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Postby Irani » Wed Dec 29, 2004 6:05 am

[quote] have not a slight problem with bloodshed for a higher cause of freedom. Bloodshed builds character. Battle is good for the soul & Fighting spirit avoids us to become fat, feeding on Persian Food! Whats wrong with that? Its pretty athletic indeed! the problem with Iranians is that they have degenerated & lost their place in the world. Inside, you got 3,000,000 part time & full time prodtitutes, another 3 million drug addicts, another 3 million dealers & petty criminals, 3 million more sex slaves & party addicts, 3 million liquidy so & so intellectual heavy metal & rocker crowd, & 3 more million scaredy cats in silence & the rest of the nation are thieves, corrupts & con artists. Do not even let me start on the Iranians outside! You see, we have become too soft & thats why The Persian Empire has become the Armpit of the World named IRI. [/quote]

When was the last time you were in Iran??
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Postby Ahreeman X » Mon Feb 14, 2005 2:27 pm

Ey Irani:

"When was the last time you were in Iran??"

Bache be to che marbute? To mage fuzuli?

Why do you ask so many questions?
I thought you were Jebhei?
Looks like maybe you were also one of our classmates in the:

SAVAK's Fine School of Traditional Interrogations

and the student of our beloved:

Instructor Sabet!

You must have been in a lower grade because I don't recall seeing you in:

SAVAK's Fine School of Traditional Interrogations


Allah bless Mr. Sabet! He was a man o some serious issues!!!!!

Irani, Cheqad soal mikoni! To ro che sananah?!

God Damn kids these days!

Allaho Akbar!
La Ellaha Ela Allah!

I assure you that I know more than you about what is going on in that Shiite Hole every month of the year! I video Net Meeting with comrades from Mashhad to Zahedan & from Tabriz to Tehran!

Thank you very much Inspector Clouseau

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Once A Terrorist, Always a Terrorist!

Postby Ahreeman X » Tue Feb 22, 2005 3:11 pm

Exposing News That You Do Not Hear On Your Local TV News!

Once A Terrorist, Always a Terrorist!

Oldies but Goodies
Old IPC Files

I want to mention an important event that many of you do not know about it. All the information regarding this event is public information & for more information you can get in touch with KOGO AM 600, the most popular News Radio in Southern California, Roger Hedgcock Show, or you can directly get in touch with Israeli Security Forces Site to verify this news.

Way before 9/11, Mr. Muhammad Atta, the master mind, Muslim Martyr of 9/11 who master planed the death of over 3000 Civilians in America, was arrested by Israeli Police! Do you know why? Because he blew up a Bus full of civilians in Israel. He was trialed, convicted & was serving prison term in Israel.

During the Oslo Treaty, which was signed between the Palestinians & Israelis, & in a way forced upon Israel by the President Clitoris (Clinton) & his gang of Liberal Democrats, American Government under the leadership of President Clitoris, forced Israel to release all Palestinian Political Prisoners, as a show of good faith, to achieve ever lasting peace!

All political prisoners meant All of Them, including Muhammad Atta! Israel was forced to release Muhammad Atta to Palestinians. Times went by & finally came 9/11 & Muhammad Atta paid America well, for releasing him in Israel @ the first offense! Mr. Atta personally thanked USA for his release from Jail!


1. Once a terrorist, always a terrorist.

2. Fighting Terrorism, means fighting terrorism worldwide. It does not have any meaning nor does it make any sense for United States to fight terrorism in Afghanistan, yet block Israel to fight terrorism in Israel!

3. United States, specifically Mr. Bush should butt out from Israel's Fight against Terrorism, simply because the public opinion in USA is definitely in support of Israel. Mr. Bush should think twice before attempting to block Israel & Mr. Sharon. The same people, "The Majority of People" who voted for him to get elected in office during the last election (including your's truly), might not be so favorable to him in the next election! Mr. Bush, practically thinks that due to his popular War Against Terror, he got the next American election in the bag & he will for sure win the next election. I can for sure take a solemn oath here, that the same Patriot Americans against the big government, high taxes, & Socialization of America, who voted for him during the last election & helped him to rise up, will be the down fall of him in the next election, only & only if he continues playing a Double Standard in fighting the war against world wide Terrorism! There is absolutely no difference between Al Qaeda & PLO, also between Osama Bin Laden & Yasser Arafat. It is time for US Government to butt out of Israeli Internal Affairs & to stop being a Hypocrite.

4. There is no way in hell, to negotiate peace with the Terrorists! If this was possible, then why Mr. Bush is not negotiating with Osama Bin Laden? Does Israeli Citizen's Blood has a lesser value than American Citizen's Blood? Is it OK to Suicide Bomb & Blow the hell out of hundreds of Israeli civilians in Jerusalem & other Israeli cities, yet it is forbidden to blow the American Citizen's Sky High in New York City? What the Bloody Upside Down logic is that?!

5. The disaster of 9/11 to the greater part is on the head of President Clitoris. Another mess that America can be thankful for due to Clinton's Legacy, just like helping to create the Islamic Republic of Iran, a mortal enemy to American Security, by not supporting the Shah & by flirting with Mullahs was the official policy of Mr. Carter (Clinton's God Father)! America is always thankful for all the great screw ups in American National Security, Screwed up foreign policy, & weak disastrous results, due to Weak, Incompetent Liberal Democrat Policies. This is nothing new! Clinton & his cabinet are directly responsible for 9/11, same as many other disasters which happened during his 8 years of corruption in the White House.

6. Once the PLO, Al Hamas, Al Jihad, Hizbollah are all exterminated, once the people of Palestine elect a democratic non terrorist government to rule over them, then Israel can sit behind the negotiating table & conduct a peace agreement with Palestinians, until then, to negotiate with terrorists is a silly joke that America is trying to force the Israel to do! US Government should think, judge & decide that would they commit what they are wishing upon Israel to do? What if every single day a suicide bomber would blow up a dozen of civilians, women & children in American Supermarkets, Discotheques, Restaurants, & Concert Halls?! How does Bush like that? For his own sake, Bush needs to get off of Sharon's back & let the things to carry on with their own natural process!

And this is the end of my preaching!

Voice of Logic & The mortal enemy of Hypocrisy & Hypocrites of All Levels,

Dr. X
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Postby Shahanshah » Mon Jul 25, 2005 3:10 am

dear GOD, this ahreeman guy is insane, he actually wishes america invade our beloved and noble country. he actually. dear god, i cant tell u how outraged i am. this mother fukkcer ahrreeman is a MEK terrorist supporter, he probably is an american agent, or hes is just a straight RETARD.
no matter how much I hate the mullahs, i hate them so much, in case of an american attack, i would personally go to iran and volunteer to fight the americans and save my beautiful homeland.

death to u ahreeman, ur not iranian, ur an enemy of iran. death to MKO, death to all of those who are bunch of puppets and tools of the west and america.
death to islamic republic. dear god, ahreeman, please report to the mental hospital body, you're crazy.
it is idiots like u who have caused so much carnage for us, it is people like u who have kept iran a weak nation. death to america, we dont need them, we overthrew a regime supported by the whole international community all by ourselves, we can do it again.

People of this forum, I suggest you ignore this psycho and american agent AhreemanX, the best way to shut him up is ignoring him.
long live iran indeed.
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American Political Distribution

Postby Ahreeman X » Thu Feb 02, 2006 9:49 am

American Political Distribution


Once more, Check this Analysis:

American Political Distribution

Democratic Party
Democratic Party has 3 major fractions:

1) Radical Democrats
This group are the most radical leftist fraction of the Democratic Party. This fraction is a step short of Communism.
eg: Michael Moore, Cindy Sheehan, Environmentalist Wackos, Anarchists, Pacifists, Militant Homosexuals, Radical Leftist Groups, Al Franken

2) Liberal Democrats
This group are pro socialist programming of America. They are the Socialist fraction of the Democratic Party & their role model is European Socialist Model. Big Government, Welfare State, Affirmative Action, High Taxation, Artificial Equalization of all people, distribution of wealth, public everything, nationalization of everything, & socialist engineering of America are amongst their agenda.
eg: Kennedys, Clintons, George Soros, Hollywood Liberals, Ted Turner, Barbara Streisand, Jane Fonda, Martin Sheen, Career Politicians of DC, Rich Bleeding Heart Liberals, Feme Nazis, Unions, Mafia controlled Labor Unions, Syndicates, Crime Syndicates, Mafia, ACLU, NAACP

3) Conservative Democrats
This group are the most sound & sane, amongst the Democrats.
eg: Senator Joseph Liberman, Alan Colms (TV/Radio Talk Show Host)

GOP (Grand Old Party) has 3 major fractions:

1) Moderate Republicans
This group are the Neo-Cons, the Rock & Rollers, the movers & shakers, the modern face of the GOP. This group are secular, yet moral. This group are economically conservative but socially moderate. This group are pretty much anti liberal establishment & biased liberal media. This group is heavily pro gun ownership, freedom of expression & press.
eg: Arnold Schwarzenegger (Governor of California), Ted Nugent (Rock Star/Radio DJ), Angie Harmon (Actress), Rob Lowe (actor), Country Music Republicans, Football Player Republicans, Rock Star Republicans, General Colin Powell, Dr. Condoleezza Rice, Ann Coulter

2) Conservative Republicans
This group are pro traditional values, high on morality, strong religious values, family oriented, heavy on patriotism, heavy on free markets, Supply Side Economics, capitalism & private sector.
eg: G. W. Bush, Bush Family, Nute Gingridge, Rush Limbaugh, Shawn Hannity, Karen Hughes, NRA

3) Christian Fundamentalist Republicans
This group are the most right wing, ultra conservative, religious right fraction of the GOP.
eg: Reverend Jerry Farwell, Moral Majority, Christian Coalition, Reverend Pat Robertson, 700 Club, Christian Churches, Christian Fundamentalists, TV Evangelists

Myself, I am a Hard-Core GOP Activist, Iranian-American Republican, American Patriot & a Moderate Republican.

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Postby Ahreeman X » Thu Feb 02, 2006 9:51 am

On Democrats!

My Friends, I promise you with Democrats present attitude, Anti American & Defeatist behavior, once more in 2008, GOP will win the House, Senate, Governorships & White House.

You see, while Democrats talk about Diversity, GOP acts upon diversity! W's Cabinet is the most diversed cabinet in history of America! Prepare yourself for the first Black Female President in America, Condy for 2008.

Liberals are a bunch of Neo Plantation Owners who love the Welfare State & Euro_Pee_On Style O Socialism. Liberals talk about the Ghetto Man in Harlem, Camden & Watts, while they live in their Billion Dollar Mansions & keep a lifestyle of Rich & Famous!

Democrats must change policy & start loving America & get a plan or GOP will maintain in power for another 2 terms, this time with Condy!

@ least with GOP, you know that we will stand by Israel & our Allies.
We will not sell American Security & our Allies!

Frag Liberals & Liberalism!

America, Love it or Leave it!

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Postby IPC » Sat Jun 10, 2006 12:45 am

Slogans, Inactivity and Sickly Existence!

It is way too lovely when certain Iranian opposition groups in Exile, ban US military invasion of IRI, but for 27 years they have done nothing to overthrow IRI or they could not overthrow IRI. They say, a US invasion will set us back quarter of century, but they refuse to see that it has already been a quarter of century worth slavery in Iran and we are expecting another quarter of century worth of future inactivity and empty talks! Their logic is for US not to attack IRI and allow the opposition to handle IRI on their own! The same way that they have been doing so for 27 years!

Mr. Reza Pahlavi is on top of this list! Big talks, no action, peace policies, Anti US invasion, dead for 20 years and suddenly now calling himself "The Liberator of Iran" who wants to liberate Iran with his "United Opposition" and use of the "Civil Disobedience"! We would love to know, what world does Mr. Reza Pahlavi and Opposition Leaders around him live in? And what do they smoke to cause such fantasies as side effects?!

Once again CIA is at a stale-mate with IRI, so they are loosening the slush funds, so all of these great pacifist opposition leaders are ready to create more 24 hour televisions, radios, news papers, websites and throw more solidarity meetings! Same old story every few years!

Dear Great Opposition leaders, not worry yourselves, because as of now, US will not invade IRI, but they will make a deal with IRI. US will make a deal, because with Russia and China on IRI side and the EU turning the blind eye to IRI atrocities while trading with Mullahs, what else can they do? How can US get involved in another war in such atmosphere and on his own? So your wish had come true!

Not that you are incapable to overthrow IRI, but US will also not invade IRI. Instead US will deal with IRI and this cancer cell will drag on and on for who knows how long!

Now you can continue waving Shir o Khorshid, shouting empty slogans and badmouthing IRI for another quarter of century. Best of luck to Great Iranian Opposition Nationalist Leaders in Exile! Let us continue another quarter of the century with Slogans, Inactivity and Sickly Existence!

Long live Civil Disobedience! :-k
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Apocalyptic signals from Iran worry U.S. intelligence

Postby IPC » Tue Jul 11, 2006 4:22 pm

Apocalyptic signals from Iran worry U.S. intelligence

The U.S. intelligence community has not been surprised by Iran's refusal to respond to a Western incentive package to suspend its uranium enrichment. Intelligence sources said Iran, following North Korea's model, intends to delay any response or negotiations for as long as possible.

The European Union and the United States demanded that Iran reply to the Western incentive package of nuclear technology, fuel and aircraft by June 29. But Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad has said Teheran would submit an answer by Aug. 22.

The U.S. intelligence community has been trying to figure out why Ahmadinejad chose that date. Sources said the community was stumped until some Islam experts translated the Gregorian date to that of the Muslim calendar. READ MORE

Then came the surprise that has the intelligence community worried.

Aug. 22 corresponds to Rajab 27 on the Muslim calendar. The date is called Lailat Al Israa, when Mohammed ascended to heaven from the Al Aqsa mosque to receive the five daily prayers. Later, Al Aqsa came to represent Jerusalem.

The Muslim commemoration is meant to be a night of struggle, accompanied by thunder and lightening, resembling the story of Moses ascending Mount Sinai to receive the Old Testament.

Ahmadinejad could be hinting to the West that he is preparing a major attack on Israel. Or, the Iranian president could be warning that unless the West caves in, he would escalate tension in the region. The lightening in Mohammed's story could represent Iranian missiles.

What is clear is that Ahmadinejad does not see himself as an Iranian leader, but a Muslim prophet, using imagery to portray himself as a messiah for both Sunni and Shi'ite Muslims.

http://regimechangeiran.blogspot.com/20 ... ry-us.html
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Postby vishtasp » Sun Sep 03, 2006 4:55 pm

Iranians are not minorities, they are as Caucasian as I am. :D Secondly, having many Iranian friends at the university I attend, and working closely with one Iranian American professor for indy study, they're great people, they love it here and the life they can have in the states. They haven't forgotten their heritage. I know they want to see their home country normal and with the rest of the modern world but with Dinner Jacket in office it's not going to happen.

Hey the Iranian kids are more than welcome in the USA, hell, we have plenty of room! :D
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