time an Iranian Nationalist stood up to do something for his nation & people, everytime someone went through heavy heartache & paid a heavy price & fought for years to accomplish something for Iran & Iranians, he ended up with a Shiity head of the stick?

How come every time anyone tried to do something for this God Forsaken nation, they trashed his name, broke his heart, bashed him & isolated him & abandoned him?

Do you need examples? Where should I start?

Reza Khan, Hoveyda, Dr. Fereydoun Farokhzad, etc..................

Why do we do this to our own people? To our own flesh & blood? What is wrong with our infected culture, this Arabized culture, this Arabo_Islamic infection that makes us forget our Persianhood? Is this what the good Iranian, the pure Iranian, the clean Iranian that Zarathustra Espitmata was talking about? Is this what left of us as a nation? A group of Exiled homeless gypsies scattered around the world who cannot go back to their home & a group of Inxiled (Internal Exile) lap dogs who are being abused & treated like 2nd rate citizens in their own home land?

We do not even have a home! Why are we so proud, so vein, so egotistic, thinking we are the God Gift to the world? We are homeless bums with no nation, no flag, no language & no culture! We are slaves to Arabo_Muslim Half Breeds of Qom!

"Government of each nation is a representative of that nation"

"Therefore, We deserve IRI."

This is a plane shame!

I hope eventually we manage to clean our culture from the roots, so once more, we can call ourselves civilized human beings & good Iranians such as Zaratushtra used to refer to us!

Do we have anything better to do but to hurt each other & damage one another?

But I still have the faith in our struggle & our yourh,
In hope of better days.

More power to resistance

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Ey Irani!

Postby Ahreeman X » Fri Dec 10, 2004 2:39 am

Ey Irani:

How are you? Why don't you go to Introduction room & properly introduce yourself so we get to know you better & get to know your political, economical, philosophical ideology better. But make sure to take your shoes off near the door before entering the room! The Persian Rugs are new & you do not want to piss off Camran Mirza! Then go to Islam room & check out my latest article on Shiite Islam & tell me what do you think about it?! We want to know where are you coming from?

If you want to know where I am coming from, then just read the IPC Website. My life story is in there. All the herbs & spices are in there!! OK enough greetings, lets roll:

"Only Iranians can free Iran!"

In long term yes, & its called "The Moral Revolution:

http://iranpoliticsclub.net/club/viewto ... 75a3fc935b

However, I do not believe that many such as I, want to wait for decade more such as 70 years in USSR, to gain freedom! Let me put it this way, I am willing to even make a deal with Devil or anyone else to gain my goal. I would like to see a free Iran while we are amongst the living & practically I do not want to wait another 25 years.

"If the US would attack Iran it would just mean destruction of Iranian cities and Bloodshed, if 100.000 were killed in Iraq 1.000.000 would be killed in Iran, is that what you want,dr.x?"

No everlasting peace has ever been achieved without sacrifice, bloodshed & effort. There would have been no United States of America if my patriots & our founding fathers would not battle bravely against the British. No one is going to hand you a Free, Democratic, Federal & Secular Iran on a platter like Hollywood Movies! Our people do not have the means (arms & will) to commit to a revolution & our opposition including myself have been fighting a hopeless battle for 25 years in hope of unification of our forces & we failed.

I have not a slight problem with bloodshed for a higher cause of freedom. Bloodshed builds character. Battle is good for the soul & Fighting spirit avoids us to become fat, feeding on Persian Food! Whats wrong with that? Its pretty athletic indeed! the problem with Iranians is that they have degenerated & lost their place in the world. Inside, you got 3,000,000 part time & full time prodtitutes, another 3 million drug addicts, another 3 million dealers & petty criminals, 3 million more sex slaves & party addicts, 3 million liquidy so & so intellectual heavy metal & rocker crowd, & 3 more million scaredy cats in silence & the rest of the nation are thieves, corrupts & con artists. Do not even let me start on the Iranians outside! You see, we have become too soft & thats why The Persian Empire has become the Armpit of the World named IRI.

We need Spirits of Kheshayari, Shapouri, Naderi, Aqa Mohamad Khani & Reza Khani with a lot of Balls & Guts to regain our place in the world. Pacifism has brought us Disgrace.

My main problem with our buddy, Reza Pahlavi is that he is trying to conduct a political campaign from the Kitchen of his house as a Gourmet Chef or from his nursery as Mr. Mom! Now it is fine a dandy that he is a great cook & a good father but cooking Persian Cusine in the kitchen & making babies every couple of years in the hope of making a son, will not bring us the freedom of Iran. I could only wish for Reza Pahlavi to have @ least a tenth of the spirit of his Grand Father, Reza Khan.

What we lacking is a Shahriyar-e Shafiq (Ahura Bless) type o guy to lead this opposition. I cannot stand pacifists! I hope Reza Pahlavi does something about his pacifist weak image!

"Nejabat, Kesafat miavarad!"

bloodshed is good for the soul. Nothing revives the soul & body like a Good WAR, a Good Fight, a Good Physical Activity or Combat. I love Martial Arts, Boxing, Hand to hand Combat or any physical activity. The bloodier, the better! Ale Luya!

Would I have any problem with 1,000,000 Iranians getting killed to free Iran, you ask? Personally, I believe this is total estimation & unreal exageration. There would never be as much casualty in Iran as there was/is in Iraq, simply because majority of Iranians would either rise up with US backing, fight along with US forces, support US Troops or the least stay neutral in their homes. The difference between Iran & Iraq is that Iranians by majority will welcome a US Invasion so there will be not as much casualty. However there will be a good amount of casualty in the ranks of Regime, meaning Hizbollah, Basij, Qods, Pasdaran & Mullahs. The high ranking Mullahs would fly the scene after a short while & escape to Lebanon, Cayman Islands, South America & so on. They will shave, shower, take off the robe & turban & walk around as human beings enjoying their billions. The rest of Umma' of Allah will fight a hard core battle to death because they know if they lose the fight, the people will slaughter them for 25 years history of murder! Now back to your question. Do I mind mass slaughtering a million of Maktabi Islamist in battlefield? Of course not! I told you, I will be the first in Mehr Abad with a platoon of my comrades armed with machine guns! A Good WAR is something that I never refuse to enjoy! I grew up with knives & guns! Violence keeps the body in shape. The problem with our nation is that we are too comfort seeking & turned too soft.

I tell you what? I would not even mind 2,000,000 Iranians being killed to free our land. Of course, this is all hypothetic & according to military specialists, veterans & my strudies, there will never be casualties more than Iraq. and there will always be casualties of war & civilians will die. Well, thats the price to be paid for freedom.

"Iranians can all unite like this http://60000000.com/"

Allow me to ask how old are you? Cause we been there & we done that for 25 years! To unite the Iranian opposition is very close to a dream. We tried for 5 years in IPC to do so. On the other hand, petitions, demonstrations, negative struggle, non violence, etc. are all a waste of time. Now if Iranians would commit to a general Sit Outs, Civil Disobedient, General Strike & ultimate Uprising, rebellion & riot ending to a Revolution, then in a short time our goals would be achieved but Iranians by no means are willing to uprise or even general strike.

On the other hand, IRI forces, unlike what many unrealistic comrades of ours believe, are not mosquitos, ants or flies! IRI forces are well trained, blind faithed, obedient soldiers of Allah who will fight to the last drop of blood to save Islam. You cannot overthrow IRI with petitions & UN Commisions.

So in a nutshell, I believe it will take less than Iraqi casualties to finish IRI; however, one or two million death, No Problemo my man.

Kill them all, let Allah sort them all!

Shoot first, & do not even ask questions later!

Praise Allah!

"While Iranians have many different views everybody agrees that this constitution and regime is wrong. With some effort they can enlighten those who are brainwashed by this regime and make them understand that they haven't done anything good for our country."

Now I know for sure that you are a young fellow, aren't you? Irani jan, this here is called politics & we here are one of the "Doers" in Iranian Politics. There are very few of us. Majority of Iranians inside or outside are all talk. We been @ this battle for 25 years. What you preach, makes a good screen play or story for commic books & Hollywood. The kind with happy endings that is!

"They support this regimes religious views but what about the economy? no, i dont think so, this regime is so corrupt that the people dont even get half of the 7000 GDP. But dont forget that the real hezb-allahis arent probably more than 10-15% so in a real election they wouldnt get much power."

The total number of Hizbollahis including:

Fundamentalists (Khamenei's crew)
Moderates (Rafsanjani & Kar Gozaran's crew)
Reformists (Khatami's crew)

are no more than 20% of Iranian population. If there will be 20% Neutral, then @ least 60% are against the regime which means they are opposition (opposing the regime). They are silent now but once the US invades & arms them, there will be no stopping in them to mass slaughter the Hezboz.

"It is easy for us in the west who sits in our comfortable homes to wish for war,"

My friend, speak for yourself. Go read some IPC Website & understand my background. I have a history of hand to hand combat with Hizbollah wither in their rallies or our (opposition) rallies in America during the last 25 years on & off university campuses. In addition I ran a good number of various political missions cross Atlantics.

I have as many knife marks on my body as the total number of Jebhe Kachalan-e Meli's leadership have hair on their heads!

I even have a knife mark one inch to my Haji Kuchike! Hizbollah almost missed cutting Haji Kuchike! Praise Allah! I am used to violence & it is the best workout to keep in shape.

There is nothing better than cracking some Hezboz Skull. It is kind o like Rice Crispies but rather than sounding like:

Snap Crackle Pop
it goes kind o like:
Snap Allah Crackle Pop!

The more Hizbollahi to rumble with in the street, the more excitement & joys for the soul & body!

" it is not as fun for those living in Iran."

Yes, the majority of those living in Iran are used to Islamic Slavery & for Mullahs to bang on their heads. They rather remain slaves for another 25 years. It is called The Culture of Captivity. They been captives for 25 years & they are used to act like lap dogs of Mullahs!

Our comrades, commandos & student movement in Iran are a slim minority who are on the front line of our battle. Majority of Iranians inside are slaves to Alchole, Opium, Heroin, Ciggarretts, Sex, Party, Prostitution, Addiction, glotney, laziness, a Mediocare life, & degeneracy of living in silence under the Islamic Beast.

Do not think for a second that Iranians inside are Super Heroes! Opposition inside is a very slim minority. Even though majority of nation is against IRI & is considered opposition, yet they are the silent majority & not The Active Opposition. Do not even expect me to credit our degenerated comfort seeking Iranians living inside as Super Heroes or expect me to give them medalions!

They are nothing but slaves, used to culture of slavery & awaiting America or us (Opposition outside) to rescue them!

" We have done one revolution which was high-jacked by the Mullahs, we can do it again."

You have done no revolution or such.


Revolution = A Move forward towards progress
Reaction = A Move backwards towards dark ages

You have done a Reaction & it called The Reaction of 1979. Any forces & all forces who participated in Reaction of 1979 to bring Mullahs to power, were & are considered Reactionary unless they saw the light & turned against the regime like Mojahedin.

Revolution is 1917 Russia, 1776 America, etc.

1979 Iran was a Reaction but Mullahs were too smart, much smarter than every simpleton of In-Tell-Egg-Chew-Alls of the left thought! Jebheis, Tudehis, Meli Mazhabi & other Dayus thought that they could tricck the Mullahs & take over the power but we saw who was smarter & who got the last laugh!

People like Amir Entezam are still rotting in Jails of Khomeini for the crimes they committed against the masses of Iran.

People like Forouhars already have paid dearly for the crimes that they have committed against the masses of Iran.

Yes sir, 1979 was far from a Revolution. It took us back decades. It was not high jacked by the Mullahs, but it was well planed from the beginning by the Mullahs. The only fools who did not see it, were the simpletons who participated with Mullahs for opportunism, money & power. Eg: Bazargan, Forouhar, Amir Entezam, Sanjabi, & the whole leadership of Jebhe Meli of criminals.

I believe I have clarified my stands pretty well! Any other comments or questions dear sir?

Thanks for your input.

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Postby IIRF » Sun Dec 12, 2004 2:12 pm

"Now that we got W elected, we need to concentrate on encouraging the administration to start a full blown military invasion of Iran. It is crucial for us to do our best to push the administration for the liberation of Iran."

This is insulting and totally uncalled for my friend. Why do you think that Bush will free Iran? You actually think the US gvt cares about OUR COUNTRY or FUTURE? DO you honestly think that they will spend BILLIONS of dollars to free us from mullahs and not get something in it for them? The current state of which the US gvt is in, they can NOT be trusted. Afghanistan was not for the Taliban but for opium and oil, opium production has increased by 60% after american invasion. Iraq wasnt for saddam, the WMD were the same ones the US gave him to use on OUR PEOPLE ( chemical weapons , sarin gas) The first things the american army secured were the oil production faculities.

Wake up my friend, the only ones out there who care are TRUE IRANIANS, those are the people who we should be uniting with and supporting and being alongside with them when we march upon the islamic republic. When you look into history, it proves when Iranians are united we can ACCOMPLISH anything no matter the odds. WHy would you support bush, who is the same or maybe even worse than the mullahs? why would you lower yourself to hand over your NATIONS future to a man who has lied to the world, and sleeps at night knowing he is respobsible for millions of deaths and the decline of so many countries?

Long Live Shahanshah!

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Postby Liberator » Sun Dec 12, 2004 2:51 pm

Dear IIRF,

I have one question for you. Do you believe in a nation's right to defend it's country and citizens?

If so, do you not see the Islamic Republic occupying Iran as a threat to other nations ESPECIALLY now that it has a nuclear weapons programme that the IAEA has turned a blind eye towards? With statements such as Israel will be wiped off the map with all the Jews and only a small portion of muslims will be killed been given out by leaders of the terrorist Islamic Republic do you not sense the danger? With innocent israelis, americans....being killed by the Islamic Republic's proxies do you not sense the danger? With "martyrs brigades" being created to carry out suicide missions against American, Israeli.... targets do you not feel that the nation's which the IRI has declared war upon have a right to defend themselves? With chants of "Death to America" and statements that western civilization has to be eliminated by the leaders of the Islamic Republic do you not feel there is a need for USA, Israel..... to protect themselves? and a thousand other examples...

At this moment in time the U.S., Israel or any other nation that has been threatened by the Islamic Republic has the right to defend his/her nation. No matter if you or me like it. The Iranian people can avert any type of military action by uniting and overthrowing this regime, but 25 years on we are still waiting.

Ba Sepaas
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Postby IIRF » Sun Dec 12, 2004 3:22 pm

Dear Compatriot,

I respect what you say but you must understand today's world is very complicated and this has to do with politics.The American gvt is fully aware of Iran's capabilities and if they were a real threat trust me they would have actually bombed the nuclear plant the moment they knew Iran did actully pose a threat, no nation would even do anything about because it has been proven that the American gvt can invade a country with false accusations and get away with it. I do believe in the right for a nation to defend it self but I also believe in the right to defend Iran when i know if we let American forces into Iran not only will it cause us more harm but also put us and our future at the mercy of the american gvt. At this current state of the American GVT, they can NOT be trusted. The mullahs are puppets to them as the Americans profit from their regime. This is not about war on terrorism but who controls the wealth of the world (oil) at this moment.
Long Live Shahanshah!

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Postby Liberator » Sun Dec 12, 2004 5:25 pm

Dear IIRF,

The American gvt is fully aware of Iran's capabilities and if they were a real threat trust me they would have actually bombed the nuclear plant the moment they knew Iran did actully pose a threat

Is the USA "all-knowing"? Does the IRI report to the US government on their terrorist activities and nuclear weapons programme?! The programme was condcuted under ground for 20 years if you remember well. It is just recently that the rapid speed the IRI has taken to aquire nuclear weapons has been discovered.

I do believe in the right for a nation to defend it self but I also believe in the right to defend Iran

In that case why are Iranians not defending their country? They are a people under "foreign" occupation, far worst than any American invasion could be (my personal view) especially the psychological/cultural implications this regime has had on the Iranians!
"Some" say they will go and defend Iran if the USA invades Iran, I say why wait to defend Iran until the USA invades!!?? Iran has already been invaded! it is already under occupation! and we are already being massacred like sheep! imprisoned! tortured! silenced! and our country is already going towards SHIITE!
No Iranian patriots would say such a ludricuous statement, knowing that their country is already under occupation! If they are patriots they would stand up and shout that their country is under occupation and that they will go and kick the bastards out (and then ofcourse take action)! I say to those who say that they would fight the USA if they invade, to take the first plane to Iran and fight the Islamic Regime if you really are Iranian patriots concerned of our motherland!

As long as the mollah's are in power there will be a threat to the world, to the Iranian people and it will HAVE to be DEALT with severly once and for all.

Ba Sepaas
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Who is Iran's Friend?!

Postby Ahreeman X » Mon Dec 13, 2004 11:23 am

To IIRF Representative:

In the name of Resistance to Tyranny,

Lets continue this enlightening debate,

"This is insulting and totally uncalled for my friend. Why do you think that Bush will free Iran? You actually think the US gvt cares about OUR COUNTRY or FUTURE? DO you honestly think that they will spend BILLIONS of dollars to free us from mullahs and not get something in it for them?"

I said, I am a Realist, not an idiot! Bush Administration is the only hope to free Iran. Bush Administration will not do it for spiritual reasons & love of Ahuramazda! Bush Administration will do it because:

a) To defend America against IRI & Islamists by destroying the Heart of Islamists which is IRI.

b) For future Free Markets of Iran to invest & make Billions of Dollars.

c) To End Islamist Extremism in the region to make it safe for America to do business.

d) To continue spreading the wave of Democracy in the region, so lawful regimes will gain power.

e) For the latest policy of "The New World Order".

Thats why America will free Iran or @ least Bush Administration with a lot of push from us, might do it in the next four years. Thats why Bush, GOP & US Administration are our best hope & best chance to free Iran.

What do you think I am? Some Bozo from other side of mountain that you are debating with on yet another useless Iranian Forum?! I been there & done that & spent 25 years of my life fighting for this opposition, long enough to know that True Nationalists & Fighters of Iran are Orphans & have no one to help them! The least of all, are the Iranian Businessmen & Billionare Capitalists who would never lift a finger to help us. The least of all are the majority of Iranian "Bi Hal" & Mediocare masses inside & outside Iran who would prefer to stay in slavery of Allah than to lift a finger to help us free them! We have no one & nobody to help us! We are doomed Orphan Annies!

Do you think I expected a massive response & return & enthusiasm, when I planned this Blue Print to create The Iranian Resistance Army Corp? Do you think I am a dreamer? From the start, I knew that I will get positive response from only a few Capitalists, media & Fighters & Lovers of Iran. Majority of Iranian Capitalists only care about their own finances. They rather spend their money on a new Ferrari than to send me half a million for creation of this army to put between 10 to 20 thousands fighting men together to free Iran. What do they care about freedom of Iran?! Do you think I have counted on your so called Shahanshah & Hard-Core Monarchists of LA or DC to help me? The last people on Earth who would lift a finger to help me are he Extreme Dogmatic Monarchists. The only Monarchists who ever helped me & the cause, where either Ex Imperial Generals & Officers, or "Moderate" logical Monarchists. The average Career Exilist slogan shouter, Javid Shah preacher, Blind Faithed Monarchist would never help me cause they are pretty happy with what they got here! They are comfortable living in USA & they have much better means of life than they had in Iran. They collect their retirments from Iran & they collect their Social Security from America & still get to leave their capitals in the bank & collect interest! They got their real estate & stock market going & they got it made so why help me to free Iran?! But they are good @ screaming Javid Shahanshah in Dariush Concerts, Cabaret Tehran, Sizdah Be Dar in the parks, & once a Blue Moon Political Rallies in front of federal buildings! But once we really want to get everyone on the track to free Iran, once we actually want to hold a campaign to build a army, we see no one will come to hold our greeting hands!

No one is up to it! We have nobody! There are only a few of us inside & outside Iran who are truely wanting to Do something to free Iran. These great Iranians did spit in the face of Shahriar Shafiq, Kourosh Aryamanesh & Reza Khan. They made the true Nationalists of Iran to cry for Iran @ the airport while leaving Iran, ill with cancer & a broken heart! Remember that moment when Alahazrat left Iran?

Do you think when time comes to get down & dirty in the trenches to fight for Iran, your so called Shahanshah will help me? Do you think the rest of your good Monarchists will help me? Do you think Dariush Homayoun will help me? Do you think Dr. Oskui will help me? Do you think any Monarchist Career Exilist will help me? There will be only a few Ex Generals & Officers of the Imperial Forces & a few young patriotic Monarchists whom as usual would stand up & shake my hand & help me to overthrow IRI, thats all. The complete weight of fighting the battles of this opposition has always been on the shoulders of a few & then the funny thing is that this opposition does not even support the True Fighters of Iran! These Iranians would even pick up a hammer & bang on the heads of any one who ever tried to lift a finger for Iran! Remember how they slandered Farokhzad & Bakhtiar & broke their hearts?! This is Iranians for you!

How can you help a nation who does not want to help herself?!

Give me the answer & I will be in your debt forever!

"The current state of which the US gvt is in, they can NOT be trusted. Afghanistan was not for the Taliban but for opium and oil, opium production has increased by 60% after american invasion. Iraq wasnt for saddam, the WMD were the same ones the US gave him to use on OUR PEOPLE ( chemical weapons , sarin gas) The first things the american army secured were the oil production faculities. "

This is typical Conspiracy Theorist Middle Easterno_Iraniano talk which is very popular in Iran! This is based on LaLa Land Theories made up in the minds of the people of region!

"Wake up my friend, the only ones out there who care are TRUE IRANIANS, those are the people who we should be uniting with and supporting and being alongside with them when we march upon the islamic republic. "

The only people whom are sleep & do not give a flying Fandango about Iran, are majority of these Good Iranians! They are happy with their slave Lifestyle inside Iran & Gypsy lifestyle outside Iran!

The only choice that people like me have is Bush Administration & American Invasion. We have no one else to help us! We are Orphans. The True Fighting Opposition of Iran are only a slim minority with no one to help them. There is very few of us in universities of Iran, in private sector of Iran & in Exile trying to actually Do something for Iran.
"When you look into history, it proves when Iranians are united we can ACCOMPLISH anything no matter the odds."

When you look in history, you will see that there were always folks like a Reza Khan who saved the moment! Unfortunately today there is no Reza Khan! When you look in the history, you will see that there were always Foreign Influence who made a change for better or worst! Today we are trying to use that Foreign Influence for some good! Reza Khan done the same! Reza Khan used the British Backing & Russian Blessing to gain power. British & Russians enjoyed the safe & secure markets of the Newly Created Pahlavi Iran, while Reza Khan used both of them to create The New Industiral Iran. It was a Win-Win Situation for Reza Khan & Foreigners. We want to do the same with Bush Administration.

" WHy would you support bush, who is the same or maybe even worse than the mullahs? why would you lower yourself to hand over your NATIONS future to a man who has lied to the world, and sleeps at night knowing he is responsible for millions of deaths and the decline of so many countries? "

Because Bush is the best "Iranian" that I see around who is willing to help me!


The future of Iran has never been decided by Iranians! The future of Iran had always been decided by a few Worthy men such as Reza Khan or decisions made in London or Washington. Iranians as a whole, are one of the most passive people left on Earth, yet with egos & mouths larger than life!

"I respect what you say but you must understand today's world is very complicated and this has to do with politics.The American gvt is fully aware of Iran's capabilities and if they were a real threat trust me they would have actually bombed the nuclear plant the moment they knew Iran did actully pose a threat, no nation would even do anything about because it has been proven that the American gvt can invade a country with false accusations and get away with it. I do believe in the right for a nation to defend it self but I also believe in the right to defend Iran"

Yes, we want to defend our heritage or whats left of it & we see the only hope is Bush! Our own people will not lift a finger to help us! Thanks to Iranians, we been fighting a losing battle for 25 years & adding! We are tired of listening to these Iranian Opposition Feeders (Leaders) & their empty slogans!

You hear them scream on the media:

Cho Iran nabashad, tan-e man mabad,
Be din bum o bar, zendeh yek tan mabad!

But in reality they are screaming:

Cho Iran nabashad, be tokhmam ke nist!
Ravam jaye digar, zamin qaht nist!

Action means a thousand words & Iranian Opposition Feeders & Sleepy Masses of Iran have been waiting for a miracle to happen for 25 years! Iranian Capitalists in the Industry do not even care to put their money where their mouth is!

" when i know if we let American forces into Iran not only will it cause us more harm but also put us and our future at the mercy of the american gvt. At this current state of the American GVT, they can NOT be trusted."

Nothing is worst than IRI.

American Invasion/Liberation of Iran, will @ least bring Free Elections & Democracy to Iran for the first time during the last 8000 years history of Iran! It will be the best thing since sliced bread for Iran!
" The mullahs are puppets to them as the Americans profit from their regime."

Are you going towards Fantasy Land again? For how long will Iranians sit down & create Conspiracy Theories & shift the blame onto Foreign Powers & Forces of outside?!

At one time, Democrats made a grave mistake & created the Bastard Child of IRI for political reasons. Today GOP sees only fit to Kill this bastard child whom been created by Democrats! Our duty as Iranian Americans are to agitate this situation & push the administration as much as we can cause slightly & frankly, that is the only hope we have!

" This is not about war on terrorism but who controls the wealth of the world (oil) at this moment."

And La Didi Da and La Didi Doo my friend! I have heard it before a thousand times from our Grand Parents and so on ............

Let me be frank with you:

I rather have put the faith of Iran in the hands of a True Patriot, with a great Will Determination, high morality, firm stand against Islamist Terrorism, Highly educated (Harvard), knows business (been CEO of a Corporation), have sincere values, and means business, than to put it in the hands of someone with non of the above qualities such as your appointed Shahanshah who was crowned by you folks in Exile & been vegetating for 25 years & never has lift a finger to help any move to free Iran!

The same goes for the rest of the "All Talk and No Action" Career Exilist Monarchists residing in the west!

"Long Live Shahanshah! "

Yes, More power to those who earned this title in the history of Iran. More power to Great Shahanshah Cyrus, Darius, Xerxes, Shapur, Yaqub Leis, Nader, Reza Khan & others ..........
The Real & True Shahanshahs.

Dear Activist Friend, we need to stop our fixations on any False Super Hero, may it be Mosadeq, Rajavi or your Reza Shah-e Dovom!

My purpose is to free Iran. I worship only Iran. I don't Hero Worship. I don't get fixated on someone, specially someone not worthy!

Anyone who needs my respect, must earn it. I am not an idol worshiper!

"Our people need to shout less slogans and Take more Action!"

Thanks for your input & sincere offer to help. I appreciate your sense of Nationalism & Good Heart. We will keep in touch.

Now, what say you?

More power to Resistance

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Postby IIRF » Mon Dec 13, 2004 5:40 pm

Dear AhreemanX,

You say of how we Iranians should unite and free Iran but how can we achieve that when not only do you disrespect our organization but also Iranians loyal to the King. If you have respect for HIM Mohammad Reza Shah Pahlavi than you should also respect his son, who is our best chance in reaching our goal of a free Iran. Why do you even dare accuse us of being lazy cowards who have never done anything for Iran wheb i myself am a witness to the great contributions that every member of this organization has made in our struggle to free Iran. No we rather NOT live in another country regardless of the wealth and luxury we possess as it is no where near the joy and feeling of being back in our own beloved country. We monarchists as you put it sure are bunch of spineless idiots arent we? Do you thiink with that attitude you will ever reach your goal of getting the support of all Iranians?

Just because you have encountered few people who are linked to being monarchists and have not shown any dignity or will to help you does NOT mean we are all like that. Are we here to point fingers at one another or try and help one another to overthrow this regime? I am not here to insult anyone or get insulted either. I did not come here to spread conspricy theories or lies to our people, do not insult my intelligence with those remarks dear friend as i am not your enemy but rather a friend who has already offered to help you with your ideas. I have even spoke about it to Mr. Ashrafi last night and he is pleased to know there are Iranians out there with the courage and will to plan such things and again we would like to help even you want to see the plan through.

Just because we are monarchists does not mean that we only want to help Iranians with the same political views as us. If you read our articles on our site you would see we do not care for political views of Iranians at this moment but only care to unite and help in this strugle because UNITED WE WILL PREVAIL. I have noticed you have repeated the same thing many times, that Iranians do not want to take a stand and i too agree with that but that does not give you the reason to give up nor does it give any true Iranian the reason to stop because there is still hope, there will always be hope.

Do not be foolish by supporting a cause which is handing over your country's future to the American gvt. Iranians can overthrow this regime themself, there is no need for any intervention by means of invasion because that would be the worst thing possible for us. Why do you think the only hope is bush? That is wrong coming from someone whom i have realized is smart. The only hope for a free Iran is the Iranian people and with the help of HIM Reza Pahlavi. You once again disprect Reza Pahlavi, the only person who has taken a real resistance against these mullahs, I know you are not aware of his actions that he does everyday to bring our country closer to freedom but where is your judgment? He is the one who has taken a stand to stop this regime and has made the regime realize their end is near. he is the one giving hope to those in Iran, the ones who are suffering the real aftermath of the revolution. I do not care if you think he isnt qualified but he is the one who is brave and is uniting all Iranians in this cause. Ignorance is what is slowing this down. I do not tolerate insults which not only disrespect the great Kings of Iran but also the man which has put up a fight when every other nation and peoples decided to turn against him and his family.

Do not let anger and emotions blind your judgment as it only hurts your credibilty. If you want a free Iran, you must get the support of the people, not to insult them and their opinions everychance you get. You say we were the "folks" who put him in power? We "FOLKS" were the ones defending Iran on its darkest hours, we are the folks that lost brothers and fathers and friends that gave their life for their country and gave their live to save it. The Iranians loyal to the king, the FEW SANE ones left on the year of 1979 were the ones who were beaten down and executed, they were the ones that did not tremble when the people of a nation which they loved and gave their life for betrayed them. Do not disrespect them in that way my friend.

I hope you will contact me as i would like to know nore about these plans and also help you learn more about us. It has been a pleasure. Be safe and well friend.
Long Live Shahanshah!

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Postby Ahreeman X » Tue Dec 14, 2004 10:17 pm


I welcome you to IPC & I shall stop this argument right here to avoid us to drift apart. We have fundamental differences on various issues, yet these conflicts are not so deep to be called Antagonistic Conflicts. We must sacrifice & set aside our differences to achieve our common goal. Pardon me if I came on too strong! I am under a lot of pressure & in addition I am very frustrated.

Regarding Islam, I have no problem with it as long as it is kept in the Mosque or people's home. However, aside from this subject, if you do not see a contradiction between Iran & Islam & you simply are not aware that in Islam there is no separation of Mosque & Government, then this is another discussion & it belongs in another room (Islam) in Philosophy Hall. Eventually I shall start it there & you are welcomed to give us your input on the issue.

We have Muslim Freelance, even Mojahedin Sympathizers who work with us, so I am not segregating the Muslim. I told you, I am willing to even make a deal with Devil, set aside Muslim!

You have strong feelings & beliefs towards Islam & Reza Pahlavi & I have very strong feelings for GOP as a Hard Core Republican. I believe the only way that we (Iranians) will be relevant in USA is to get active in American Politics & then use this power to get the support of the Administration behind our cause. Of course you & I have the fundamental differences on this issue & I don't believe you are even an American Citizen or living here! May I ask where do you live?

However, your sincere nationalist spirit is welcomed here no matter of what ideology you belong to. If I am hard on you, it doesn't mean I am hostile towards you, but it means that I love argumentation. How can we achieve anything without argumentation?! If I did not care for you, then I would have ignored you off the bat!

Thanks for your input & offer. Eventually one way or another, soon or late, we will fight together in a common front with our common enemy.


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Postby IIRF » Wed Dec 15, 2004 4:27 pm

Dear AhreemanX,

We have no differences as i see nothing which proves it. Your political views and so on is not something that i would ever hold against you or hold it to divide us. We both have the same goals, we both are proud Iranians and love our country and will even die for it to save it and that is why even we dont meet eye to eye on some issues we are very much alike.

Regarding Islam, I myself only want it to be kept of ones personal faith and there is no reason to force Islam or any other religion on anyone. Religion should also be kept out of politics permenitaly. Also, yes i do have strong feelings about the Pahlavi's for I am greatful for all their contributions to Iran and Iranians. Reza Shah The Great and Mohammad Reza Shah Pahlavi were great examples of true Iranians and in history they have proven that time and time again.

The IIRF is stationed in Canada. I promise you that if any resistance takes place that has the good intentions for Iran and is against the mullahs, we will be right there with you even if it means we will die trying.. I will be right there with you and all the other brave Iranians who want to free Iran from these cowards. Know this, that the IIRF means business and we have meant that ever since we created this organization. I also would like to ask you AhreemanX, if you have ANY information which has detailed descriptions of any supporter or key member of the Islamic Republic in Canada we would apperciate it if you told me so we would have more info regarding this.

PS, i too am sorry if i came on too strong.
Long Live Shahanshah!

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