US 2008 Elections

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US 2008 Elections

Postby Ahreeman X » Wed Jan 30, 2008 12:10 pm

From The Desk of Dr. X

US 2008 Elections

Broadcasting from IPC Netwroks,
The Largest Iranian Netwrok in the World,
Home of the Thinking Iranians,
Home of the Ahreeman,
He who is the sole reason for the excitement of the Iranian politics,
He who is the alternative to the Old Farts of the Iranian Media and Intellectual Gurus,
He who is the reason that people do still follow the Iranian politics,
I shall begin our broadcast ….


I am going to start this thread and I am hoping for “All”, and indeed for the Iranian Americans to post your opinions in regards to:

Are you a registered member of a political party?
If yes, which party is that?
If no, what is your political affiliation and Opinion?
Whom are you voting for?
Why are you voting for this person?
What are your future expectations from this candidate?
Whom do you predict to win the presidential general election?

As for myself, I truly cannot endorse anyone at this point. I am not crazy about any of our (GOP) candidates this term. I would have loved Dr. Condoleezza Rice to run for presidency (the most qualified candidate); however, she had chosen not to!

One thing is obvious that I simply cannot vote for a Mormon (Romney) or an Evangelical Christian (Huckabee) whom simply do not believe in the Evolution. As a Scientist, Evolutionist, Materialist and a Scientific person, I do refuse to vote for some brain drained Christian.

Actually I believe that the Christian Right has hijacked our party (GOP) and had turned it into the Party of God. The funny thing is that all our founding fathers were either Atheist or Secularists:

Famous Atheist Quotes and Wisdom ... /index.htm

Yet the Christian Fundamentalists believe that this nation has been built on the Judeo-Christian Values!

Personally, I do not have a love affair with GOP and as soon as there will exist a powerful Secular Conservative party in the United States, I will gladly switch sides; however, until then, I refuse to throw my vote in the trash and vote independent! It is nearly 30 years that I am in this country and I am a Hard-core GOP member and activist. Unfortunately, it seems like it is coming down to the Christian Right or us, the Moderate Wing of the GOP.

No matter how much I despise the Evangelical Christians, yet I hate Liberals, much more than the Christians; therefore, I would rather align myself with the Evangelical Christians in GOP, than to align myself with a bunch of Bleeding Heart Liberal Democrats.

I rather eat Shiite and die, than to align myself with the Liberals. The Liberals and Liberalism stands for everything that goes against my soul. I am:

Pro Small Government
Pro Tax Cuts
Pro Guns
Pro Private Enterprise
Pro National Security
Pro Military
Pro Capitalism
Pro Individual Rights
Pro American Business

Anti Welfare state
Anti Government Control
Anti Socialism
Anti Affirmative Action
Anti Open borders
Anti Economic Globalization and Slavement to UN
Anti Illegal Immigration

Haven’t decided on:

Pro Choice or Life?
Pro or Anti Gay Marriage?

What the hell, let the gays suffer the same as the rest of us, let them get marry!

All the above facts aside, how can I join a party whom its Guru (Carter) had destroyed Iran (1978)?

I believe that if elected, the Democrats will endanger the security of the United States and as usual will have no straightforward foreign policy. Our taxes will go up, government will enforce more control in our lives and will dictate to us on how to live. I can’t stand liberals.

Anyhow, I am so politically incorrect that it would be a Liberal Nightmare to accept me in their party (Riot, Murder)!

With Giuliani pulling out and handing his delegates to McCain, it seems like McCain will make the last stand against the Religious camp and the DC Regulars (Romney). At least McCain believes in the Evolution and is High on National Security, also a war hero familiar with the Military subjects.

But isn’t it funny how he imitates Ronald Reagan and tries to cling to his policies, even starts talking like him, always starting with:

“My Friends ……..”

Everyone tries to jump on the Reagan wagon, because Reagan was so popular. Even Obama respects Reagan!

So anyway, I would like to start off this topic and as the months go by, we will all, contribute to this topic by primarily state our opinion and then start a hot discussion. I believe it will be a hot topic.

I welcome specifically the Liberals and the Christians to join in and Rock this topic. I belive this will be an educational topic. We can all learn from each other.

Soon, I will write an article about the elections. I will also keep on posting my thoughts on the elections, under this thread.

For now,
Are you ready?
Let’s Rock!

Adios Amigos Y Amigas


Ph.D. in conservatism,
Defender of patriotism,
The believer in optimism,
Dr. of passion and eroticism,
With a truck load of magnetism,
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The one and only, yours truly, Dr. X;
Ahreeman X

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Postby LOJ » Wed Jan 30, 2008 5:30 pm

The funny thing is that all our founding fathers were either Atheist or Secularists:

This isn't exactly true. None of the Founding Fathers were atheists. Most of the Founders were Deists, which is they thought the universe had a creator, but that he does not care about the daily lives of humans, and does not directly communicate with humans, either by revelation or by sacred books. Sort of like I believe, I believe in a God but only think that religion is another form of prejudice. And trust me I doubt that God cares about our daly gossip routine....sort of like us continually debating the facts of is there or isn't there: with our philosophy debates.

But despite that it exercises the brain and hopefully one day you will see that I'm rarely wrong =;
Luvs, LoLo aka Pooh Bear and all those other cute is your head? Hard as ever or are you better...only meant in the sincerest manner![/quote]
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Postby Ahreeman X » Wed Jan 30, 2008 9:15 pm

From The Desk of Dr. X

Lori, you are alive! :devprised:
My Poo Bear is alive! :yeees:

I thought we lost you to the pornographers, casino owners, poker tables and human traffickers! :(

After your untimely disappearance :dancechad: and therefore my glorious victory :victory: in our philosophy debate, we had pronounced you dead:

Dialogue of Lori Forouzandeh and AX (Philosophy)

You had come alive! :chita:
Allah works in mysterious ways! :belly: :arabj:
She’s Alive! :pervert:

“This isn't exactly true.”

Read my lips: :teacher:

Most of the founding fathers were Either “Atheists” or “Secularists”. The key word is Secularists, get it? Did you read my quotes? Do you know history? Washington, Madison, Jefferson, etc. all secularists, get it? Pay attention when I talk. Stop playing with your fluffy pussy, cat :percat: that is, and pay attention when I talk!

“None of the Founding Fathers were atheists.”

Yes they were. Some were.

“Most of the Founders were Deists, which is they thought the universe had a creator, but that he does not care about the daily lives of humans, and does not directly communicate with humans, either by revelation or by sacred books. Sort of like I believe, I believe in a God but only think that religion is another form of prejudice. And trust me I doubt that God cares about our daly gossip routine....sort of like us continually debating the facts of is there or isn't there: with our philosophy debates.”

Exactly my point, what does this have to do with the topic of this thread? This is about your opinion on the “US 2008 Election”. Why everything is a debate with you? And what does this debate have to do with the topic of this room and thread? Why don’t you focus on the topic?

Focus Lori, Focus …….
I know it’s hard to focus after decades of Boozing and Drugging, but paleeeeese try!

I would be glad to hear what you have to say about philosophy, where you cut and ran away (typical liberal policy):

But, this is another topic and another room! Did you get your rooms mixed up?

Do not mix up the bedroom and the kitchen!

“But despite that it exercises the brain and hopefully one day you will see that I'm rarely wrong”

Now that is the Lori that I know! Typical arrogant Lori! Now you cookin girl.

“Luvs, LoLo aka Pooh Bear and all those other cute names....”

All the names that I had granted you? :D

“ is your head?”

Which one? :riot:
Rioooot, Murderrrrrrrrrrr…………. You are so vulnerable! :spanked:

“Hard as ever or are you better...”

Its hard as always, yet at my age, I may need a boost of vitamin V (for Viagra)! :C

You know what they say?

When we were young, we used drugs such as LSD, PCP, Quailood …..
But now that we are old, we still use drugs, but the types of drugs had changed to:
Viagra, Lipitor, Propecia, …
(Riot, Murder, Killer)!

“only meant in the sincerest manner!”

Me too!

You know, the problem with you is that you got your rooms and topics mixed up!
You post your philosophy debate here and God knows what you post over there!
You still did not respond to the topic, wither here or there!
Get your head out of the poker and porno, so you can focus!

I truly cherish these cyber moments between us! :fenc:
Nice to see you again. :B

Who loves you babe? :devnoid:
Ahreeman indeed! :devbrowed:
Who else? :devgrin:


Ph.D. in conservatism,
Defender of patriotism,
The believer in optimism,
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With a truck load of magnetism,
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The one and only, yours truly, Dr. X;
Ahreeman X

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Postby Ahreeman X » Wed Feb 27, 2008 2:52 am

:ayatollah: Barack Hussein Obama :hojat:

Hillary Clitoris’ (Clinton) latest dirty campaign trick to diminish Obama’s fame. Nothing will work, it is all over for Hillary. Obama will be the democratic candidate. GOP supports Obama, He is our candidate of choice! We love Obama.

Mr. McCain, must love these internal Liberal rivalries. I am sure Hillary is making Hussein more electable! First his name, then his religion, now his clothes ….. Can Clintons scoop possibly lower than this? Is there any wonder why Hillary is so hate-able even by her own party? Liberals are paving the way smooth and clean for GOP.

My hat is off to Hillary’s camp. We could not do it better and cause more internal conflict amongst the democrats than this! This news is good enough to give me an erection! :devgrin:

Ladies and Gentlemen, please welcome the Democratic Party’s candidate of choice for the next president of the United States of America:

Barack Hussein Obama

Brother Obama in traditional Somali Garment

Brother Obama in traditional Turban, Robe and Shalwar Pants

I’m too busy with elections these days. Only wanted to release a little remark here. My first election article will soon be out in the website.

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Postby Ahreeman X » Wed Feb 27, 2008 3:29 pm

Ralph Nader will run!
Go Green Baby, Go Green ....

Do you see Ralph Nader’s finger?



That will be the finger, which will Frag the Liberal Democrats!
Remember what happened the last time that a strong independent candidate ran (Ralph Nader)?

Any amount of votes, which will be given to Ralph Nader, will come out of the Liberal Democrats' bag! Ralph will damage the Democrats (once again) beyond repair! Ralph cost them the election last time! Ralph Nader running as a third party, independent or Green candidate, will be a God Send for GOP!

Now, I am an Atheist, but I am telling you, someone up there must love GOP! What else can go wrong for Liberal Democrats? It seems like everything is going wrong for them. The road is getting paved for another 4 to 8 years of GOP. \:D/

I just got back from shopping, put the stuff away, changed, but still sitting naked behind the computer writing this note! If you pin me, I won’t feel it! I am practically dancing with a 6/8 Persian Beat! I’m doing the hustle baby! See me dance? Haji Kuchike and I are dancing Persian Disco! C'mon baby lets get down to it ...
:swingman: :discobanana:
Boy, this news is good enough to give me another yet a Bigger Turn On! I’m getting yet another Ahreemanic Erection! Every day is a great day. Everything is coming together for us to win again!

In the darkest moments, when we thought that this turn, the Liberals have all the cool candidates and we have only the dorks, but look what has happened?!

GOP supports Barack Hussein Obama and Ralph Nader. Thank God for them!

:grandp: It’s a beautiful day in the neighborhood, a beautiful day in the neighborhood,
Would you be my,
Could you be my,
It’s a beautiful day in the neighborhood, ……
Sun Shine, Happy People …….. LaLa La LaLa La ………..
Ok Ok, I must go attend to different chores. Maybe I’ll be back later to rub it in more and more in Liberals’ face …..

Someone up there loves GOP. someone please pinch me? =P~

In God We Trust (cheesy American politician style)!
God Bless GOP!

Ye Baby Ye .... :devbrowed:

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Postby Darvish » Wed Feb 27, 2008 6:47 pm

AhreemanX wrote::ayatollah: Barack Hussein Obama :hojat:

Hillary Clitoris’ (Clinton) latest dirty campaign trick to diminish Obama’s fame. Nothing will work, it is all over for Hillary. Obama will be the democratic candidate. ...............


Oh grate! X has been "busy with the elections"? One wonders if he has been occupied administering prostate exam to the republican candidates or keeping up to date with -POW-Mc's 70+ loose-bladder and diaper service?

As for deceleration of win by Obami, U can take a "conservative" out of bull's-ass, but U can not take the bull out of a conservative! Don't count the chickens until they hatch.

As for the above moron, he may be running ok, but the fool is chasing his tail with finger up high in someone's tukus. Hey X, this moron is a cool match for Psycho-BB!

O', U see how color is thicker than any human bond for the niggros? We have black rats, I mean politicians jumping side, in view of Obami's flow.

I bet these fks have a hidden agenda of demands of "Reparations" for the fact their ancestors were given a free boat ride across the pond to civilization, since otherwise they would be chopping and eating each other in Africa, like their kins do in Darfoor.
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Postby Ahreeman X » Thu Feb 28, 2008 10:51 am

Dear Bleeding Heart Little Liberal Bozo :C :

Before stating anything, I would like to remind you that the End is near, the End of the road in Texas and Ohio and ……, therefore, I would like to send you my condolences about Hillary Clitoris, in this manner:

Bleed Liberal :drown:
Bleed Liberal, Bleed ……….. :CS:
Bleed Sue Sue Bleed ……………. :samur:

But then as a Compassionate Conservative, I must offer you my help, therefore:
I offer you Tampons, Pads or simple Cotton Kotex Feminine Products to help your bleeding heart, bleeding anus and bleeding elsewhere…..

Ahreeman is generous! :devbrowed:

Now that we got that out of the way, I shall clearly state here that the Lieutenant Commander, John McCain is healthy as a horse and more healthy than you and I. He is in perfect shape and ready to take on the responsibility. Great American Hero, Experience, Veteran Statesman, Politics, and Solid as a Rock, ready to roll.
You see, GOP is a party of substance, history, justice, professionalism, career and courage. The party of technocrats. We deal with facts, not emotions. Our candidates do not preach rhetorics, but facts. We offer solutions, not sermons.
Unlike Liberals such as you, we do not Kuning (Kun Dadan) around; yet, we build the United States of America. We, The GOP, The True Patriots.

Now let us see to challenge a Femi-Nazi (Hillary Clitoris) and Negro Boy Wonder (Hussein Obama), what do we, The GOP have to offer. Shall we:

:nvoff: US Navy Lieutenant Commander, John McCain :pilot:
An American War Hero and POW


Both McCain's grandfather and father were admirals in the United States Navy. McCain attended the United States Naval Academy and graduated in 1958. He became a naval aviator, flying attack aircraft from carriers.


As the son and grandson of distinguished Navy admirals, John McCain deeply values duty, honor and service of country. John attended college at the United States Naval Academy, and launched a 22-year career as a naval aviator upon his graduation. He continued the McCain tradition of service to country passed down to him from his father and grandfather when he asked to serve in the Vietnam War.


On July 29 1967, John narrowly survived the first of many near-death experiences during his lifetime while preparing to take off on a bombing mission over North Vietnam from his ship, the USS Forrestal. A missile accidentally fired from a nearby plane struck the fuel tanks on John's plane and created a deadly inferno aboard the ship. John barely escaped the fiery disaster that killed 134 men, injured hundreds more and destroyed 20 planes.


Instead of taking the option to return home after the Forrestal disaster, Senator McCain volunteered for more combat duty - a fateful decision that stopped the clock on his life and separated him from his family, and country, for five and a half years.


During his 23rd bombing mission on October 26, 1967, a missile struck John's plane and forced him to eject, knocking him unconscious and breaking both his arms and his leg. John was then taken as a prisoner of war into the now infamous "Hanoi Hilton," where he was denied necessary medical treatment and often beaten by the North Vietnamese.

Senator John McCain with Cindy McCain

John spent much of his time as a prisoner of war in solitary confinement, aided by his faith and the friendships of his fellow POWs. When he was finally released and able to return home years later, John continued his service by regaining his naval flight status.

Senator John Mccain and Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger

Senator McCain's last Navy duty assignment was to serve as the naval liaison to the United States Senate. John retired from the Navy in 1981. His naval honors include the Silver Star, Bronze Star, Legion of Merit, Purple Heart, and the Distinguished Flying Cross.



All good things must come to an end and so is our little history lesson. So now, you can go back and

Bleed Liberal, Bleed ……….. :spanked:
Bleed a Puddle, Bleed a Lake, Bleed you little Bleeding Heart Liberal …. :drown:
Bleed Sue Sue Bleed ……………. :4shanbe:

:steamroller: Welcome to another 4 to 8 years of GOP! :elephant:

Hee Hee Hee How Howl Howling (That’s my Ahreemanic Laugh)! :devlaugh:

Ahreeman is now leaving the IPC building :devcool:

Ahreeman Bless :devgrin:



Ph.D. in conservatism,
Defender of patriotism,
The believer in optimism,
Dr. of passion and eroticism,
With a truck load of magnetism,
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The one and only, yours truly, Dr. X;
Ahreeman X

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Postby Darvish » Tue Mar 04, 2008 9:28 pm

As expected , Hilly kicked fkn-Obami ass in Ohio and Texas!

When the question is " who is tested and ready as a Commander and Chief from day one", the voters loudly have answered.

The Senile Retard, I mean Republican moron Mc. also became the nominee of his party, who made it by earning less number of votes than Hilly or Obami, yielding the conclusion that it should be a slam-dunk for the Democrats in 2008!
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Obama Turd

Postby Darvish » Sun Mar 16, 2008 10:02 pm

Like a turd that does not flush, Obami remains float.

Did U hear about Obami's spiritual leader, the preacher to whom Obami entrusted his eternal salvation to? This guy is anti-white, just like Nazis were anti-Jew and X is anti Islam.

After the shit has hit the fan and Obami’s Spiritual Advisor has shown his colors, what do U think Obami did? He just went to his church to get niger’s vote.

How can People trust him with the office of the President, when his spiritual house is in turmoil?
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Sarah Palin Rocks America!

Postby IPC » Sat Sep 13, 2008 4:50 pm

Sarah Palin Rocks America!
Vote GOP, Save US and Iran

by Ahreeman X

I am going to be very blunt, frank and politically incorrect writing this article. Sarah Palin is a budget balancing, corruption ending, semi automatic shooting, gun slinging, morality ranting, patriotism raving, public preaching, crowd gathering, rebel rousing, ass kicking, reform tasking, house cleaning, independent minding, NRA membering, family valuing, government shrinking, moose hunting, oil drilling, outdoor roaming, survival dwelling, America loving, flag waving, tax cutting, gun packing, politically incorrect, stubborn woman who is here to cut government’s wasteful spending and hand the power to the American people! Country First indeed! In the past, I have explained vastly on why we should elect Senator McCain as the next president of United States of America. Now l will explain on why Sarah Palin is what we exactly need for the 2008 Vice Presidential choice?

We love America.
Liberals love to Hate America!

We love Iran
Liberals love peace to prolong IRI’s life!

We love Star Spangled Banner.
Liberals love to burn the Flag!

We love Lion, Sun and the Sword.
Liberals love plain tricolor flag or gay lion with no sword or Allah’s emblem!

Read more:

Sarah Palin Rocks America! – Part 1 ... /index.htm

Sarah Palin Rocks America! – Part 2 ... /index.htm

Why John McCain and Not Democrats for US 2008 Elections?

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