Bache Kuni Trial

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Once a bitch....Always a bitch

Postby Amir » Wed Jul 12, 2006 6:18 pm

I thought my fun would come to an end once TBK got banished. I was wrong. I still get to play with the twitching corpse while it still flays around for a short while longer. ... 3tqUysgMMF

Definition of “bitch:â€
I am Dariush the Great King, King of Kings, King of countries containing all kinds of men, King in this great earth far and wide, son of Hystaspes, an Achaemenian, a Persian, son of a Persian, an Aryan, having Aryan lineage

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Postby Chic Moda » Wed Jul 12, 2006 6:20 pm

Dear Defense Council Amir

"4. Depression: "I can't bear the fact that I’m a reject at a place that rejects almost no one."

"place that rejects almost no one"

Not true! We have never rejected anyone except spamers. Well DBK (Dead Bache Kooni) fits the profile of a spamer + Saboteur!

This is really bad, real bad, isn't it? We are the most tolerant Iranian forum on the net. In 6 years, we have not killed anyone! Iranian forums, revise, delete, ban and kill right and left! This creature had pushed and pushed so far, so after 6 years, she would be the first! Can you believe it?

How many times do I have to bitch slap this bitch, so it will click and she will go away?
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Postby Chic Moda » Wed Jul 12, 2006 6:32 pm

DBK (Dead Bache Kooni) :restpeace:

Return of The Living Dead! The Moving Corp which would not go away! Which is better:

Shahis (Bache Kooni style of speech) killed you but you came back from beyond!

Lib (Shahi Executioner of IPC) :salutemil: killed you :steamroller: , but you returned from the death! The bitch who would not go away! (new horror movie) :paranoid:

DBK (Dead Bache Kooni) or ZBK (Zombie Bache Kooni)?

CR made a promise to Amir, so I have to obey that, so forth I must skip step 3 (for Amir's sake):

3. Criminal Fraud and Grand Ignorance 1 (Manslaughter 1)
Your sentence will be:
Delete all BK's posts by all BK screennames.

and move on to step 4:

4. Spam and Sabotage 2 (Murder 2)
Your sentence:
Ban BK temporarily (Ban all present/future BK IPs/screennames for a limited period as will be decided)

All of your ids will be temporarily banned. IPC is a democracy and by vote of majority and the silence of the silent majority, you have been voted out. I am only executing the will of the people. What part of it don't you understand? IPC members do not want you in here?

How many chances have I given you? Finally you got kicked out for tech sabotage, yet you are doing it again! You keep on IP searching on IPC members! For what? So I can delete it again? Now you post my IP, the same IP which Ahreeman allows you to see! You are a little freak who thinks she is a hacker! Give it up child!

I am teaching you a lesson. A lesson which your parents had to teach you, before letting you loose in the street and on the net. Didn't I give you an ultimatum?

For the hundredth time, I am giving you one more chance to shape up or ship out. You will change or you will move to step 4 and then step 5. Then there will be no turning back!

For my good heart, one last chance:

Your Final Chance

You have 24 hours to apologize to everybody, accept the verdict, respect this club, start behaving and show remorse. You must show change of behavior.

After 24 hours, if you continue with your present behavior, then we move on to step 4 to revoke your rights as an IPC member, inactivate all your ids and temporarily ban you.

You will obey the rules of this club or you, all your screen names, all your IPs will be banned temporarily. Little girl, you can't win this fight, because you are fighting a whole club and the whole club does not want you in! You are intruding our house!

Your only chance is to do as I say and shape up or ship out and die in peace! You will be disciplined or die! The choice is yours?

Will you become a human?
Or will you remain an animal?
The choice is yours?

I let you speak for one last time before I temporarily ban all your IPs!

One more tech or IP show off, one more revealing private information of our members, one more display of IPC private info, one more peep out of you and I will directly go to step 5 and permanently ban you.

What do you have to say for yourself?

Oh my good heart!
Poochi Poo, I'll be kind. Change and I will re-activate all of your ids. Misbehave and I'll move to step 5!

CA The Shahi :princess:
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Postby smith » Wed Jul 12, 2006 6:55 pm

1- who is we clit? U and the machinegun all hot air X-Savaki who knocked U up?

Not true! We have never rejected anyone except spamers.

[b]2- Don’t give me “no-spamâ€
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Postby Emam K00ni » Wed Jul 12, 2006 7:30 pm

Thanks Special Agent Smith.

Return of The Living Dead! The Moving Corp which would not go away! Which is better

What is this Dead Business Clit? I took a day off.
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Postby Shahrzad BB » Wed Jul 12, 2006 9:05 pm

Return of Cujo

Cujo is back from the pet sematary!

Stephen King presents:

DBK, The Tazi Hound, The Bitch which would not remain dead!

Return of Cujo! (The Sequel)

Die Kooni Die
Die and Remain Dead Bitch!

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Postby Shahrzad BB » Wed Jul 12, 2006 9:09 pm

DBK, my little flunky patient:


If Shahis are so bad, then how come when you started posting in this club, you pretended to be one? Why is that, you little fucker?

Are the administration of this club suppose to carry the verdict of the jury? Then why are you pussy footing around? You bleeding liberals, stop the compassion and start the kill, I mean real kill and Kill DBK, now.

Kill DBK I (Kill Bill I) is over and she is already back, so start the sequel Kill DBK II (Kill Bill II).

Ban Ban Ban forever and Ban Now! I demand you to ban DBK. I as the jury voted her dead and she is back already! I demand assurance and a peace of mind that she will remain dead. As a psychiatrist of the board, I need a peace of mind to work on IPC patients. With DBK return from dead, I cannot concentrate! I demand death.

:( Lib, I am very disappointed in you. What kind of executioner are you? I voted for you! What kind of electric chair have you used on DBK? The toy kind in the cereal box? Why is the Dyke still alive?

:( Cat, do you call yourself the admin? What kind of operation are you running here? Why is the Witch lesbian still alive?

That is enough of the administration of this club. This administration is too soft. BB is taking action.

BB O BB, whats a girl to do?

BB is taking over
Lib, you hold her feet, Cat, you hold her hands and I will choke the lesbian dyke with my own two hands. I will squeeze the life out of the bitch. Let me get my both hands around her neck. OK OK, hold tight. Squeeze the life out of the bitch. Hold still bitch, so I can kill you.

DBK, Can you feel me now? Can you feel me choking the shit out of you?

Shahis are killing you, you little friging bastard.
Die Kooni Die
Die Bastard Die
And this time stay DEAD
Can you feel the Shahis?

Die and go to Hell, so Ahreeman can also fuck you up over there!

Ban DBK Now Ban Ban Ban Forever.

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Postby IPC » Wed Jul 12, 2006 9:53 pm

Dear Club

Moving on to step 4. For the time being, DBK's past posts will not be deleted (unless she goes out of line), but from this moment on, all her future IDs and posts will be deleted. We had to disable her original avatars, because she changed one to a profane one.

This will be the only avatar which you will remember DBK by:

DBK [? - 2006]
RIP (Rest In Peace)
in IPC Pet Sematary!


Death is destined!

Buh-Bye DBK :anxhi:
Last edited by IPC on Thu Jul 13, 2006 9:26 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby IPC » Thu Jul 13, 2006 12:19 am


As of this moment, please treat DBK as a spamer. Delete her posts and put her new screennames in the "Spamers on Death Row" List, so we can execute her and add her to "Spamer's Graveyard" list. We will delete all her new screennames but we will only add her once to the graveyard list!

Now we are moving towards step 5. Ban for life, membership revoked and all her past posts will show as "Guest". She will lose all her membership privileges. Step of no returns!

Thank you Lib

Buh-Bye DBK :anxhi:
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Postby IPC » Thu Jul 13, 2006 9:54 am

DBK News From The Grave! :restpeace:

Updates on DBK :scream:

The little critter is so persistent to return from the dead! She is trying to reach from the grave! She tried to bark her new messages through her old avatars, signatures and anime, so I had to change her avatar (check out her new avatar for original Emam Kooni ID! :) ), delete her signatures and if she continues her barking, then all her posts and anime will be deleted (sorry Amir)! :)

All her screennames and IPs of the past are banned. As for the future ones, the sooner she creates them and posts with them, Lib will delete them and we will ban them.

Dear members, please relax in peace. We will shut DBK up, even if we have to put a bone in her mouth while glue her lips shut! :bondage: :grenadelauncher:

May this be a lesson to future little pests who get ideas to challenge the Constitution of IPC and abuse it!

Her barks are getting weaker and fading away. She is slowly breathing her final breaths! :( :oops:

DBK, rest in peace. :woohoo:

Buh-Bye :anxhi:

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Postby Shahrzad BB » Thu Jul 13, 2006 7:54 pm

Graveyard Therapy

Patient: Dead Bache Kooni :dog:
Case #: 125684
Therapy: Graveyard Therapy
Session #: 3486 from the grave
Location: Graveyard of pets

Due to special circumstances, this session will not be held in one of my offices in UCLA, UCSD or Bellevue hospitals, but in the pet sematary!

This session will be conducted with me sitting next to your grave and you 9 feet under! LOL

I don't want to pour salt on your wound but, no no that is not true! I wanna pour salt on your wound! LMAO :riot: :rofl:

A smart person would have dealt with IPC, so she would get to keep her artistic avatars, animated signatures, cartoons and informing posts, intact in IPC and for the world to view, but you are no smart person, so you burned all your bridges and got all of your avatars, signatures, animations and cartoons deleted!

In one of your final art works, you drew another stupid animation and wrote "I F....d IPC"! Seems to me that you F....d yourself due to your stupidity! You are the one who is buried alive 9 feet under, trying to paw your way out of the grave but can't! You are isolated from society, net and now your favorite place, IPC. You F....d yourself up, so now you lost all of your global audience to see you do doggy tricks, roll over and stand on 2 feet! All you can do is to play dead now! LOL

You are the one who is 9 feet under, pulling your hair out, wishing to have one more chance to grab your crayons and draw another stupid cartoon to post or another stupid statement in broken English to display in IPC, but unfortunately you F...d yourself up and now you are buried alive 9 feet under, with no one to admire your art works!

So tell us DBK, who F....d who up? Seems like you F.....d yourself up and now you are a dead lonely pooch in your grave, oooowwwwwww owwwwwww owwwww oowing to get out and come back to your favorite place IPC, but the damage is done DBK, so now you must lie down in your grave and watch IPC in silence, pawing and pawing your coffin, hopelessly digging with your nail-less paws to get back! You are rotting away alone in your grave, not even a pleasure to have a session with your favorite psychiatrist, thats me!

Poor sorry dumb pooch, you die out without ever finding a direction and a goal. Now people pass by your grave and piss on your grave, thats why its always damp in your coffin! LOOOOL

Poor poochy with her mouth stitched close, her eyes wide open, envious to get back but F....d herself by breaking her bridges! See you in next life. Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh poor pooch!

Uh uh, midnight! Session is up! BB O BB, whats a girl to do?

RIP Pooch :ripcall:

End of Graveyard Session

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Postby IPC » Tue Jul 18, 2006 8:34 am

This is funny! :lol:

Dead Bache Kooni :swat: ,
after all this time, is still occupied with the animations of this thread! She is changing animations on her site, make them profane and towards IPC! She is obsessed with IPC. A funeral was set ... php?t=1096
but even from beyond the grave, she reaches for IPC and changes animations, so when this thread thrives animations from her site, she still gets to have an audience to bad mouth IPC! DBK still tries to paw her way out of the grave :tantrum: ! So we had to delete all her animations in this thread, only to piss her off and make her more obsessed! We enjoy to see her suffer and claustrophobic in her grave :restpeace: ! If she keeps on changing more animations which are thrived from her site, we delete all of her animations! We love to torture DBK :wedgie: . This puppy suffers when she loses audience! We did not delete all her posts because CR made a promise to Amir, not to delete them. This pup is too obsessed to die :dog: !

RIP DBK :ripcall:
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Postby Amir » Wed Jul 19, 2006 10:49 am

CR made a promise to Amir, so I have to obey that, so forth I must skip step 3 (for Amir's sake):

Thank you.

delete her signatures and if she continues her barking, then all her posts and anime will be deleted (sorry Amir)!

I understand. This TBK does not understand reason; only force.

We did not delete all her posts because CR made a promise to Amir, not to delete them.

Thank you again.

You are too kind. In fact, you spoil me. You have humbled me with your gracious hospitality and courtesy.

My intent was never to request something that would benefit TBK. However, it seems that the courtesy you extended to me is also benefiting TBK by proxy. I hope you don’t hold that against me. If, in your wisdom, you should choose to ultimately delete the TBK posts because the pest simply won’t go away, I will not begrudge you at all. It is still my preference that my pet’s posts stand, but I no longer hold you to your promise; a promise which you have very honorably kept so far.

I thank the court for the courtesy which it extended to me.

PS – Since TBK got buried in the IPC graveyard, I noticed a familiar silhouette there last night. I slowly got in for a closer look and saw that it was Butch, TBK’s gay bulldog boyfriend. He was frantically pawing at TBK’s grave, trying to dig him up. For a moment I was touched by the tender loyalty which Butch had for his mate, until it dawned on me that Butch is also a necrophiliac! Bad Butch…Bad! I chased Butch out of there, but not before he was able to get a hold of a bone and run with it. I’m sorry to say that TBK is now missing his left fibula. We really need more security at the IPC graveyard, to protect against the rising dead as much as against vandalism and grave robbing.
I am Dariush the Great King, King of Kings, King of countries containing all kinds of men, King in this great earth far and wide, son of Hystaspes, an Achaemenian, a Persian, son of a Persian, an Aryan, having Aryan lineage

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Postby IPC » Sat Jul 22, 2006 2:51 pm


"If, in your wisdom, you should choose to ultimately delete the TBK posts because the pest simply won’t go away, I will not begrudge you at all. It is still my preference that my pet’s posts stand, but I no longer hold you to your promise; a promise which you have very honorably kept so far."

As of this moment, all DBK animations have been deleted. DBK still had tried to change her animations in her site and replace them with new profane and anti IPC animations. Knowing that her animations over here thrive from her site and knowing that this would be the last controlling tool she had in IPC, she had randomly replaced her animations with new profane propaganda ones! Would you believe until today, she has been doing this? She has been tried, buried and put away, but since then, she has been actively replacing animations and drawing new ones! What kind of an obsessed loser would keep on keeping on with her obsession, even after she has been banned for weeks? Still trying to reach out to IPC from the grave! [-X

So all her animations have been deleted. It took a long time, but I had to go through all her posts, edit them and delete some nonsense ones! Well all her posts are nonsense but I mean I had to delete the total waste ones!

So not to worry, she has been banned, all her screen names are banned, all her IPs are banned, all her animations are deleted , her avatars have been changed, her signatures are deleted and in other words, she has no more remote control access to her drawings. Her hands are completely cut off of IPC. No more crayons for her!

We will keep her posts, so your posts, using her as punching bag and humor piece will make sense. :D

"I thank the court for the courtesy which it extended to me. "

You are welcome.

I believe this time DBK is truly Dead \:D/ ! Keep our fingers crossed! :doubt:
The length some people go for their obsessions with IPC! Strange! :roll:
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Postby IPC » Sun Jul 23, 2006 10:41 am

Dead Bache Kooni:

Today you created 3 new IPs and screen names and posted a bunch of profane animations in IPC. Your IPs, screen names and posts are deleted. What is this, your 10th attempt to return to IPC and our 10th time killing you?! You are openly obsessed with IPC. No matter how many computers, system networks, spoofers, IDs, IPs and ISP you use, all your posts will be deleted, all your IDs will be deleted, all your IPs will be banned, all your ISPs and IP groups will be banned.

You will dig your way out of the grave and we will keep on killing you and put you back in the grave!

If you know whats good for you, you will know that "you love to stay in IPC" and "you enjoy being an IPC member". We didn't ban you because of the content of your posts (which were stupidly ignorant) but we did it because you posted private IPs of IPC members and private e-mails of IPC. We cannot tolerate your technical sabotage.

If you know whats good for you, you will know that the only way you can stay in IPC and have fun being an IPC member is to obey the rules of this club. Personally I have no problem with you but if you are so obsessed with IPC and love so much to be here, then I recommend to you to obey the rules of this club and change your attitude. It takes a second for me to unban your original ID and allow you back in IPC but that is conditional. The condition is for you to immediately seize your displays of technical information and private information of IPC members in public and also to change your attitude and become civilized.

If you change, we allow you back in, but if you continue the present path, we keep on killing you and put you back in the grave.

Choice is yours Kooni jan! And flattery gets you no where! Cussing IPC admins and moderators will get you no where (they enjoy killing you over and over) and you don't get to display your animations and posts for a global public view and an audience!

Its not personal, Its a matter of you at least acting civilized, if not becoming civilized!

What good does it do to hackle IPC, post a few silly posts and once again get kicked out of IPC? You want to be here and we have no problem with you being here but this is not the way for you to enjoy staying in here.

Change Kooni Change!
Change Susan Change!

Buh-Bye Kooni

Your trainer,

Cat Joon Joon
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