When Mr. Hu comes to town!

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When Mr. Hu comes to town!

Postby Ahreeman X » Thu Apr 20, 2006 11:18 am

When Mr. Hu comes to town!
April 20, 2006

Mr. Hu Comes To Town!

When Mr. Hu comes to town, first he goes to Seattle, Washington & not to Washington D.C.! When Mr. Hu comes to town, first he goes to visit Uncle Bill, second Boeing, third Starbucks & only fourth & last, he visits W in D.C.! Mr. Hu's final stop will be @ White House! Those Amazing Chinese Presidents!

Chinese & generally East Asians (Chinese, Japanese, Koreans, etc.) are very polite, hard working & indeed well-disciplined people. They refer to everyone, including themselves, as "Mr.", not because they are arrogant but because of their traditional manners. So Mr. Hu is in town!

Hu Jintao (president of the People's Republic of China) makes an amazing historical trip to USA! A Chinese President in Yank Town! However, his priorities are primarily in Seattle & secondary in D.C.! Business is what China is all about! First he meets with Uncle Bill (Bill Gates) to assure him that China will crack down on software piracy, so he will get Uncle Bill to yet monopolize the Hi Tech Software Market, in another country (China)! After Mr. Hu cuts a deal with Microsoft, enjoys dinner @ Uncle Bill's House & spends the night @ Uncle Bill's State, then he meets with Boeing's CEO to make sure those 250 commercial Jets will arrive in China on time! Boeing (Aerospace Company) is his next stop! Next he visits with Starbucks Coffee Corp for a hot cup of coffee! Afterall, Starbucks is all over China! So Mr. Hu has a full load of Business Meetings in Seattle!

Marxist Founding Fathers!

Folks, if Marx, Lenin & Mao are not presently shaking in their graves, then they are surely having their index fingers up their butts with their eyes popped wide open, standing amazed in a middle of a field, on the other side! Amazed @ Mr. Hu's business trip & China's general economical policy!

Fundamentals of The Chinese Regime

Today's China is basically a Totalitarian Socialisto_Capitalistic nation!
Totalitarian because, government gets his cut from all domestic & foreign businesses!
Socialist because, there exists public education, medical health & housing for those needed.
Capitalist because, that's what China's Economy is all about!

For instance, go to Shanghai & you will see a city more glorious, more clean & much advanced than Chicago! The Hi-Rises, Night Clubs, Shopping Centers, Public Transportations, & the facade of the most advanced cities in the west are inferior to China's large cities! But the reality beneath the facade is that China is a police state in disguise of Democracy!

In China, Human Rights, Free Speech, Free Press, & Democracy are fairy tales while Business means everything!

The only thing "Communist" about China is the name of the country & the name of the ruling party! Why you ask? Who knows! Maybe it is a nostalgic traditional thing!

China is the new global rising Super Power! China's economy is blooming & why not? There are no labor laws, no environmental laws, no business laws, no legal boundary laws, no rules & regulations & no oversee of any government agency on any businesses, as long as you kickback the government's share! Just pay up Beijing's cut & enjoy your business in China!

Environment is getting polluted; labor wages are the cheapest amongst the industrial nations, no existing business regulations & no one to watch over business practices! Of course the economy is blooming, because there are no overheads! But @ what cost? @ the cost of urban environments becoming as dirty & polluted, only second to Iranian large cities!

US - China Trades

Take a look @ our yearly trades with China on 2005:

US Imports from China = $243 Billion
US exports to China = $42 Billion
US Trade Deficit with China = - $202 Billion

Now think about it:
U.S. imports from China were $243 billion in 2005 (an increase of 24%), making China the second largest exporter of goods to the United States, behind Canada @ $288 billion. @ current rates of growth, China will surpass Canada and become the largest supplier of U.S. imports within the next two years.

China's trade surplus with the United States increased by 24.5% in 2005, to $202 billion, the United States' largest bilateral deficit!

The Iranian Scenario

Of course, same as Russia, The Chinese are also playing a game with US! Like a Pheasant, they have their heads in the snow, their butts up in the air, thinking that no one can see them! They speak against nuclear desires of Islamic Republic of Iran, but then they turn around, sell & supply all Tehran's nuclear raw material & gadgets! They are putting up their civilized face while playing with US, UK, EU & UN, but @ the same time, they have one hand behind their back, shaking Mullahs' hands! Chinese are master politicians!

The Global View

China is producing cheap goods due to cheap labor & no regulations! China is in the process of monopolizing not just the US or European markets, but the global market! How can anyone compete with China?!

Go to Iran & every Iranian small to mid size business is complaining about Chinese cheap goods! How can they compete production with a Giant Chinese Machine & their cheap goods?! Iranian business owners are escaping to drug addiction because sales are down due to mass imports of cheap Chinese goods by the IRI regime!

China's Doctrine

To monopolize the global market by production of cheap goods.
To monopolize the global politics by its global economical power.
To monopolize the global security by production of the most strong global military.
Now eat your hearts out, but can you stop the Red Chinese?!


Now in the middle of all this, we are outsourcing! Globalization comes with outsourcing. We outsource everything.

The U.S. trade deficit poses great risks for the economy. The manufacturing sector has lost 3 million jobs over the last five years, including 81,000 jobs in 2005, as the manufacturing trade deficit has continued to expand. The U.S. deficit in manufactured goods rose from $609 billion in 2004 to $655 in 2005, an increase of 8%. Trade deficits and manufacturing job losses will continue to expand.

How can American Labor compete with Chinese Labor doing the same job for 1/8 of the price?

How can American Engineer compete with Indian Engineer doing the same job for 1/6 of the price?

How can American production force compete with overseas doing the same production for 1/4 of the cost?

We outsource factory productions to China, Hong Kong, Taiwan, South Korea, & other Eastern Asian nations. We outsource Hi Tech to India. We outsource everything to everywhere except USA! We are outsourcing everything, why not outsource the congress & White House?! I mean, we are doing such a great job on outsourcing & Foreigners are doing such a great job in globalization, then isn't it Cost-Worthy & logical for US to allow:

Indians to run the Judicial
Koreans to run the congress
Chinese to run the military & White house?!

Why not? Let's go all the way & outsource Fat Congressmen & President's job?! What's wrong with that?!

Contractor Nazi

Let me tell you a story about a friend of mine & The Yellow Race in general. By Yellow Race, I mean the Light Skinned East Asia (China, Japan, Korea, Taiwan, Hong Kong, etc.), & not the Dark Skinned South East Asia (Indo-China) which are the Dark Yellow People & mixture of Indian & Chinese Races!

Talking about East Asian Discipline! East Asians are well-disciplined people. Polite, hard working & orderly. For instance my contractor "Mr. Chin". He calls himself Mr. Chin! Mr. Chin is a short, bald, light skinned yellow man with a Fu Manchu mustache & a goatee! He is well mannered, polite, disciplined & a hard worker.

Every time I need to do a remodeling to my state, I call Mr. Chin. Sometimes I call him "Belderchin" (Quail in Persian), because like a bird, he always flies away & is hard to reach! He starts a contract, might take his sweet time, disappears here or there, but he always manages to deliver the most detailed & perfect job! Mr. Chin is hard to reach & is very expensive, that's why I often call him the "Round Toothed Belderchin!"*

* Round Toothed Belderchin =
A Round Toothed Quail (English) or Belderchin-e Dandun Gerd (Persian),
A Greedy Quail (in reference to a Persian Expression)!

Mr. Chin does everything: Remodeling, Additions, Marble Floors, Wood floors, Electric, Plumbing, Roofing, Pools, Spas, Outdoor, Indoor & everything else. Whatever he can't do, he "outsources" someone else to do! But he does the best job & he only outsources to the best people. Mr. Chin is an American born Korean who has a number of Mexicans working for him. He speaks fine Spanish!

The last time he was doing a job for me, it took him 6 months to do the job. He practically remodeled my whole house! He had 3 different crews of labors:

A Mexican Crew, doing Granite stone countertops, walls, cabinets, appliances & basically remodeling the whole kitchen & informal dining-room plus putting new appliances in.

A Vietnamese Crew, painting outside of the house.

And his own crew, painting inside, putting White Marble Tiles on first floor, hard wood on second floor & the stairways.

My home practically became an International Zoo! All kinds of people were roaming around all day long!

That bloody stairways is a curved, unusual shaped stairway with each stair, a different size! No one would touch it. Few contractors were able to do the job, but they had a waiting list of 3 months! So Mr. Chin agreed to bring the best Mexican Master to do the job (outsourcing), pay him a good share (for a Mexican), lend a couple of men from his own crew to him & then pocket the rest of the contract fee. What a guy! The Stairway ended up looking excellent, a masterpiece work of art, and the perfect wooden stairway.

Mr. Chin is also very blunt! During his latest remodeling, this conversation had occurred:

X: Mr. Chin, am I on your way, would you like me to move out (as a joke)?

Mr. Chin: Yes Mr. Ahreeman, what a great idea. Why don't you move out for 6 months, so we can concentrate on our work (serious)?!

God Damn Chin! I am telling you! That Belderchin, maybe hard to catch, takes his sweet ass time, flies around & disappears from time to time, but he does the perfect job & of course he charges an arm & a leg for it! Mr. Chin is a friend of mine, so he always accepts my projects without a long wait. Others, including some of my neighbors had to call him ten times, for him to return their calls! Even afterwards, he is very selective about his clients. He rejects clients because of the way they represent themselves, their attitude, their lifestyle, their culture, their traditions, their homes, their looks, their race, ..............! Do you remember "Soup Nazi" in Seinfeld?! The man is a "Contractor Nazi"!

Talking about my neighbors! What an amazing neighborhood! In the future, I have to write a juicy funny series named: "Dr. X's Neighborhood!"

Mr. Chin has a list of clients waiting for him, for months & for his approvals! The man is extremely polite, well mannered, disciplined, detail oriented, sharp & great @ what he does. He also loves Persian Food! For instance, he comes to my house, he takes his shoes off @ the door (East Asian Style), not to mess up my wall to wall Persian Carpeting. Then he comes in & not "ask me" but he "tells me,"

Mr. Chin: Mr. Ahreeman, now I would like to remodel the second floor's Master Bedroom. I believe you are in need of a large size indoor Spa with 16 jets. So while I will be installing that spa, then might as well remodel the shower, counters, sinks, walls & toilet in there. As a matter of fact, I am going to break the walls & remodel that whole bathroom area. I am going to expand it & build a huge bathroom in there. I will purchase the best luxurious material .........

X: Of course! Nothing else would be in order........

Mr. Chin: And I will redo the tiles on the walls & the floor. Now do you have any particular color or design in mind?

X: Well, Mr. Chin, it is nice of you for asking my opinion!

Mr. Chin: Yes, give me your specifications & I will inform you of when I will start. Of course money is no issue ........

X: Of course not! It grows on trees & you just collect it ............

Mr. Chin: As usual, I will make sure to use the best quality & most expensive material..........

X: As usual it will cost me, an arm & a leg ............

Mr. Chin: And as usual I expect no one to interrupt my work. Actually I require no one to enter this room while we will be remodeling ............

X: What if we just evacuate the whole house, while your @ it? Would that be acceptable to you?!

Mr. Chin: Of course I expect a blank check right away.............

X: Indeed........... nothing else would be acceptable nor suitable for Master Chin! Would you also like the shirt off my back?!

Mr. Chin: Now that we have decided on the new project, I would like to say that you have made a great choice. You will love your new bathroom ................

X: What do you mean "We" have decided? You are the one who makes all the decisions around here?!

Mr. Chin: Now that we are done with business, we can have some Persian Cuisine. Are we going to dine in or go out? It is fine with me to either dine in @ your state or dine out @ a fine establishment, of course @ your treat ...........

X: Of course ...............

Mr. Chin: So what say you?

X: Whatever your desire is! Say Mr. Chin, do you have any relations with General Tojo of Japan, any other East Asian Dictator or possibly Ghingiz Khan?! Possibly a Mongolian root somewhere?!

Mr. Chin: You are a funny man Mr. Ahreeman (he made that statement, with his Korean accent & with a deadly smirk on his face, looking as dreadful as The Chinese Gestapo)!

X: Mr. Chin, you are beginning to look like a Korean Belderchin!

Mr. Chin: You are a Funny man Mr. Ahreeman! I'll fax you a copy of the contract. Let's have some Persian food?

X: How can anyone disagree with you Mr. Chin?! Whatever you say! What is your pleasure today: Chelo Kabobs or Polo Khoreshts? You can dine in here or I can drive you to one of the best Persian establishments in town. What is your desire Mr. Chin? Afterall, "In Chin, We Trust"!

That was an average conversation between Mr. Chin & I. That Belderchin is quite a character! My point was to enlight you on the psyche of the Yellow Race.

China Rising

Chinese are ruthless businessmen! They are bound to make China a Super Power by all means possible. They do not even hide their doctrine. Go & look into Chinese Military Manuals & observe the goals!

The industrial progress of China is occurring by speed of the light, but @ the great cost to environment & human exploitation. Mr. Hu is just a good businessman. Is there any wonder why he goes to Seattle first & D.C. second?!

We need to be very alert about China. all of these episodes are in progress right under our nose! If we don't play the game right, we might find ourselves head to head with another USSR, yet much slicker, wiser, powerful & economic oriented! A Global Power which plays with words such as Marxism, Capitalism & Globalism as it suits him! A Ruthless Global Power which is bound to control the Globe.

China is Rising,
Are we Looking?
Are we keeping up?
Will we be able to maintain our Global Supremacy?
And for how long?

Yes my dear Young Grasshoppers,
We must play a masterful & wise game, because this game is crucial to our future!
It is OK that Mr. Hu visits with W, last. We have been playing this game for a long time!
Welcome Mr. Hu, welcome to Town & welcome to The Game!

Also review:
Hu is leading China!

Ahreeman X
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Postby Amir » Thu Apr 20, 2006 5:58 pm

I don’t know about the accuracy of the numbers you provided, but I have no reason to doubt them. I am intrigued by the fact that you have gathered all this information. Either you get no sleep, or you have hired or blackmailed a research firm, or you have a captured hezbo slave in your basement bound to a computer, and demand him or her to do research every waking minute. Regardless, I know who to come to the next time I’m looking for information.

I completely agree with you regarding the Chinese issue. I break out in a cold sweat sometimes when I think about that Red Giant. That giant keeps expanding every day, and those who aren’t alarmed by it are either asleep or retarded.

The time when the US became a Red Giant was back in the early twentieth century. It is now starting to deflate, and well on its way to becoming a White Dwarf. Soon we’ll have the clash of the Red Giant and the White Dwarf. This clash is almost inevitable.

Islam is of course a wild card that can potentially also hurt the White Dwarf. Islam is the Green Pulsar that may further screw up the poor White Dwarf. –By the way, for those of you who don’t follow me, I suggest you turn on the Discovery Channel from time to time instead of watching M-TV.

The US empire is still very strong. It has the potential to remain strong, but it won’t be as easy as it had been for it in the recent past. The trend has been for net economic loss in this country as opposed to its main rival, China. Everyone knows that empires are built by armies, and armies are maintained by money. Yes friends, the answer to 9 out of 10 questions is always money. Money, money, money, moneeeey…..moneeeeey…..come on, sing it with me…

Where is the money going right now on a global scale? A good portion of it is going to the new Red Giant, and if the trend continues, most of it will be going to our red (or yellow) friends. A new empire is rising, but this time in the east.

China has always had overwhelming man-power, which prevented anyone from seriously dominating it militarily. There aren’t enough bullets in the world to kill every Chinaman. But now, it will have money and technology to back up its man-power. Woe to whomever messes with China soon!

What does an industrial nation on the rise need more than anything? Fuel….energy….oil. Yes, China has a voracious appetite for oil. Yummy, yummy, in my tummy….oil!

And guess who’s sitting on one of the world’s largest oil reserves. You guessed it…our good friends the Mullahs. It is no surprise that China has made a deal with the devil. Why wouldn’t it? Does China care about justice and human rights? Don’t make me laugh! It has one of the worst records itself. Why would it have any moral qualms about sleeping with the Mullahs? Heck, they probably get together and share torture and censorship stories with each other on the weekends and giggle. They probably even give each other some pointers.

And worst of all, these guys are the reason why I’m paying 3 bucks a pop at the pump. The huge new Chinese demand on the world’s oil supply is one reason why oil prices have surged recently. I wouldn’t feel so bad, if I knew that at least my country and fellow citizens of Iran were benefiting from it. Alas, the huge rise in oil prices has not at all trickled to the Iranian masses, and similar to freedom, remains just out of reach and in the pockets of the Akhounds.

But I’m going off topic. The moral of this particular post is….watch out for China. Because if we do not, soon we’ll be wondering “Did anyone get the license plate of that truck that just hit us?â€
I am Dariush the Great King, King of Kings, King of countries containing all kinds of men, King in this great earth far and wide, son of Hystaspes, an Achaemenian, a Persian, son of a Persian, an Aryan, having Aryan lineage

Naqshe Rostam
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Postby Ahreeman X » Thu Apr 20, 2006 10:51 pm

Amir Arsalan:

"I don't know about the accuracy of the numbers you provided, but I have no reason to doubt them. I am intrigued by the fact that you have gathered all this information. Either you get no sleep, or you have hired or blackmailed a research firm, or you have a captured hezbo slave in your basement bound to a computer, and demand him or her to do research every waking minute. Regardless, I know who to come to the next time I'm looking for information."

Ahreeman is basically a Gigantic Encyclopaedia of Information with a digital memory. Ahreeman is The Son @ Above!

"for those of you who don't follow me, I suggest you turn on the Discovery Channel from time to time instead of watching M-TV."

Usually my instincts are correct & as you stepped in here, I figured "We Got a Live One on our hand"! Actually you remind me of an old IPC member, Babadamus from Belgium! Are you sure you are not Baba reincarnate?!

So basically "All" Brains of Iran are either inside IPC or are "In Relation & Contact" with IPC. We used to believe that No Thinking Iranian could survive outside IPC. Afterall it's a Jungle out there! But then again, our theories were not proven wrong, because you are in here! Who knows what's out there?!

I also believe that you need to fine touch & then transfer all your poetry here. You just might be good enough to be added to future IPC Hall of Fame Poets under the poetry section of the future site. If you don't drink too much Duq, polish up your material & get spontaneous inspirations, then you may have a chance in poetry.

Yes, I do watch Discovery Science Channel. I also watch "Cosmos" & I do follow works of Professor Carl Sagan & indeed Professor Stephen Hawking, the brightest present mind on Earth!

Actually you will not find many M-TV Watchers & Iranian.com readers in IPC. Well except Liberator who monitors All Media & that is due to his rank as an Information Warrant Officer. He is a fine student of Mr. Sabet & General Nasiri. Once we establish The 3rd Pars, we are thinking of assigning him in charge of the Information Ministry! But otherwise, beyond & outside IPC borders, you will find Iranian M-TV Watchers & Iranian.com reader Neanderthals! Personally I do not consort much outside IPC. It is a Jungle out there!

"I am intrigued by the fact that you have gathered all this information."

Ahreeman works in mysterious ways.

"or you have a captured hezbo slave in your basement bound to a computer, and demand him or her to do research every waking minute."

I can neither deny nor confirm this statement. There is only one being who can answer this question & that is a Doberman Pinscher named Boopsy & she will not talk!

"And guess who's sitting on one of the world's largest oil reserves. You guessed it…our good friends the Mullahs. It is no surprise that China has made a deal with the devil. Why wouldn't it?"

Well, China has its own resources but why dig them, when he can purchase cheap oil? IRI supplies 10% of Chinese present oil usage. This number will soon go up because Chinese imports to IRI is an astronomical figure & IRI is trying to clear the trade deficit (what a joke)!

" Does China care about justice and human rights? Don't make me laugh! It has one of the worst records itself. Why would it have any moral qualms about sleeping with the Mullahs? Heck, they probably get together and share torture and censorship stories with each other on the weekends and giggle. They probably even give each other some pointers."

Nothing like Chinese Torture! One of my favorite methods! Remind me to teach you some enlightening methods which came right out of Beijing, will ya?! Chinese Torture is one of the favorite methods used in Dungeons of Ahreeman's House O Pleasurful Pains! Especially the Chinese Water torture!

"And worst of all, these guys are the reason why I'm paying 3 bucks a pop at the pump."

The only people who are not enraged about recent gas prices in US are the Canadians who are used to pay 4 bucks a pop! They actually are delighted to pay 3 bucks a pop! Those people are so used to their Socialist system of High Taxation, which no inflation can hit their nerves!

So I am in a stage of my life which requiers no contact with Bull Shiite. More or less whatever is out there (Iranian Community Outside IPC) is Bull Shiite, so go figure!

As a famous scholar said:

There are two kinds O people in the world:
Persians & Those who want to be Persians!
Which one are you?!!

Later Amir Arsalan
More Power

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Postby Ahreeman X » Fri Apr 21, 2006 9:15 am

Chinese and Iranian Resistance


This is amazing! The Information Age! The power of Internet is mind blowing! And what have we done with this power during the past 27 years?! I admit that we (Iranian Opposition) have been behind every movement in Iran, which has taken people into the streets, but then again, how many times during the past 27 years, we have been successful to drag a great number of people into the streets of Iran? Think about it?

Yesterday I wrote this article. I admit that we did distribute it, but mostly we just published it on the net. This morning I checked my E-mail & I found a number of E-mails from various Chinese opposition groups! Some were supportive, some were asking my permission for re-publication into hard copies & other websites, some were asking for cooperation & some were simply thankful for me to write it! I am truly impressed! I have received E-mails from a number of Chinese Resistance group members and sympathizers such as:

Kuomintang Nationalist party
Falun Gong Movement
Tibet Independence Movement
Taiwan Independence Movement
Hong Kong Separatist Movement
Chinese Student Movement
Party for Freedom and Democracy in China
Southern Mongolian Freedom Federation
and more ...........

And I have also received some E-mails from independent persons in resistance. I thank you All for your sweet E-mails & I thank you All for your spirit of Resistance. I wish you the best.

More power to you All
More power to Chinese Resistance

However, this makes me think! Few Factors:

I. China has made more reforms since Mao, than Iran has ever made since Khomeini! Actually Iran is going back to Khomeini's era & the last election proves it!

II. I look @ my E-mails & Communications & I see Iranian Opposition groups are communicating with me or IPC, but they do not communicate with each other! They rather be caught dead than to communicate with one another! After 27 years, that is the spirit of cooperation amongst the Iranian scattered Resistance!

III. We had our ups & downs but as The Resistance, what have we really achieved after 27 years?!

Yes, this makes me think!

Maybe I am fighting the wrong cause, with the wrong resistance & for the wrong country! Maybe I should join the Chinese Resistance!

I got more positive response from Chinese Resistance in one day than I have ever gotten from Iranian Resistance in 27 years!

As I have mentioned, Iranian Resistance Groups & Parties talk to me but they don't talk to each other! This is the typical Iranian Stubborn, Pig Headed, disunited, tragic psyche! Two by two, we can't get along!

Monarchists, Republicans, Nationalists, Mojaheds, Marxists, Socialists, Social Democrats, Socialist Muslim, Nationalist Muslim, Muslim & other groups, All & All, they bash one another & they have been doing this for 27 years! They hate each other more than they hate Islamic Republic of Iran & that is why IRI is still in power!

This is tragic! Yes folks, maybe I have been spending my efforts for 27 years, for a lost cause!

Maybe I am fighting the wrong cause, with the wrong resistance & for the wrong country! Maybe I should join the Chinese Resistance!

Moses condemned his own people, The Jews!
Shall I condemn Iranians?!
The Tragedy of it All ............

27 years of my life & what do I have to show for it?
Give me a timeframe in which we as "A People" will Unite,
Organize & most important, Rise Up?!
Give me something to work with?
Give me a reason to fight?

Masses of Iran need to be really concerned when devoted Nationalists & Resistance such as myself, do speak this way! Hasn't 27 years been enough?!

In hope for the better days

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Postby Amir » Fri Apr 21, 2006 5:06 pm

Ahreeman is basically a Gigantic Encyclopaedia of Information with a digital memory.

I hope that for your sake you’re not The Encyclopedia Britannica (get it?....Ingilisa….Ingilisa?!)

Actually you remind me of an old IPC member, Babadamus from Belgium! Are you sure you are not Baba reincarnate?!

I don’t believe in re-incarnation. I’ve never been to Belgium. And no, I don’t know this Babadamus. However, I checked with MOA, and he thinks he knows him. MOA is pretty sure that Babadamus is the long lost cousin of Nostradamus, but became an outcast from the family because he kept screwing up all the predictions. MOA still runs into him every decade when he goes to the “prophets’ re-union.â€
I am Dariush the Great King, King of Kings, King of countries containing all kinds of men, King in this great earth far and wide, son of Hystaspes, an Achaemenian, a Persian, son of a Persian, an Aryan, having Aryan lineage

Naqshe Rostam
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Postby Ahreeman X » Sun Apr 23, 2006 8:42 am

My Scattered Nazi Notes!
(Ahreeman Fingers All)
April 23, 2006

Amir Arsalan:

"I've seen your picture. How do you think you'll blend in with your 5' 1'' 110 lbs Chinese comrades? You'll look like Shaq at a midget convention."

This one deserves an Ahreemanic Special:

Riot, Killer, Rioooooooooooot, Killeeeeeeeeeer!

As long as by "Shaq," you meant Shaquille O'Neal & not "Shaq" as an Shaq Dool!

"The 3rd Pars! The term makes me a little uneasy. It reminds me of the Third Reich."

Well, there will be a difference! They used to rise their right hands, straight in the air, while Sieg Heil-ing! But we will rise our right hand half way up in the air, bent @ the elbow area with the elbow touching the body & the palm of the hand wide open sideways (facing our faces), like reading Namaz (Ancient Persian Aryan Salute) while Javid Pishva-ing!

"As far as Liberator, I know he is going places; very high places. Why do you think I keep kissing his ass all the time? You think I like him?"

I know! I Hate To Love Liberator, but can't help not to love the guy!

"I'm just brown-nosing the future Fuhrer."

Well, he will not be The Fuhrer, but "A Pars Pishva" in charge of the either "Information Ministry" or "The Neo SAVAK"! He will be known as Pars Pishva Lib! People will run up & down the halls of ministry, Persian Aryan Salute him, while shouting: Javid Pars Pishva!

An Episode!

Actually the other day I was walking down the Halls of IPC, took a "Right" turn in the Politics Room, opened an unmarked door to "Anjoman-e Kun Goshadi" Oops, Pardone Moi, thousand apologies, a typo error, I meant "Anjoman-e Farmayeshi" Oops, what's wrong with me today?! Thousand apologies again! It must be "Zaban Laqveh"! I meant that I opened the unmarked door to "Anjoman-e Padeshahi" & guess what I saw?

Lib was trying on his new Black Leather JackBoots, which he had purchased from Italy, in front of the mirror. He was posing to the Right like Adolf! This was going on while Fouladvand, Ganji (Manouchehr) & Baby Joe (Joehohoho) were standing around & admire him! The scene was so "Gayishly Nazified" (Neo Term for you), that I am afraid that it will register in my mind Forever & ever more .................

Baby Joe was also writing a few gibberish lines to post in IPC, just to update his Fouladvandist posts & bring them to the top of the politics index page, to advertise for Dr. Fandoqist! Not to mention Lib has a Street Banner for AP & Dr. Fandoqist (as his signature), as large as Westwood's Persian Banners, stretching from San Diego to Stockholm! What would Dr. Fandoqist do without Lib?!

As soon as they saw me walk in, they straightened up & said,

Fouladvand: I am not a Fascist, I only wear Black Leather JackBoots as a fashion statement!

X: Relax Dr. Fouladvand, I haven't said anything!

Ganji: I never received any money from CIA!

X: Relax Dr. Ganji, no one accused you to!

Baby Joe: I am not a Japanese Military Dictator, I am only a General Tojo look-alike!

X: Relax Baby Tojo! No one accused you so!

(I believe that I may permanently change my nick name for Joe, from "Baby Joe" to "Baby Tojo," what say you?!)

Lib: Before you say anything, I am not a Nazi! I only hang around Aryan Chatrooms (Aryan Nation) for fun!

X: Babam jan, I haven't said a word! Why are you guys so paranoid? Just relax & continue your "National Socialistic Fashion Modeling" in front of the mirror! I am an insider! Relax guys! I had my own Nazi Party, back in Junior High in Iran!

Talking about Ganji, I love this guy! Everytime I see Ganji, he is living in a Station Wagon, back of a Mini Bus or @ most, in an Studio, with his stuff in a storage & he is arguing with the media, insisting that he had never received any dough from CIA! Every once a while, he gets a hold of some dough, either by going around Iranian Satellite Garage TV Studios (Telethons), Media or Ex Taryaki Imperial fans & Generals, collecting donations, or some money simply drops down from the sky in his lap! Then he gets the dough, once again, rents a Short Wave Radio signal or a Website for a few months, until he runs out of dough, so he can once more, go around collecting dough again & insisting that he had never received any dough from CIA!

Now don't get me wrong, Ganji is an old timer & I have a lot of respect for FFO (Flag of Freedom Organization aka Derafsh-e Kaviani), especially all the martyrs they dedicated to the opposition, but I simply cannot stop cracking up about Gani's routine apologies & collections! And of course now, he has become Fouladvand's sidekick in his Circus Show!

This gives me an idea! I love these guys, but maybe I should write a "Musical"! An Opera! No?

Ganji will be General Franco
Fouladvand will be Mussolini
Baby Joe (Baby Tojo) will be General Tojo
and of course
Lib will be Hitler

Hows about it?

I will call the Opera: "Choir Boys in JackBoots"!

I Kill Myself! That's it, I am going through with it! And I will send a copy to all of them "Choir Boys"!

"Choir Boys in JackBoots" Opera

And the,

announcer shouts:
"Hear Yee, Hear Yee, The Grand Opening of Ahreeman's Neo Opera, based on Wagner's Broom Hilda! The Saga of The "Choir Boys in JackBoots!"

The opening act will go something like this, Fouladvand will be the Soprano & others will be Tenors & Basanovas! Picture Fouladvand @ 4'3" Tall, with his toothpick arms & legs, is wearing a Red Leotard tights & Black JackBoots (Fairy in Boots), like a Super Hero (Hercules Style)! They start with a Group Harmonizing piece, singing together:

Fouladvand's Solo (Dayi Jan Napoleon Style) while holding a Derafsh-e Kaviyani:
"Ahaaaaaaaay Khalq Ollah, Ahaaaaaay Aryans,
Arise, Arise ..............
Ingilisa, Ingilisa, Hamash zire sar-e Ingilisas!
They are all after me!
British Intelligence, MI5, MI6 & The Queen are plotting against us.........
Tralalala Tralalaloo, Lala Loo, Lala Laaaaaay ................."

Orchestra goes:
Dalang Dulung, Dalang Dulung ..............

"Choir Boys in JackBoots" sing along Cumbaya Style (while holding hands):
"We are the world,
We are the Compatriots,
We are the Aryans,
We are the Heroes,
We will battle the Tazi,
Until Ultimate glory,
Lala Lala, Lala Lala, Lay Lay Lay .........
Baba Baam, Baba Baam .............."

and on it goes ...................
Round & round it goes...........
When will it stop?
No one knows!
(Wagner is shaking in his grave @ this point!)

But set aside humor & set aside Aryan Tendencies & his Right Hand's "Tourette Syndrome" (from time to time, his right hand pops right up in the sky, Aryan Saluting), then else wise, Lib is one of my main Home boys!

Let's talk behind Lib's back, just between us, don't tell him, he might get a Fat Head, but what I like about him is that he is "Solid"! He is one of the most solid comrades that we have. His devotion to the cause is adorable. I can always rely on him & count on him to be by my side. He is also very bright, sharp, observant & indeed a great info collector! But don't tell him that, he already has a large head, so he may float up in the air like an Aryan Balloon!

Well alrighty then, that's enough about "Choir Boys in JackBoots" or as Lib says "Our Compatriots!" Now let us Leave the unmarked room & allow them to continue their "National Socialistic Fashion Modeling" in front of the mirror!

IPC has mysterious Halls, Rooms & even Dungeons & Corridors, which some are connected from the underground to "Ahreeman's House O Pleasureful Pains"! The structural Blue Print of the IPC Building is simply unique!

Moral of The Story

We (The IPC) have a moral duty to stand by & support the various groups of Iranian Opposition. Now no matter how Gay or Retarded some of these groups may look, yet we still have to support them, because afterall, what other choice do we have? This is the only opposition we got! Now the politically correct message will be: "Not that there is anything wrong with being Gay or Retarded" (Seinfeld)!

Life in the fast lane!

OK enough episodes. I got to run & drive my Main Squeeze to the airport, sending her on a business trip to Darby, England. Off to Rolls-Royce Aerospace, she goes for meetings to build Jet Fighters & Commercial Planes! After I drop her, I have to take off to Mexico, so if you do not hear from me again, then trace my last movements & figure that either Ingilisa (The English) got me @ the airport, or the Mexican Bandits got me @ the desert! Either those, or I had joined the Chinese Resistance! Got to run along!


For now,
Adios Amigo
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Postby Amir » Mon Apr 24, 2006 12:03 am

Professor X,

As usual, this was as funny as hell. Get it?…Ahreeman….Hell?

I don’t think I’ll ever be able to get the mental image of Lib with a little square mustache and the leather straps out of my mind. You have scarred me for life.

By the way, Lib, if you’re reading this, I never laughed! Shame on this X guy for making fun of you, my Fuhrer. And no, nothing less than Fuhrer will satisfy my dreams for you. Gestapo nothing! Fuhrer or bust! Heil Liberator!

X, I hope you clearly marked that mysterious doorway so that no-one else will make the same mistake and enter it. Better yet, I hope you sealed it off with concrete. Some things are best left a secret.

(I believe that I may permanently change my nick name for Joe, from "Baby Joe" to "Baby Tojo," what say you?!)

Now that you bring up the subject, (in the voice of Seinfeld) what is the deal with Joe? I’ve read a few of his posts, and so far I have made a pros and cons list:

Pro (singular, not pleural)

-Likes Shah


-He has one screwed up Avatar. I mean, what is the deal? A little baby sucking a pacifier? The head keeps shrinking and expanding. Each time I think (or hope) that the head will explode, and I won’t have to look at that annoying little kid anymore. I keep wishing EXPLODE ALREADY.

-He has one screwed up name. I mean, what is the deal? Joehohoho? Is he Joe, who is thrice a ho? Is he St. Joe, who delivers toys to all the kids on Christmas eve when Santa is sick? Is he a Joe-ho-vah’s witness who gets caught in a cough halfway into introducing who he is? I’ve considered what I should name him, and I personally like Jojo Mojo, the evil monkey (I know, I watch too many cartoons; I forgot to mention before that I also watch Cartoon Network). Your suggestion for Tojo is a good one. It also matches my own. Perhaps we can combine suggestions, and call him Jojo Mojo Tojo, the evil Japanese monkey.

-He has one screwed up noggin. I mean, what is the deal? I tried reading some of his posts. I really tried…I really did. I wanted to make sense of them. I really tried…I really did. I gave up after reading four posts, and that was three too many. As far as thought expression goes, his posts remind me of those of Dumbo’s…but I’ll leave Dumbo out of this. There is no concise train of thought. What train of thought? What train? What thought? If there ever was a “train,â€
I am Dariush the Great King, King of Kings, King of countries containing all kinds of men, King in this great earth far and wide, son of Hystaspes, an Achaemenian, a Persian, son of a Persian, an Aryan, having Aryan lineage

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Postby Liberator » Mon Apr 24, 2006 4:23 am

*All Hail The Führer!*


Dear countrymen,

I've been following your candid discussion and hereby declare that I stand ready to represent you in any way possible. However to bring the discussion back to its main purpose I end this short announcement with an interesting event that took place during President Hu's visit. (Yes China is an evil Republic Ahreeman! lol)

Chinese President Hu Heckled At White House (VIDEO)


FLASH: Heckler disrupts Chinese President Hu’s speech on south lawn at White House: ‘President Bush, stop him from killing’... ‘Stop persecuting the Falun Gong,’ she yelled… She also shouted in Chinese, ‘President Hu, your days are numbered’... woman is taken away by uniformed secret service officers… right after Bush urged Hu to allow Chinese to ‘speak freely’...



Many thanks to our fellow Winston from the Reichssicherheitshauptamt for bringing this up to our attention at headquarters.



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Postby Liberator » Mon Apr 24, 2006 2:40 pm

Also for all you who don't know how the real Aryan salute is made here is a picture of Il Duce making the Aryan salute:

(He needs to bend his arm a bit more inward do to get it perfectly right)

SUMKA used to have a picture of an Iranian statue making the Aryan salute on their website but their website has been down for a long time now though and I hadn't had the chance to save that picture! If anyone has it please do post it...

Here's a short explanation (euro-biased) on the aryan salute:

The Aryan Salute, the right arm extended forward with an open hand, is an ancient greeting first used by warriors to designate an absence of ready weapons and hostility. The common military salute is a more convenient adaptation of this millenia-old custom. The Aryan Salute has been used by many Aryan Peoples, most notably during ancient times by the Romans, most notably in modern times by citizens of Fascist Italy, Fascist Spain and National Socialist Germany.

The Aryan Salute today symbolizes peace, respect, and good will toward comrades or friendly strangers to whom it is extended. Alternatively, it symbolizes Aryan racial solidarity when extended to foes.


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Postby Atusa Qajar » Wed Apr 26, 2006 10:12 am

Hooters opens first restaurant in China

Chinese waitresses dance the Hokey-Pokey Friday in front of guests during the pre-opening of Hooters in Shanghai, China.

Hooters opens first restaurant in China
Shanghai debut reflects dramatic change in communist nation

SHANGHAI, China - The beer is flowing, John Fogerty is singing on the stereo and six scantily clad young Chinese women are doing the hokey-pokey.

Hooters Shanghai is open for business.

The American restaurant opened its first China outlet on Friday night, bringing its highly successful combination of cold beer, chicken wings and skimpily dressed waitresses to one of the world's fastest growing economies.

East meets West in funny ways

Western restaurants are popular in China, but not always for the reasons that Americans would expect.

By Nancy Johnston | Contributor to The Christian Science Monitor

NEW ITEM: Kids dressed as Colonel Harland Sanders promote egg tarts at a KFC in Shanghai, China.

FRIENDLINESS: The Hooters restaurant in Shanghai, China, appeals to families because of the cheerful service.

SHANGHAI, CHINA – Thanks to an American restaurant chain, savvy Shanghai residents now have one more English word to add to their fast-developing international lexicon: Hooters. But here, unlike in the US, the refrain is more along the lines of "Hey, let's take Grandmom and the kid to Hooters tonight!" Shanghai, China's largest and most commercial city, was chosen as the country's launching pad for the company, even though Hooters gals in Shanghai differ from their American counterparts. As local branch manager Cameron Jiang notes, "The servers here are not so busty and curvy," a fact that matters not one hoot to the Chinese.

Instead, Hooters Shanghai succeeds in a completely different way: by emphasizing welcoming friendliness, not sex appeal. In a country where overworked and underpaid wait staff are not known for their sweetness, Hooters offers something new: courteous, attentive service with a smile. And local patrons love it.

Hooters is a recent example of the concept that all things Western and formerly forbidden are big in China now - although not necessarily in the same way they are in the West.

Last month, Nina Zagat, of the Zagat guidebooks, paid a visit to Shanghai to assess the city's nightlife and culinary goings-on. Ms. Zagat discovered that international chef Jean-Georges Vongerichten has opened an outlet on Shanghai's elegant riverfront, yet his modus operandi has been changed somewhat to succeed locally. In the West, the customer is always presumed to be right, justifiably or not. But in China, regardless of whose name appears on the menu or marquis, a different ethos is at work: If a diner complains about something, a Chinese waiter will go to great lengths to come up with an excuse, instead of simply replacing the dish. The obstacle of faulty, careless service is one of many irritating, ingrained habits that Mr. Vongerichten and his compatriots are working to overcome.

McDonald's has managed to bridge the cultural divide not only with Big Macs and double cheeseburgers, but also with a triangle-shaped tortilla wrap holding sliced beef, teriyaki sauce, and hash browns, as well as with a new pork-patty sandwich smothered in black pepper sauce (the sauce has been a Western-style favorite in Shanghai since the mid-19th century).

KFC was one of the early and most successful American imports into China. But it's the Colonel's bony wings that sell best here, not the white-breast portions preferred in the US. KFC has further modified its menu to include local favorites such as congee (rice gruel soup) and stubby cobs of unbuttered, unsalted corn.

Food is not the only community where differences appear. Wedding salons here are not what the average American bride would expect. Think elaborate, gold-encrusted, one-stop shops for hair, makeup, gowns, and, after the actual civil ceremony has taken place at a courtroom, photos.

Western-style historical museums are also catching on in Shanghai, but with a few twists to appeal to locals and their spoiled only children. Thus, bugs are big here. On Dec. 6, Shanghai opened a Bug Museum with more than 1 million specimens on display, including the big draw of 3,000-year-old lice collected from the hair of ancient corpses.

Hair salons in China now offer the big names in hair care products - L'Oréal, Paul Mitchell, and Vidal Sassoon - but they insist upon giving every customer a traditional head massage, free of charge. It would be unthinkable for a Chinese salon to offer a shampoo and set without a gratis head massage, and this has prompted various hair product manufacturers to create special scalp-soothing products for the Chinese market.

Chinese patrons getting their roots touched up also demand that the color never touch the scalp. "Unlike in America where I had a salon, Chinese clients are terrified of hair dye on their skin," says Wang Lei, owner of the successful Shanghai chain of Commune Hair Salons. "So we've had to change our application style considerably."

Self-tanners are not the popular item they are in the West. In China, white skin is in. A tan face signifies the status of a lowly peasant who has worked in the fields all her life. Thus, the whitening products from Chanel and Kanebo sell well here.

Looking for a convenience store in China? As long as you don't expect what you get in the States, you can go to Lawson's, the Chinese equivalent by way of Japan. But be prepared for steaming vats of broth and skewered tofu wafting into your face at the checkout counter, with hordes of after-school kids pushing you out of the way to get at it while you try to pay for your milk and Pepsi.

Christmas may be one of the biggest Western imports of all. In Shanghai, it has been adopted in a big way, with gift-giving and partying. Ask any average Chinese on the streets of Shanghai what they think Christmas means, and they will likely reply, as Xu Ma Ling did, "Well, it's a very big Western holiday that signifies the birth of some god. But we also know that the main thing is to give extravagant gifts and shine bright, twinkly lights."

Jan. 1 is also wildly celebrated here, with fireworks and set menus at every upscale hotel in town, even though the Chinese excitedly celebrate their own more culturally relevant New Yearin early February.

Perhaps Rudyard Kipling got it only partly right when he said, "East is East and West is West, and never the twain shall meet." They do seem to be meeting in some unexpected ways
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Postby Atusa Qajar » Wed Apr 26, 2006 10:27 am

Hooters in China! :-s

First KFC, then Starbucks and now ......
Hooters opens its first restaurant in Shanghai (China's Vegas) as the first of the four. There will be a Beijing branch follow and coming soon!

Questions from Iranian Marxists?????????
With all due respect and in the spirit of the "Opposition Solidarity," and more .......

I am not talking about those Tudehi and Aksariati Revisionists and Traitors (as you call them) !!!!!!,
Would "Real Communist" Comrades like Comrade Bita, Fadaian Khalgh (All 15 Groups of them), Kurdish Comrades, Hezbe Komonist-e Karegary, Sarbedaran, Peykar, Ranjbaran, etc. please answer these questions?

1) As the leader of the Communist World, Where is Comrade Hu going?
2) Where is China going?
3) What is going on in Marxist World?
4) Is this the final step of Marxism, as Marx promised?
5) Why bother carry the word "People's Republic" in the country's name?
6) Is intermix of Capitalism in the proletariat system, part of the doctrine?
7) Will proletariat of the world, still unite? And with whom will they unite, maybe Imperialist pigs?
8.) What would Mao say (if alive)? How about Comrade "Che"?
9) Who will you adopt as a role model Now, Bolivia and Morales?
10) Why are you still communists?

I know, I know, I know it by heart, "Iranian Communists" don't follow any Communist nation, but they will create their own style of Communism (in future Iran)!

Can't wait to see that!

Let me quote IPC Web Mistress:
"If Muslim are stuck in 11th Century, Jebheis are stuck in the 50s, Monarchists are stuck in the 70s, then surely you (Marxists) are stuck in the 80s! I wonder, when will we move on to the 2000s???????????"

would someone care to shine a light on us?

Get a load of this one:

Hooters China Website

Boobs (Proletariat) of the world, let it all hang out (Unite)! :D

Neo Marxism in Action! =D>

Let's do The Capitalist Imperialist Twist!

Imperialist Hoot Girls Role Models for the masses!

A proletariat special exercise

A Young Hooterian Neo Marxist

comrades, Come and embrace my Proletarian Hoots!

Proletariat of the world Unite!

Proletariat of the world unite more!

Young Marxists in action!

Viva Revolution of the proletariat!

Young Proletariat Heroines waiting to serve the will of the people!

Welcome to People's Republic of China, can we breast feed you?

Hooters Shanghai

New proposed Chinese Flag!

PS: Due to disappointment from Global Proletariat and Iranian Marxists, and Iranians, I am going away in hiding, but somewhere in between Morocco (CR) and Mexico (AX), so I will not contact any Iranians or activists. Now its up to the Lib! :D
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Postby Liberator » Wed Apr 26, 2006 1:55 pm

"American Imperialism" is being embraced by Communist China :roll:

Since Atusa brough up communists, mojaheds, tudehis....

Slogans and Realities

The slogan:

"The Islamic Republic will establish Islamic justice and with Islamic justice, everyone and everyone will live in freedom, prosperity and independence" - Ayatollah Khomeini Safiheh Noor, 2nd Volume pp18

The Reality:


Children of Iran, one of the wealthiest countries in the world, toiling in a brick factory, 27 years after the victory of the Islamic revolution.

Socialist Workers Party in UK, followers of Marx, Engels, Lenin and Trotsky and "the champions of the working class :)", support the Islamic Republic, "the representatives of God on earth!"

What bizarre times we live in...
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Postby Omid » Sun May 07, 2006 4:04 am

Liberator wrote:"American Imperialism" is being embraced by Communist China :roll:

Lol I found that interresting aswell, more likely China is the one who is against the American kapitalistic ways because in China there is afterall Communisme :-k

Liberator wrote:Since Atusa brough up communists, mojaheds, tudehis....

Slogans and Realities

The slogan:

"The Islamic Republic will establish Islamic justice and with Islamic justice, everyone and everyone will live in freedom, prosperity and independence" - Ayatollah Khomeini Safiheh Noor, 2nd Volume pp18

The Reality:


Children of Iran, one of the wealthiest countries in the world, toiling in a brick factory, 27 years after the victory of the Islamic revolution.

Socialist Workers Party in UK, followers of Marx, Engels, Lenin and Trotsky and "the champions of the working class :)", support the Islamic Republic, "the representatives of God on earth!"

What bizarre times we live in...

Interresting, I never saw that but it's kind of right though and beside that, Iran is aswell more friendly to communism countries than kapitalistic countries which makes me think that they picked their allies well since they gain allies... Russia & China with their Uranium transport.
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