Norooz Shadbash or Eid Mobarak?

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so, which do u say?

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Norooz Shadbash or Eid Mobarak?

Postby vartamelon » Fri Mar 18, 2005 3:37 pm

This may seem completely random, but i guess i was just curious. Growing up my parents always taught my brother and I to say "Norooz Shadbash" instead of "Eid Mobarak" being as that both "Eid" and "Mobarak" are straight up Tazi words... but i was wondering if there was anyone else who strays from using the Tazi-rooted words...
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Postby IPC » Fri Mar 18, 2005 8:35 pm

Dear Vartamelone:

With your permission, we touched up your poll to make it more professional, general & complete. We hope its fine with you. For those with different tastes, there should always be a choice of "Other" in polls.

Of course we have used the IPC standard for Parsi Latin

Nowruz Shadbash
Eyd Mobarak
Nowruz Piruz
Nowruz Shadbad
Sale No Mobarak
Nowruz Mobarak

Sorry, in America we are spoiled, we need many options & choices. Now theres 7 choices like 7 Sin!

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Postby Liberator » Fri Mar 18, 2005 9:03 pm

Norooz Khojasteh Baad!
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Postby vartamelon » Fri Mar 18, 2005 9:31 pm

IPC wrote:Dear Vartamelone:

With your permission, we touched up your poll to make it more professional, general & complete. We hope its fine with you. For those with different tastes, there should always be a choice of "Other" in polls.

Of course we have used the IPC standard for Parsi Latin

Nowruz Shadbash
Eyd Mobarak
Nowruz Piruz
Nowruz Shadbad
Sale No Mobarak
Nowruz Mobarak

Sorry, in America we are spoiled, we need many options & choices. Now theres 7 choices like 7 Sin!

IPC Office

haha, i understand, ur in america? so am i

but my point in asking was that i wanted to see who used full persian phrases as opposed to phrases which contain tazi words. anything with "eyd" or "mobarak" isn't really persian.
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Postby IPC » Sat Mar 19, 2005 1:48 pm

Dear Vartamelon:

Yes but Nowruz Mobarak is Persian Arabic! :D

We had to add what Liberator wanted. Nowruz Khojasteh Bad is very popular & pure Persian. Besides, he is a big potato around here, we have to satisfy his wish! :D

Now its 7 Sin + Other = 8 Sin :D

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Postby vartamelon » Sat Mar 19, 2005 4:47 pm

persian arabic??? oh no no no. those are two cultures that i would rather die then see meshed in together as one.
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Postby Irani » Thu Mar 24, 2005 11:23 am

You forgot [size=150]نوروز Ù
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