On Ahreeman's Letter To Reza Pahlavi

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On Ahreeman's Letter To Reza Pahlavi

Postby Amir » Fri Jan 26, 2007 8:07 pm

I read your long letter to RP, “The Dialogue RP Could Not Enter:”

http://www.iranpoliticsclub.net/politic ... /index.htm

There were points in there with which I agree, and others of which I am critical. But before I delineate them, let me first clarify my own position with regards to the man. I am neither a supporter nor a critic of RP. I am quite neutral towards him overall. The reason for my ambivalence towards RP will become more apparent as you read this further. So my post here is certainly not meant as a defense for RP, but rather as an analysis of your letter.

Arguments Against Ahreeman’s Letter:

1. Expectations.

You had the expectation that he ought to rise and through more determined activity help free Iran. Why do you have this expectation of him? Who is he to bring about the sort of change you demand of him? Why do you demand such a high standard from him, and not from me, or any other person? I think it is this expectation that has caused you to be so disillusioned with him. So I ask, why have this expectation? The reason I believe that you have such an expectation is one that may surprise you. Like it or not, it is because perhaps unknowingly you are thinking like a monarchist - did that make you gasp?

You are holding him to the standard of his dynasty, brief though it was. You compare him to his father and especially to his grandfather, and you are utterly disappointed at his shortcomings. But ask yourself, why should he be compared to those other Pahlavis? As you and I know, each progeny is quite different than his or her predecessor, and should not have any special rights or privileges simply because of birth. This is, as you and I believe, one of the main fallacies of a monarchial system. One ought not be given special powers and privileges solely based on one’s lineage. But the converse must also be upheld. One cannot be held to the standard of one’s ancestors and blamed for falling short solely based upon one’s lineage. Each person must be judged based upon his own merits, with no prejudices because of his name.

What does RP owe to Iran? What does Iran owe to RP? The answer to both of these questions is zero. If he chooses to live his life in exile and relative obscurity, then that is his perfect right. If he wishes to criticize the regime, that is also his right, and I say let him do it. He is not doing any harm (that I am aware of), and I welcome any voice that speaks out against this regime. But of course, if that is all he does, then he must also know in his heart of hearts that he will not secure a political position for himself in the future Iran.

2. Indirectly you are holding him accountable for his father’s mistakes.

I believe it is unfair to pose the Shah’s errors and ask RP to justify them, or even to pose them to him under a hypothetical situation of what he would have done if he were in his father’s position or what he would do if he found himself in a similar situation. My parents have made mistakes during their lives; as I’m sure yours have as well. I would not venture to answer for them, nor would I require others to answer for their parents. This again is an error derived from a monarchial mentality: to link him to his father, whether that link yields hereditary title, or whether that link yields him answerable for his father’s errors.

3. Your criticism for his not supporting a coup in 1984.

My own knowledge is limited on this matter to what documents you say exist that show a certain general’s plan for a coup and RP’s denial of support. Without further evidence, one can neither condone nor condemn RP’s decision to not act. Perhaps it was a brilliant plan, with a high chance of success, in which case RP’s decision was flawed. Or perhaps it was an ill devised plan, with a low chance of success. If the latter is the case, we cannot condemn him for not acting, and perhaps by not acting he did more good. If he had acted and failed, consider the lives of all the good people that would have been lost for nothing. Maybe you think that it’s better to fight and die, even in the face of failure, but I do not. If a reasonable chance of success is not inherent in a plan, it is better to forego it and not sacrifice good lives unnecessarily.

I certainly do not claim to know one way or another regarding the legitimacy of the plan, but I am just presenting one possible part of the argument. Perhaps he was a coward that froze like a deer caught in headlights. Or perhaps he did not want to unnecessarily risk lives for a plan that he believed would have failed.

Arguments For Ahreeman’s Letter:

1. What entitlement does he have to Iran when it is finally freed?

The answer is none. As he has done nothing of significance for Iran other than yap with some reporters on CNN and FOX, he is not entitled to any of the fruits that the Iranian people will ultimately reap by having paid for it with blood and sweat. This is why I am no supporter of RP. To me, he is just another guy, another voice in a sea of voices. Those that wish to grant him special privilege or special accountability because of his lineage only delude themselves with illogical monarchial principles.

Having said that, it is never too late for a person to make a greater difference. If he shapes up, does more for Iran, and brings in fresh ideas and leadership, I would be willing to support him. Until then, he is just Reza, another Iranian in exile. If he has any intelligence (and I believe he does), he must know this in his heart. He doesn’t stand a snowball’s chance in hell of attaining a significant political career in the future Iran.

2. We certainly don’t need him as a figurehead monarch in the future.

What purpose does that serve? It doesn't make sense to have a king without any real power – ie constitutional monarchy. For what purpose? To act as an ornament, or decoration for the nation? It is a leeching position, to be a pampered king without acting as the political head of a nation. In that respect, he ought to give up any fantasy to that effect, because it ain’t gonna happen. The only role that he should even aspire to have would be as an elected official / administrator in the future government of Iran. If he manages to get elected for a position, let it be for his skill, ideas, and effort; not for his name. Given the history of affairs, however, I doubt that he will have a realistic chance of winning an election in a truly democratic Iran. His name will attract some voters, but his name will also alienate far more voters.

3. The company he keeps.

I am not privy to the company he keeps. However, assuming that you have correct information and he keeps a bunch of yes men around him, then your suggestion to clean house is a good one. I know for a fact that his father was guilty of keeping around him useless yes men that helped bring about his downfall. If the son has followed that tradition of the father, then he will have a similar doom – assuming he ever amounts to anything.

4. Religiosity.

I was not aware of the whole Seyed thing, but again I defer to you about the correctness of that information. I have, however, been aware of his religiosity for some time. Namely, I took great notice of the words “God Bless Iran” at the end of almost all of his written messages.

Is he imitating all the hick American politicians that always attach “May God Bless America” to their speeches?

What did God ever do for America?
What did God ever do for Iran?

But what are you going to do; religious simpletons will always be religious simpletons, right? I’ve always wondered whether politicians say those words only to appeal to the majority of their constituency, which happen to be religious simpletons, or whether they sincerely mean it.

Similar to you, I also wondered whether RP said such things to appeal to the religiously ignorant Iranian simpletons, or whether he was being sincere. Whichever happens to be the answer, the ramification for such a person is disappointing. If he really calls upon an invisible cloud-dwelling Superman to bless and protect Iran, then he is a moron. If he does not believe that, but only says it to be popular, then his ethical fabric is questionable.

I do not mean to say that any political leader that believes in a God is a moron (although he probably is), but that any leader that brings God into the affairs of the nation is an absolute moron.

You hit the nail on the head when you offered the explanation of why otherwise intelligent individuals end up as irrational theists. It is the early mental molding that a child’s caregiver imprints upon him that can potentially forever scar that child. If you recall, I had some words to the same effect in the Russell thread:

Russell on Kant:

“He was like many people: in intellectual matters he was skeptical, but in moral matters he believed implicitly in the maxims that he had imbibed at his mother's knee. That illustrates what the psycho-analysts so much emphasize -- the immensely stronger hold upon us that our very early associations have than those of later times.”

Followed by my comments:

“The fourth argument, that of the moral argument, was introduced by Kant. Which takes us on a side note. Many intelligent and often logical individuals take the side of defending and upholding religion, though this has been more true in the past than in the present. Why is that?

I have for long believed that it is because of the environment to which they were exposed, especially in the early years. Religion and belief in God was imprinted upon them at a very plastic age, a time when belief systems are etched onto the impressionable youth as a tattoo upon the skin. That youth may mature into a functional, intelligent, and otherwise logical adult. However, it will be very difficult to remove this early belief system, as it has found a permanent home within that person’s brain. Belief systems are very important to people, and to shake and disprove them can be close to impossible, or at least extremely distressing. It can be done, but with great effort and pain, similar to a tattoo removal.

The later in life this is attempted, the less likely for it to be successful. That’s because the later in life a person is, the more set in his or her way, the more comfortable he or she is with his or her beliefs, and the more resistant to change he or she will be. That’s why the education and exposure of our youth is so important. Don’t even bother convincing the old, for most of them are beyond help. It is too late for most of them. The youth are what’s important, if ever a more enlightened world is to be conceived, free from religion. The youth are what’s important, if ever a more enlightened Iran is to be conceived, free from Islam.”

I am also aware of the religiosity of the late Shah. The images of him wearing Muslim robes, and of him visiting the Imam Reza shrine are forever carved on my mind. It is an aspect of him that greatly disappoints me, although I try not to dwell too much upon it. Let me tell you what I do dwell on:

As you know, this good king of Iran is buried in the Al Refa’i Mosque in Egypt:


I would like to pay a visit to his burial site some day. I dread the fact that I will have to set foot in an abomination such as a mosque to pay my respects to this patriot and former king of Iran. But if and when I do find myself in that part of the world, I believe that my desire to pay homage to this good man will overpower my disgust at entering the house of the Taazi God of War.
I am Dariush the Great King, King of Kings, King of countries containing all kinds of men, King in this great earth far and wide, son of Hystaspes, an Achaemenian, a Persian, son of a Persian, an Aryan, having Aryan lineage

Naqshe Rostam
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Postby Ahreeman X » Tue Feb 06, 2007 12:45 am


Thank you for response. Thank you for the time you took to edit my other article (US - Iran Situation Analysis) and send me the e-mail.

You are a master in Spelling/Grammar (if you want to); however, 4/5 of what you corrected were not spelling errors, they were not even common grammar errors, but they were very formal style of writing English.

I have changed 1/5th of what you wanted me to change. I changed the obvious grammar errors. But, if I go ahead and change the whole article as you desire, then the article will sound like it came out of some Anal Retentive Iranian “Career Exilist” (I know you love this term) mouth, possibly a college professor in English Literature.

As you have noticed, maybe I should not write as I speak! Maybe I should be more formal. Maybe I should avoid personal attacks. Maybe I should not capitalize what I want to emphasize. Maybe I should not use creative Ahreemanic terms. Maybe I should put a “The” at beginning of all my statements to make it formal. The this and the that ………. And so on………

But then if I do,………….. that will not sound like Ahreeman, now does it?

You basically want to change my writing style! Have in mind that this is not some college English Literature course and you are not the instructor! I am not trying to pass the course for grade!

I write like this because I am a Qajar. Basically Qajar are Ahl-e Del and with a big sense of humor.

This is my style of writing. Many of my terms, statements, paragraphs, constructions and on the grammar issues are not formal and official way of writing an article.

But I am not writing literature here! I am writing a political article. Then you may say that in an official political article (US - Iran Situation Analysis), one should be very formal.

Again, if I start writing material like English 101 textbook, then my readership online will drop 50% because I lose my touch and Ahreemanic flavor! If people want to read Wall Street Journal or New York Times, then they would go there! But they are reading IPC because of special Ahreemanic style of writing.

You had a good point about my random capitalizations to show emphasis and my severe usage of question and exclamation marks. Also the way I use Ahreemanic terms and my sentence constructions.

And you are also correct that people follow my style of writing (even Grammatically incorrect). Now if you think people only follow and copy my style of writing and my usage of terms or etc in IPC, then go around Iranian Net Community and in every single forum you will see a popular character (a wanna be Ahreeman) who writes like me, even copies my slightest expressions or remarks!

Why do you think is that?

If I do not “Write Like This” or for instance “DO THIS” or stop doing this “?!” or seize using material like Ragazines and Ragpapaers or Career Exilists or Inxile or etc., then my writing will lose it’s spice. This whole style makes everyone to read a few lines and recognize my writing.

Take that away and they will think this a textbook boring lesson!

Do you see my point?

In modern literature, the author purposely writes the way he talks and even uses slang. This is a style by itself. This is modern literature. I am not trying to write speech for Bush, neither trying to compete with Shakespeare!

However, you had some very good pointers for me and I shall use your wise advice on those pointers. Sometimes I make very silly mistakes, obvious mistakes, so it is good that you caught them and I did correct 1/5th of what you corrected on the site. The rest were not mistakes, that is how I write. It doesn’t have to be grammatically correct as English 101!

At this point of my life, I do not follow English Grammar, but I create my own language and terms!

But you messed up bad, because now I know what gets on your nerves, so I may do them just to get on your nerves!

About US Government, I am not getting paid from State Department and CIA to elaborate more then what I suggested to them! If they want more, then they can hire me as a consultant. I always take on Government contracts. If not, then they can use my wise comments and go figure where they went wrong for 28 years!

And no, I do not want CIA or US State Department to fund me or IPC. I never begged them for money. I never participated in the rat race of Iranian Media and Political Organizations to jump over each other’s shoulders for CIA Millions!

Every few years, CIA spreads them dough (get it, not grammatically correct)! Every few years, these Iranian Career Exilists including your TVs, Radios, Ragazines, Ragpapers, Websites, Up-Position Leaders, Shahs, Presidents, Prime Ministers, etc. rush to DC to get their share.

Don’t you see how their political activities are simultaneous with the flow of CIA dough? You don’t hear from them, you don’t see their e-mails, you don’t see their sites, you don’t hear their announcements and you don’t know they exist, but suddenly every few years, they come alive!

As soon as every 2 to 4 years, CIA spreads 50 or 80 or 100 millions, these Up-Position leaders publish sites, radios, TVs and suddenly your Shahs, Presidents and Prime Ministers appear from nowhere!

This is so pathetic that any halfwit person can see through the charade!

1001 Persian Prince Charmings licking CIA’s ass!

I do not need CIA’s money, I do not need anyone’s money. For God’s sake, before few months ago, I refused to even go commercial! For years IPC Op. including Cat and Cam pushed me to go commercial but I refused.

I am only doing it now for the good of the movement.

You see, there is a difference between me and people like Reza Pahlabvi:

When people like Reza Pahlavi lose their ass in stock market and go broke, they beg and borrow from Arab Sheikhs, Global Monarchs, Momsey, Family, all the way to CIA!

When I go broke (like when I went Homeless), I get a job, I work hard and I make my own money and pull myself up all the way to the top of the corporate ladder.

That is why Reza Pahlavi or alike Up-Position are humor pieces for political Generation of Iran and that is why no one takes them serious. How many times in the past they claimed to invade Iran and free Iran?

But when I talk, people may hate me or love me but they never ignore me, neither they mock my intent. People always take me seriously, yet some hate me and some love me!

I don’t need to prove anything to anyone. I do what I do for love of Iran. I have a responsibility to Iran and ashes of Aryamanesh. I made a blood oath to continue his path. My blood oaths are real, not cheesy like Reza Pahlavi!

And that is why they also copy my writing style or the way I speak!

Did you notice what I have just done?

I started a sentence with “And” and ended it with an exclamation mark “!” only to piss you off (Riot, Killer)!

Yes, it is true that intentionally or unintentionally Lori, Cat, Lib and many others slip and write like me. Maybe I am a bad role model and an improper English writer but I got spice.

I got game and I got spice and these two are what the Iranian Media and Politicians lack! Think about it!

At least people know that I do not bull shiite them. I mean what I say and I put my money where my mouth is.

Now let me briefly answer your few comments on Reza Pahlavi.

Why do I have expectations from RP and not other Joe Shmoe?
Because RP is the one who clearly says: “ like it or not, a responsibility (Shahdom) has been transferred to me and inherited by me from my family.”

RP openly announces that he wants to become Shah or President or somehow a player in future of Iranian politics. Therefore, he asks for the position but he fails to put 1% responsibility and effort to achieve that goal.

Hassan, Hussein and Ali Naqi are not son of Shah but RP is! That’s why he must hold up to his responsibilities.

Hassan, Hussein and Ali Naqi or myself, do not want to become Shah or President but RP does! That is why his actions must match his will and it simply does not!

I don’t criticize RP because of my Monarchist behavior or Monarchial style of thought, but I do it out of logic because he has political intentions and ambitions. If RP would had officially denounced his claims to Iranian crown and throne and end the Pahlavi Dynasty, then I would seize immediately criticizing him! Then I will consider him a regular Iranian and I will have regular expectations from him. But for now, RP is not an average Joe but he is son of Shah and had a responsibility towards Iran which so far he had failed in it for 28 + years. Got it Joe?

There are many other issues, which I want to address, but I am too tired to do so. They all go for another time.

……. And % does go on the left hand but in Persian! You see, when one speaks many languages, he mixes them up! Also don’t insult me by calling me a Monarchist because I don’t live in 1800s! I live in tomorrow! I am a century ahead of public, specifically Iranian Community in deep sleep!

Thanks again for the corrections and advice.


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Postby Amir » Tue Feb 06, 2007 4:53 pm


How long have I been a member here? When did I ever attempt to correct either your or anyone else’s grammar, spelling, etc? What does that tell you about my real interest regarding such matters? I don’t do it, because I don’t care, and it doesn’t bother me. Now, for the first time ever I did it for you. I didn’t to it to be a smartass, nor because it bothered me (except maybe the question mark in a statement). I did it because I thought that you were soliciting my input if I saw errors.

The suggestions I made were only that: Suggestions. BTW, how did you like my Capital S? I had no expectation that you would follow all the advice I gave you, nor will it bother me if you do not. I am in the business of giving recommendations. I was serious about the changes in style that I recommended you, but either way it’s your work, your article, and your name that goes on the article. You are the ultimate decider (GW Bush style). Use what you find of value, and disregard what you do not. I don’t agree with your reason for writing outside of the confines of the English language – namely to make it spicy and interesting. However, if you have decided to go that route, then good luck to you with that respect, and you won’t hear anything else from me regarding the matter.

I actually find people that nitpick at every little grammatical detail to be annoying. I don’t like to be that annoying person that always corrects others.

To paraphrase Mark Twain, “I never cared for anyone that only knew how to spell a word one way.”

Don’t get too excited about having found something that will get on my nerves. As I told you before, this stuff (except the question mark) doesn’t bug me at all. My demons lie elsewhere, as I explained in the Gimp thread with regard to my particular brand of OCD.

With regard to RP:

Why do I have expectations from RP and not other Joe Shmoe?
Because RP is the one who clearly says: “ like it or not, a responsibility (Shahdom) has been transferred to me and inherited by me from my family.”

RP openly announces that he wants to become Shah or President or somehow a player in future of Iranian politics. Therefore, he asks for the position but he fails to put 1% responsibility and effort to achieve that goal.

That’s fine if you want to point out the fact that he does not have the qualifications, competence, and drive to become a significant political leader in the future Iran. I don’t think that most people would disagree with you regarding that matter. Your letter, however, does not have that as its thrust. A major thrust of your letter deals with comparing him to his father and grandfather. It deals with the testiculo-metry (admittedly a made-up word by yours truly) that you subject the poor guy to.

Now when he says “like it or not, a responsibility (Shahdom) has been transferred to me and inherited by me from my family,” that shows intellectual immaturity on his part. It shows that he hangs on to an outdated and illogical concept. If you answer him on that level (holding him to a monarchial standard), then you have engaged him in a field of intellectual poverty, and your own arguments also take on the same flavor. Do you see what I mean?

Hassan, Hussein and Ali Naqi are not son of Shah but RP is! That’s why he must hold up to his responsibilities.

Did you read this sentence yourself? Only a monarchist would say something like this. You have bestowed responsibilities upon him because he is the son of the Shah. Only in a monarchial framework would such a statement make any sense. As you and I don’t accept monarchy as an acceptable form of governance, and as a son should have no special political entitlements such as being heir to a throne, so too he should have no responsibilities to the same.

Also don’t insult me by calling me a Monarchist because I don’t live in 1800s!

Isn’t it a bitch for one to be called something that one despises? It’s the worst insult, isn’t it? I’m sorry buddy; I didn’t mean to insult you.

I live in tomorrow! I am a century ahead of public, specifically Iranian Community in deep sleep!

I’ll definitely give you that.

Thanks again for the corrections and advice.

You are sincerely welcome. Part of the reason that I gave the advice was because I think that you are great, but you can be even greater.
I am Dariush the Great King, King of Kings, King of countries containing all kinds of men, King in this great earth far and wide, son of Hystaspes, an Achaemenian, a Persian, son of a Persian, an Aryan, having Aryan lineage

Naqshe Rostam
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Postby Ahreeman X » Wed Feb 07, 2007 9:43 am


“I did it because I thought that you were soliciting my input if I saw errors.”

And I still am! I want you to correct me if you see I am making stupid mistakes such as writing “Aids” instead of “AIDS”, but neither you have time to nit-pick and correct a term paper, neither will I revise “a” and “the” all over the page! Take the Anal Probe out!

“I don’t agree with your reason for writing outside of the confines of the English language – namely to make it spicy and interesting.”

That is because in your old ages you are becoming Anal Retentive!

“Don’t get too excited about having found something that will get on my nerves. As I told you before, this stuff (except the question mark) doesn’t bug me at all. My demons lie elsewhere, as I explained in the Gimp thread with regard to my particular brand of OCD. “

These Grammatical mistakes O mine do get on your nerves because of OCD. You seek perfection and unconsciously these imperfections bother you, the same as an odd square in the middle of 1000 octagons in the design of a Persian Khatam Frame bothers you! Words the same as Geometric shapes must be even and in order or it bothers you. Missus maybe your Psychologist but I am your family doctor! You have been my patient since you were an infant. Remember?

One question: Is Missus Persian?
I ask this from all friends!
I am curious to know if Great minds of Iranian Community marry Persian or not?

‘Did you read this sentence yourself? Only a monarchist would say something like this.”

That is correct. I am speaking from the mouth and from the psyche of Reza Pahlavi and in his mind and from his mouth comes out these statements. Crown and Throne of Iran has been laid on his back as a responsibility (he says it like it is both a burden and a task); however, for over 28 years, he has done nothing to fulfill these responsibilities. That is why I see a Joker (Reza Pahlavi) as a Monarchist who contradicts himself and I also see Jokers (Monarcists) who follow this guy and the whole useless concept of Constitutional Monarchy! A Constitutional Monarch is like an extra Cyst in your hand or butt which serves no purpose and it needs to be surgically removed! Some folks like Americans had the guts to remove this Cyst but some folks like Canadians and British kept this Cyst as decoration for the colorbooks and storybooks of their children! Constitutional Monarch is like a Scottish Highlander Dog! They give glam and cuteness to the house.

I believe in the future, every family must have their own Constitutional Monarch in the house, the same as old time Negro Butlers in monkey suits and Uncle Toms in Old South!

“Isn’t it a bitch for one to be called something that one despises? It’s the worst insult, isn’t it? I’m sorry buddy; I didn’t mean to insult you.”


I do not despise Monarchists.
I just look at them as Intellectually Challenged Beings. Was that too politically correct for you? OK, I look at Monarchists as Mentally Inferior Creatures who got stuck in 1800s! There is nothing wrong with that! Monarchists are human too! They have a right to dream like everyone else! Monarchists have the right to make an ass of themselves same as Marxists, Mojaheds, Muslim, Nazis and others do! There is nothing wrong with Monarchists, it is just the Industrial Revolution had passed them by centuries ago!

Actually I enjoy Monarchists and Ultra Nationalists. They are much fun to study as case subjects. They are sort of like Endangered species such as Dinosaurs (Loch-ness monster)! Wouldn’t you like social and psycho analyzing these creatures once finding one alive?

Isn’t that why you still hang around in Activist Chat and fingering those amazing reptiles?
Oh yeeeeeees, Yeeeeeeeeees Ahreeman knows All and Ahreeman is Everywhere!
Ravens fly around the net community and report all!
Ravens my sweet ravens!
You can’t even go to bathroom and play with your balls privately, without Ahreeman watching you! Ahreeman is everywhere, he who knows All!

“You are sincerely welcome. Part of the reason that I gave the advice was because I think that you are great,”

Then maybe you need to start calling me: Ahreeman The Great!

“you can be even greater.”

Then I will need a lift to everyday get my head inside the IPC Gates!

Ahreeman Bless you Professor

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Ahreeman X
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Postby Amir » Wed Feb 07, 2007 4:17 pm

but neither you have time to nit-pick and correct a term paper,

You are correct. Besides, as I told you before, that kind of chore bores the crap out of me. That term paper revision was a one-time project.

the same as an odd square in the middle of 1000 octagons in the design of a Persian Khatam Frame bothers you!

You have no idea how much it bothers me.

One question: Is Missus Persian?
I ask this from all friends!
I am curious to know if Great minds of Iranian Community marry Persian or not?

Yes, she is Persian. However, she is US born, and her knowledge of the old country is limited. I must remedy that.

Was that too politically correct for you?

I don’t care much for political correctness, as I think neither do you. It’s fun to come up with politically correct terms sometimes, just to demonstrate the retarded nature of those that let it rule their lives, isn’t it?

OK, I look at Monarchists as Mentally Inferior Creatures who got stuck in 1800s!

AD or BC? I think BC is more descriptive.

Isn’t that why you still hang around in Activist Chat and fingering those amazing reptiles?
Oh yeeeeeees, Yeeeeeeeeees Ahreeman knows All and Ahreeman is Everywhere!
Ravens fly around the net community and report all!

No shit, Sherlock. Do you think it’s a big secret that I am also a member at Activist Chat? Don’t you remember the first day I showed up here? Don’t you remember how all you guys crashed on me simply because you knew I found my way here by following one of Lion-Heart’s links? Don’t you remember how a few people (including yourself) got their panties all twisted up over Activist Chat and Monarchists when I showed up? Did you forget? I thought that only Monarchists had amnesia.

Regarding fingering the Activist Chat members, if you pay closer attention you’ll see that I actually don’t do that over there. I take on a much more reserved role. The only time I fingered someone there was when I engaged a Jesus freak over a theological debate. That debate lasted almost a year, and has close to a hundred replies back and forth. I am quite proud of that thread, called “What Is An Agnostic? by Bertrand Russell”:


I engaged the Jesus freak in as polite a manner as I possibly could, so that I wouldn’t scare him off from the beginning. It was a good bate, and my gentle nature lured him into a long debate. You would never have guessed that the Amir in that thread is the same Amir in IPC by the non-threatening way that I conducted myself. It served my purpose, in that he didn’t run away and came in deeper and deeper. Finally, he got in so deep that he became frustrated and asked me to disengage him. Being the gentleman that I am, I obliged. He followed this with a few rubbish posts in an unsuccessful attempt to intellectually justify the existence of God. After that, he disappeared into obscurity. If you ever get a chance, and have a few hundred hours to kill, read through the debate. I think you’ll enjoy the way I handed him his ass.

Anyways, I am just business in Activist Chat, whereas in IPC I let loose the hounds and I scream “havoc.” I post serious articles here, but I also play. In Activist Chat, I don’t play. The reason is that there is a playful atmosphere here, and I have no reservations pounding on those that need pounding. However, in Activist Chat I just ignore the retards.

That’s not to say that everyone there is a retard. There are some good people there as well, as there are here. There are some retards there, as there are here. I am not sure why you have labeled Activist Chat as a Monarchist site. As far as I can tell, that’s not true. Not everyone there is a Monarchist. Of course, there are Monarchists there, as there are in IPC. I have not seen a specific commitment by Activist Chat towards any party affiliation. Admittedly, there are more RP supporters there than there are here, but I don’t find that to necessarily be indicative of Activist Chat being a Monarchist site.

I am aware of the fallout between the two sites, and there is no need to bring everything up again since I have already heard your arguments. I will, however, say the following. Cyrus is an intelligent, secular nationalist, and he is doing good work for Iran within his capacity.

Besides, don’t forget that I found my way to IPC via Activist Chat. If there were no Activist Chat, I would have never been a member here, and you and I would not have ever crossed paths. If you value me as a member, then you must at least give credit to Activist Chat and Lion Heart for that.

You can’t even go to bathroom and play with your balls privately, without Ahreeman watching you!

I only play with them because I know you’re watching. Who is the bigger pervert here? The one that secretly watches, or the one that does it because he knows he is being watched? Hmmmm.

Then maybe you need to start calling me: Ahreeman The Great!

Why not? You deserve it.

Then I will need a lift to everyday get my head inside the IPC Gates!

Is IPC a gated community? If it is, then the guard must be fired, because a lot of trash gets through.

BTW, that reminds me of a George Carlin joke. To paraphrase him, he said: “Why does Heaven have gates, with Peter standing guard over them? Is Heaven a gated community? What kind of neighborhood is Heaven in? Does Heaven really need a security system?”

I love George Carlin. He’s funny as hell. I’ve got to go dig up the video clip of “George on Religion” and post it in the forum.
I am Dariush the Great King, King of Kings, King of countries containing all kinds of men, King in this great earth far and wide, son of Hystaspes, an Achaemenian, a Persian, son of a Persian, an Aryan, having Aryan lineage

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Postby Ahreeman X » Fri Feb 09, 2007 8:57 pm

Dear Arsalan II:

“You have no idea how much it bothers me.”

I know, I know ……… I feel for you ……. You iLL and Twisted Neurotic, Obsessive-Compulsive Man you!

Do you watch Monk? I love Monk, never miss an episode! Every month I get closer and closer to Monk! I am almost there! I can really relate to Adrian Monk (Tony Shalhoub - Lebanese origin)! Can you?

The other week, Ameh Khanom Bozorgeh was our guest (from France) and she had a snot rag on the coffee table and I said: Does this have to be there? It bothers me! Can I put it in trash? And without waiting for her answer, I took her tissue away and dumped it in trash! She did not even use it, but it was her security tissue like security blanket! Iranians cannot digest my behavior!

Right after that, I got up and straightened the picture on the wall, which was 2 millimeter towards the right! Then I blocked her to wash dishes and I said: In this house no one washes dishes because:

a) There is a dish washer
b) If anyone washes dishes, then I have to redo them because I don’t trust anyone’s dish washing!

I think all my behavior offended her! But then again the only thing I didn’t do was walking behind her and clean after her! Yes my behavior is offensive to Iranian old generation!

But then again allow me to quote:

<< If Iran had more like you, we would have not been in the present situation! You must be an Aryan God, you protector of Zarathustra and All the good about Iran.>>
(Kaveh Farrokh)

Coming from someone in caliber of Kaveh, which I know his whole family all the way to his Grand Father (Departed Senator Farrokh, oldest Iranian Imperial Senator), this is a great complement!

OK, I look at Monarchists as Mentally Inferior Creatures who got stuck in 1800s!

“AD or BC? I think BC is more descriptive. “

Ooooooh Lib is not gonna like that @ all! But I bet before he got pissed, he laughed @ this one! Great one liner!

“No shit, Sherlock.”

Dig deeper Watson?

You’ll find some if you dig deep, Dr. Watson (Rioooooooooot)!

“Do you think it’s a big secret that I am also a member at Activist Chat?”

Not @ all. We have all kinds of Agents in IPC. For instance Lib is the Agent of RP, you are the agent of AC, ……………..

“Don’t you remember the first day I showed up here?”

Yes dear Salman Farsi, I remember.

“Don’t you remember how all you guys crashed on me simply because you knew I found my way here by following one of Lion-Heart’s links?”

Yes Salman Farsi, I remember.

“Don’t you remember how a few people (including yourself) got their panties all twisted up over Activist Chat and Monarchists when I showed up?”

I don’t wear panties. I wear soccer shorts and when I go out, I wear speedos! Panties are too tight and do not allow circulation of the Balls! That’s why Arabs don’t wear tight shorts! That’s why their Habibati gets to grow large! It’s all about the Balls!

“Did you forget? I thought that only Monarchists had amnesia. “

Not @ all! I recall perfectly, but that does not automatically mean that you must still stay there! You see, people do evolve!

Once upon a time I was drinking, smoking and drugging daily! But that was ancient history when I was young and stupid! Now I am drug free! People evolve………… Do you understand me Salman Farsi?

“if you pay closer attention”

My time is too precious to read Activist Chat! There are members in IPC who monitor all sites, members like Lib and Cat.

“you’ll see that I actually don’t do that over there.”

That’s because you feel right @ home in IPC, so you take off your pants, put on the pajamas and you Frag with people relaxingly (Ahreemanic Term)!

“I am aware of the fallout between the two sites”

Obviously not, because if you did, then your choice of wording is Fragged! There was no “Fall Out” but there was:

Kos Keshi
Unappreciative Bi Namusi
Use IPC when needed and delete IPC when not!
Haramzadegi and Bastardship, Monarchist Style!
Madar Qahbegi, Bache Susul Style!
And afterwards, declaring Amnesia, Monarchist Style!

So as you see, there was no “Fall Out” but there was “Close Faggotry of The Third Kind” (Stephen Spielberg)!

“Besides, don’t forget that I found my way to IPC via Activist Chat. If there were no Activist Chat, I would have never been a member here, and you and I would not have ever-crossed paths. If you value me as a member, then you must at least give credit to Activist Chat and Lion Heart for that.”

I. You owe your pleasure to know me, not because of Activist Chat. If Activist Chat done anything was to delete IPC posts, so people would not get to know IPC. But there are so many IPC posts in Activist Chat posted wither by IPC members or readers that Cyrus The Zepert either did not feel like deleting all or maybe after Cat’s lecture, he felt ashamed of himself to delete them!
II. You owe this pleasure to Lib because Lib posted an informative post there.

“Cyrus is an intelligent, secular nationalist, and he is doing good work for Iran within his capacity.”

Well let’s see:


Would you tell me what the Frag is that?
Do you call that Web Design?
Is there any order whatsoever?
This is a typical Zoo, Iranian style, same as Iranian lifestyle inside and outside Iran full of Chaos!
Of course I am advertising for Cyrus now, by posting this link, but what the hell, AC links are all over IPC!

Now lets analyze, shall we?

You got on the top L to R:
Cyrus then Babak then Achaemenid Persian Female Warriors (Lib’s pic) and then out of the blue George Washington on the boat! What the Frag is that?!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

That’s like Peanut Butter and Bulgarian Cheese Sandwich!

Then @ the bottom, you got Cyrus The Great, then suddenly in the anime he puts his pic and Cyrus Kar shows up and frees the pigeon and frees Iran! What the Frag is that?! Is this arrogance or arrogance?

Do you see my pic on IPC Homepage, taking my pants off, free Haji and let him loose to free Iran?

Then take a look all over the front page! What is that?

A Dog with his owner gets lost in there!
A Fly in pubic hair of the vagina gets lost over there!

Is this the homepage of a professional website?
Is this a maze for Magas-e Pashm-e Kos to figure his way out of the vaginal hair maze?!

Then you look around closely and you will see pictures stolen from around the net,

Babak from the artist
Ayat Mohaqeqi from me

Do you see any pattern in this page?
Can you find anything on this page?
Reader gets blind trying to find something in there!

Then look @ the Forum?
Does chaos ring a bell?

Everytime I go to Activist Chat (once every season), it is like Fragging me up the butt with a baseball bat!

The site is a Fragup, it’s a maze, it’s a zoo!
The forum is chaos, no order, no nothing!
The posters are idiots
The owners are monarchist thugs
The leader is a Neo Con wanna be GOP activist + Wanna be Iranian Ultra Nationalist

So tell me,

What is the good that Cyrus does for Iran again?
Deleting IPC posts?
The same IPC who helped him to start Activist Chat?
Or is it the few Bull Shiite Mugs, T.Shirts and Aprons that he sells?
(Wait till you see the future IPC line and I will tell you what is art!)
is it bullying the members if they insult or critic Reza Pahlavi?

Now let me explain something to you:

And mark my word right here and right now,

“In this day and age, You cannot in the long run, succeed by undemocratic methods.”

The other day, Cat showed me a thank you note and happy new year response from Anjoman Padeshahi (API). That is good. I never had anything against API (Except Fouladvand)! But now, even Fouladvand sees that it is for his best interest to get along with IPC, because he sees the Giant (IPC) is coming to swallow Iranian media, so he may as well use Public Relation for his own good!

So as you see, Fouladvand came a long way from telling me:

“Keep your Ahreemanic Remarks to yourself.”

to now:

“Thank you, Happy New Year and best wishes to you compatriots.”

That was Fouldvand then (Through API Site),

This is Fouladvand now (through Tondar)!

Then suddenly today I was updating the Political Orgs site and guess what?

I figured, now, API does not have their English or Persian Site! Now, Tondar is their main site! No Mullahs is their side kick site! Now Fouladvand is humble! TVs are getting lost, Sites are getting lost, memberships are dropping …………… this is what happens to Tyrants! Now Tyrants become humble because they know what is good for them!

But of course, Ahreeman is always generous and forgiving.

Same goes for Cyrus.

What did I tell you:

“In this day and age, You cannot in the long run, succeed by undemocratic methods.”

Would you like to make a wager with me now?
Let us bet to see where Activist Chat and Cyrus will be in a few years? Would you like to?
Iranian Sites, TVs, Radios, Ragpapers, Ragazines, etc. come and go……….
I don’t need to tell you that!
The only ones that stay, are the ones which adapt themselves to Democratic ways. The Iranian Undemocratic Way is destined to die out along with its believers.

You will be here in a few years and I will be here and we can make a wager now to see where Activist Chat will be in a few year! Just tell me how much?

Sites like Activist Chat are similar as cockroaches to me.

My plan is that in a year, I’ll turn IPC to a Giant phenomenon in Iranian media.
In 3 years, face of Iranian media will change.
In five years, face of Iranian politics will change.
How you ask?
IPC will be playing the role of a monitor to watch over, critic and support or punish Iranian Media and Iranian Political Parties to make sure they stay progressive, constructive, democratic and walk the line. If they get out of line and the thug behavior shows pattern, they will be put back in their place. Like little children, they need to be watched over by UN (IPC). Our role will be to make sure to get the most productivity from Iranian media and political orgs. for the benefit of the Iranian people.

If Iranian Media and Political Orgs. could not do this task by themselves after 28 years, then obviously they need a big brother (IPC) to guide them to walk the line!

This is not an “If” or a “But”, this will be the future. IPC will be making these guys to walk the line or else. Mark my word and you know I mean business. I am a Son of a bitch and I have a mission.

Allow me to use my digital memory and quote a comrade,

Cat to Pirouznia:
“If we have to get a syringe and inject democracy to these guys (Iranian Media and Political Orgs), then be it!”

You see, I am like the Raven. I have a digital memory and I never forget and never forgive. I take the grudge to the grave and beyond but I promise I’ll return the favor!

Of course we are behind because we had to do this 6 years ago!
Our mistake (my mistake) was to spend all this time and effort on AOL (Site) and Yahoo (Club)! 6 years ago, I had to start our own server like I did few months ago. If 6 years ago, I had done that, then today IPC would be a giant instead of just starting out her second birth after Hezbollah destroyed our first site and club. I take full responsibility for that.

So let’s get back to Cyrus’ case,

With me, it is Black and White. No areas of Gray (G W Bush)!
Either you are my fried or you are my enemy!
Either you stand for Democracy (like IPC does) or you are against Democracy!
Monarchist, Hezbollah, Hassan, Taqi, Naqi, Yadollah, etc. makes no difference. Same Shiite!

If you are a Monarchist and you stand for Democracy then you are in IPC like Lib and CA. If not, then you have communication with IPC, like even API does now!

But if you delete IPC posts, this is a direct assault to IPC! Pirouznia tried that and I Fragged his political career! Activist Chat also tried that but Cyrus’ crime was much larger than Pirouznia! I did not help Pirouznia and SMCCDI to grow but I did help Cyrus and Activist Chat to grow. Do you see Cat here? Cat advertised for them all around Intenet in official posts and in pamphlets in universities and we allowed them to post actively in old IPC club to advertise.

Cyrus Drank the wine and broke the bottle on Cat’s and my head!
There is no way to justify what Cyrus done.
There is no way in hell to somehow still mark Cyrus as a human, set aside a Constructive Nationalist or a Democratic person!
He is a piss ant Bache Susul Monarchist which he will get his. It may be soon or late but Cyrus will get his. What goes around, comes around.

I hope for once and for all, I explained the Activist Chat episode to you.

In a way when Pirouznia deleted IPC posts, he Fragged himself over!
When Cyrus deletet IPC posts, he dug his own grave, but he still does not know it!

Did you well understand my reasoning?
Did you get it Salaman Farsi?

“I only play with them because I know you’re watching. Who is the bigger pervert here? The one that secretly watches, or the one that does it because he knows he is being watched? Hmmmm.

You sick and ill pathetic man!
Let’s see,
That makes me the voyeur
That makes you the exhibitionist
Hmmmmmmmmmmm whose more sick?!
Does your wife knows about this behavior of yours in the bathroom?

You see, I used to be a decent man until I met you and you perverted me! You are a bad influence on an innocent fellow like me!

But after all, isn’t it all about Balls (read your IPC dictionary post)!?

Adios Amigo

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Postby CR » Mon Feb 12, 2007 2:19 pm

Dear Members:

First of, screw Activist Chat and Screw Reza Pahlavi. Now let’s move on. That was my personal opinion! :D

Second of, some of you are e-mailing me and wondering why I don’t participate more in the club affairs. I am up to my neck busy with my own business, private life and IPC Web. It leaves me no time to participate in the club. In my line of work (web), I witness many <Episodes> (DR. X)! I have to deal with many <Reptilian Minds> (Dr. X). It takes a lot of efforts to <Evolve> (Dr. X) people! Below is one case of me dealing with <Iranian Episodes>! I blanked her name to protect her identity, so she will not make a larger fool of herself in public! See first hand what I have to go through and why I am less visible these days and fully occupied with the web relations (my business and IPC business). Enjoy:

My response to …………

Dear ---------:

“Dear Katayoon, “

The name is Catayoun.

“We can't link to your website at this time,”

We don’t expect you or any other website to link to IPC.
We don’t need you or any other website to link to IPC.
Future of Iranian Media is IPC. We will change the face of the Iranian Media and keep them inline.
All we need from you is to keep a working calendar, so we can link to it. So far you have been doing a good work on keeping your calendar steady and functional.

“Since it carries nude pictures. It's more porn rather than poem sculptures.”

----------, why don’t you be honest. You don’t have to make excuses and we don’t care for you to link to us and we certainly don’t need you or anyone else to link to us. But stop trashing our efforts to change the superficial and shallow Iranian Shiite Culture.

Out of 42 sections of IPC which is a general encyclopedia of Iran, online and out of our non stop massive campaign to save Iranian Culture, history, heritage and language by publishing the most educational books by the most talented and the most intellectual Iranian authors, philosophers, historians and journalists and displaying them for free to public, so the young generation inside and outside Iran can read every single book banned inside Iran, for free online,……….. you managed to see only some artistic nude photo sessions and some nude cartoons? So now you call IPC a porn site?

IPC is the only factor trying to save your culture, history and heritage and overthrow IRI by getting the whole opposition to work together!

What you wrote, is not just an insult, it is a very shallow analysis of IPC. It is same as looking at Encyclopedia Britannica, but only to the pages which displays sexy pictures of Madonna!

One can say, you may say what you said purposely to undermine what we do!

The truth of the matter is that your site is a Yellow Pages online. Your job is to collect ads to survive. You collect ads as a business, we collect ads to collect funds to free your country! IPC has a mission. This mission is to protect and serve the Persian Culture. We expose Islam and Muslim because our country is under occupation of Islam and Muslim. Your clientele can get offended if you link to IPC. Your clientele include many Iranian Muslim aka Arab Worshipers aka Persian Traitors who are lost to their own culture! So linking to IPC is bad for your business.

I told you before, the difference between us is that I am a Freedom fighter and my goal is to free my country. You are a businesswoman and your goal is to make money. We are a world apart. But we can be honest with each other and we can avoid trashing each other’s hard efforts to save Iran and Iranians by changing the minds of the future generation.

As I wrote, no one expects you to link to IPC and no one expects you or people like you to lift a finger to free Iran, but at least be honest about why not linking to IPC and certainly don’t trash our efforts. We gathered the best of Iranian bright minds under one roof to write for IPC, the greatest Iranian historians, authors, philosophers, cartoonists, animators, etc. and you call IPC a porno site? Rather than a poetic site? We don’t try to be a porno or a poetic site!

I don’t know what level of education you have or how much of IPC you read per day or how familiar with IPC are you, and I certainly don’t want to bash you or people like you, because at least you managed to put up a steady calendar online. Compare to average Iranians, you are somewhat competent. But in one sentence you trashed our efforts, the very efforts that people like us do to save your country and culture. People like us are very few in a sea of Westernized Materialistic shallow Iranian Americans living particularly in Southern California and your town LA. Their purpose is to make money, eat and have sex. What do people of Tehran Geles care about Iran and future of Iran? The least people like you can do is not to back stab and trash people like us by statements such as above.

Again, all we need from you is to keep a working calendar, so we can link to it. So far you have been doing a good work on keeping your calendar steady and functional. You supply us with a functioning calendar and we will advertise for you for free. This relationship is much more beneficial for you than us. =P~

No one is avoiding you to state your opinion, it’s a free country, say how you feel about IPC but be honest. If you can’t be honest with us, then at least be honest with yourself. ](*,)


It is a shame for an Iranian woman to make statements such as you made to another Iranian woman.

:evil: CR
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Postby Ahreeman X » Mon Feb 12, 2007 6:19 pm

My Beloved Comrade:

I don’t want to give you advice because I am not qualified to give you advice. I have as bad if not worst of a temper as you do and I have no tolerance for Iranians of the Status Q (Ahreemanic term only for pissing Amir off)! As a matter of fact, recently as I had mentioned, I said goodbye to a dear friend and we went our separate ways, because no matter, how sophisticated we may look, still there exists the “Iranian Shiite Mentality” in all of us. My friend, even though a secular progressive liberal, yet still full of this mentality; therefore, his actions unveil this subconscious mentality. But even though I could use politics and calm my temper and keep the relationship alive, yet I laid it on the line for him.

He was at fault but too large of an ego and pride to admit it, and unfortunately, we are all passionate people with hot tempers and once the water crosses above the bridge, then there is no turning back!

In your case, please comprehend, there is no sense arguing with Iranian Business crowd. Don’t you know better?

Does Professor Stephen Hawking argues with Britney Spears?
Does Condoleessa Rice argues with Al Franken?
Does Amir argues with Bache Kuni?
Do I argue with Cockroaches?
Same goes with you, go figure……..

What purpose does it serve? Ask yourself, will you?

Instead, why don’t you give her credit?
Why you ask?
Here is my reasoning:

You do understand that Iranians by majority are not good with teamwork, are incompetent and tend to move towards chaos, right?

What have I always told you?

Put one Persian in a room, you’ll get ingenuity,
Put two Persians in a room, you’ll get conflict,
Put three Persians in a room, you’ll get chaos!

So now, you got this girl and her crew successfully operating this calendar for now few months! They did not screw it up, they kept it online, they are expanding it and they are doing well. Isn’t that great for Iranians?

Of course it is a big deal! Maybe not for you and I, but for average Iranians it is a great deal! Look at the Iranian TVs and Radios or Websites, Ragazines and Ragpapers, will ya? They can’t operate anything!

For God’s sake, look at 3 other calendar systems they have online and we tried that didn’t we? They can’t even keep a calendar or a directory site consistently online, functional and working!

Of course you have to give this girl credit. For Iranians it is a great deal! So this is what you will do,

No matter what her reply will be, you will thank her for her input, thank her for her great work she is doing on the calendar and wish her the best. Encourage her and then maybe you can enlight her step by step through the years. But you can’t suddenly shine all the light on her at once; it will blinden her (Amirian Logic)!

And (@ beginning of sentence would guarantee to piss Amir off) if you don’t want to deal with it, then I’ll do it because the last thing I need is to create the 43rd section of IPC, a general Iranian calendar! I don’t have time for Bull Shiite!

You are good at PR, right? Then play it right and use politics because there is no way in hell that you will get through to these people, simply because you are communicating in a different bandwidth. As I said, it is sort of like Stephen Hawking communicating with Britney Spears! So what you can do is the old “Reward and Punishment” and “British Political” approach. Pad them on the back, thank them for their good work, wish them the best and along the way, try to enlighten them step by step (small steps). Get it Joan of Arch?

All of us need to calm our tempers, in your case; you need to take a vacation to your den (Morocco). I’ll handle everything.

I have just finished creating the 4 different e-mail lists of Iran for IPC

Iran Politics
Iran General
US Media

Of course Lib created the first part but I had to delete it and redo it to make it perfect (Obsessive Compulsive Style)!

So I am done with that task and now I will restart the publishing. Take off, you need a break. And always remember PR is politics. Call me from Africa.

Adios Amiga

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Postby Ahreeman X » Tue Feb 13, 2007 4:05 pm

:indiangirl: Dear Beloved Comrade:

You are now probably about to go airborn to Europe and Africa, but later on you will read this from Europe or Africa, so here it goes:

This is the result of your lecture to this girl:

“From: ………………..
Subject: RE: Iran Politics Club (New URL)
To: Iran Politics Club Networks <iranpoliticsclub@gmail.com>

wow, wow, wow! hold on! I guess you totally misunderstood and didn't noticed what I wrote:

It's more porn rather than poem sculptures.

does it say your site? or the photos??

yes,I am honest with myself and strongly say those are porn PHOTOS and as an Iranian woman, actually I am ashamed of seeing them! and they are against our culture.

and I didn't talk about your site.

we are web developers and ………… is just a side service and we don't make a penny out of it, what ever comes out of it goes to our advertisement and site maintenance expenses. most of the time, we have pay out of our pocket for it. we are doing it, not to make business. you can see other parts of it as well, to connect Iranians worldwide.

do you see the "jobs" section or classified ads or search engine or Iranian TVs info and a lot more....? they are all for free and helps a lot of people. even the Medical directory is a very highly visited page of it, that helps people to find doctors in Iranian community. we get a lot of contact looking for different people or services and we spend our time and help them for free. we help young artists to be more known and ....

I, myself in addition to others worked sooooo hard on it to keep it like this and raise it. I cut from my sleep and family and kids time, don't keep calling me a "business woman" as an insult . if we don't work, we can't survive. the life expense in this Tehran geles is much higher than other places, rent, insurance...

I respect your site, I don't have time to read it, but I think you have a good purpose (except that part!) I couldn't believe my eyes when opened it!

that was all I said and you got too offensive.

anyway, we better keep our positions, we are doing our job, you are doing your job. you are free to link or not to link to ……………...

looking forward to have a better conversation next time,


This is how I took over and dealt with her:

“From IPC Founder
To: ……

……… Jan:

IPC Office forwarded this e-mail to me. Even though I love CatFights but allow me to meddle in here. I have sent Cat for a vacation to Morocco. Cat is a hot-blooded revolutionary with a hot temper. She has been under stress and she needs to cool off.
I believe most of our problems, as Iranians are communication problems.

You mean something but it comes out different.
Cat means something but it comes out different.
Then the conflict starts.
Both of you are well intentioned but then the bad feelings start. I am all about uniting and not dividing.

I am going to cut this argument right here and leave you with few issues:

I. I am giving you and your crew, credit for successfully keeping this calendar and web directory online, functional, well attended, well designed and steady. I acknowledge your effort because unfortunately I see failure in Iranian community trying to operate a meaningful TV, Radio, Website, Newspaper, magazine or other forms of media. Even in your field, 3 other calendar systems cannot provide a decent service and they are unreliable. Of course I appreciate your work and of course I thank you for your services to Iranian community and of course I value your work because I see 3 other sites are a joke trying to do the same thing. We been there and done that so we had to end up with you. Trust me, the last thing on Earth would be for me to create a new section (General Iranian Calendar) and operate it. I have tons of other tasks to do. Besides, why would I? You are doing well, a fine job and you seem pretty organized and talented to me. I am going to use your service and to show you my appreciation; I keep on your links, ads and even add more ads for you on different pages. You are providing a service for Iranian Community. It is my duty to support you and advertise for you. I thank you.

II. We should not jump in conclusions. What you call porn, someone else may call art and modeling. I can see how this may seem offensive to traditional Iranian school of thought. Then again, children and Pre-teens have no business in IPC and Teenagers are welcome and trust me, they know more than you and I about nude bodies, who are we kidding? I see nothing wrong with nude bodies. This is not Islamic Republic of Iran to hide our bodies!

III. The original E-mail you have received was not directed to you but it was an E-mail sent to 600 different Iranian political organizations, parties, cultural sites, media, businesses and other sites, including yours. We never forced anyone to link to us. We did not ask any group or site to link to us. If you had read it carefully, then you would notice that we asked those sites whom are already linking to us, to change our URL to a new one. We have 3 different URLs but soon there will be only one. If we ask everyone to link to us, then thousands of sites in our directory must link to us! We never ask and we practically do not care for them to link to us. That was only an informative e-mail about our new URL. Mostly a lot of political sites, cultural sites, historical sites and Anti Islamic sites link to us. ……. jan, no porno sites do link to us!

IV. Both you and Cat must understand life is a compromise and appreciate each other and each other's work. I appreciate both of you.

Keep up the great work and I wish you the best


This is the result of how I dealt with her:

“From: ………….
To: IPC founder

Dear AX, founder of IPC,

thanks for your email. I thought the misunderstanding was resolved and each of us got back to our own field of work, with continuous working relationship.

First of all thanks for realizing that how hard it is to manage and keep this calendar up to date. we will do our best to keep it up.

earlier, few months ago, I had said we would provide a link after your site was more complete and after getting that email, I thought it was the time. that was why I checked it and it all started!

I would rather to keep my opinion and not argue about it. we have different perspectives and should respect each other. the site is yours and I emphasize again that I didn't talk about your site, I just talked about the photos, which is eye catching at the opening.

and I know how hard you guys working on it to keep it up to date and have meaningful content in it.

so, let's just continue our working relationship the way it is and respect each other.
again, thanks for taking your time and writing to me.

Best Regards,

So you see Cat?
A little compromise, acknowledge, credit, politics and love goes a long way, doesn’t it?
Can we all get along? :devbrowed:

Even though we already have done many future Nude Model Photo Shoots, but not to worry, maybe I pose nude as the next IPC Hot Model and I let you do the photo shoot! :devprised:

I don’t know why people are so hung up about nudity! I walk nude in the house, sometimes gardening nude and even typing this post in nude! If I could and I was not prohibited by social laws, I would walk nude in the street, go nude to university, teach nude and go nude to corporate world and conduct business. :devgrin:

Shoooooo…….. people are so uptight!
If I run a corporation, I’ll have once a week Nude Day. We should all get naked once a week and show up to work like that! What’s wrong with that? :diablo:

Have lots of R&R and fun
See ya

Watcher in the woods
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Ahreeman X
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