More Monarchist Lies

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More Monarchist Lies

Postby Minoo Mojahed » Sun Jun 06, 2010 12:51 pm

More Monarchist Lies

Hello people

It has been a long long long time since I last post here. It has been a long time since I last post anywhere. Life has been busy. I been around the world, busy with NCRI, politics, work and personal life.

Other day I was surfing the net and saw this silly blog with this silly post: ... -club.html

Did you know about this post? Wasn’t this Aryamehr fellow blogger, that immature monarchist boy who used to be your doorman? The one who got kicked out of here because he couldn’t cope with work load. I mean the fanatical monarchist fellow who kissed Reza Pahlavi’s butt 3 times a day and was too dogmatic to move ahead with his life. The monarchist fellow whom I used to always beat in debates and rub his nose in it. Do you guys know the lies he packs about you? By no means I intend to defend you guys but I hate liars and I hate most, the monarchist liars. By the way, you need to ease off on NCRI. We are the only alternative, active and legitimate Iranian opposition. Have some respect. You may not agree with us but you can’t deny out great service to Iranian Opposition. So be good and Ahreeman behave yourself.

Check what I posted in his blog and I’m sure it will never gets published. Monarchist censorship dates back to Shah and before. So for the record, I make sure it gets posted here:


Dear immature, deceitful and bitter monarchist:

Are you still alive singing Javid Shah with this silly little blog? I know your story, I been in IPC and I tried to improve your fanatical monarchist dogmatic brain. Do you know that you’re helping IPC rating and popularity by posting amusing funny lies like this post? First of, everyone in Iranian web community reads IPC and knows Ahreeman. For everyone who doesn’t know IPC and Ahreeman, you are doing great service and post this on the web to direct them to IPC and Ahreeman. When they get to IPC and read it, they will find out the truth about IPC and your pile of monarchist lies over here. Do you think they will take monarchist lies over their lying eyes? Do you take people for idiots?

Ahreeman bashes mojahedin same as he bashes monarchists but you don’t see us going around the net and pack lies about him and call him an IRI agent. We don’t brand people who think opposite of us, but monarchists are world famous for branding everyone who thinks opposite of them as IRI agents.

People who read your lies are wither new to IPC or old to IPC. If new, then you direct them to IPC and they will get wise to your lies. If old to IPC, they know there’s no truth to your lies, because same as myself, they been there and they read IPC. They know you are bitter because you weren’t good enough to move on with IPC. You stuck in the past because you are an overzealous monarchist fanatic. They moved on with their lives and forgot all about you, but you still live in the past, lie about Ahreeman, thinking you can fool people. IPC is not some unknown site, so you can misguide and misdirect people about it. Everyone knows IPC and you only make a fool of yourself and your monarchist ilk by packing lies.

My advice to you is to move on with your life like IPC done. Monarchy is dead and done with. Stop lying about the man who taught you history and politics and everything else you know. Get over it. Don’t be bitter. They forgot all about you. You are providing great publicity for Ahreeman. He should send you a monthly check for the traffic you send his way. When monarchists bash someone, it only makes public curious to go find out for themselves about who this great fellow is. Mojaheds don’t lie about the people who think different than them. Monarchists do. Thank you to prove my point.

Concern Mojahed Sister
Long Live PMOI and NCRI
Minoo Mojahed
National Council of Resistance of Iran

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Minoo Mojahed
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Postby CR » Wed Jun 09, 2010 2:50 pm

To Minoo Mojahed

Dear comrade and opposition freedom fighter

“Hello people”

Hello Minoo

“It has been a long long long time since I last post here. It has been a long time since I last post anywhere.”

Yes it has and I barely reply to anyone on this board. Same as you, I am very busy with work, life and IPC. In your case, I made an exception and took this opportunity to reply to you. It’s not every day that we get a Mojahed sister and NCRI rep. in IPC.

“ Life has been busy. I been around the world, busy with NCRI, politics, work and personal life.”

Same here. Busy with work in North Africa, personal life and IPC.

“Other day I was surfing the net and saw this silly blog with this silly post: ... -club.html

Did you know about this post?”

Sorry to burst your bubble but this is only one post amongst many as you call them “Monarchist Lies” against IPC on the Internet. No shortage of monarchist lies against IPC on the web.

I have news for you. More monarchist lies are more publicity for IPC. They work as Hezbollah lies against IPC. The more Shahollah and Hezbollah trash IPC, the more we become popular and our rating goes sky high. We love Shahollah and Hezbollah lies. We love them to continue pouring our way. Every Anti IPC article by Shahollah and Hezbollah means sky high rating and page views for IPC.

“Wasn’t this Aryamehr fellow blogger, that immature monarchist boy who used to be your doorman?”

Good memory sister! Yes he was and yes we tried to promote him to higher positions but monarchists have brain deficiencies which doesn’t permit them to progress, educate, take responsibilities and perform complex tasks. Monarchists are all talk and no action.

“The one who got kicked out of here because he couldn’t cope with work load.”

Monarchists are arm chair oppositions. They’re great babbling their mouths behind monitors on YouTube, Facebook and MySpace. They’re brave behind their blogs and cheap sites, but they never take any steps towards freedom of Iran. They are cowards behind monitors. His position was strictly a ceremonial position. The minute we spoke of expanding his responsibilities, he choked and become afraid to take some real responsibilities.

< Monarchists are like clams. You can take monarchists away from their hiding security shells, but soon as you let go of their legs, they run back and hide in their shells. >

“ I mean the fanatical monarchist fellow who kissed Reza Pahlavi’s butt 3 times a day”

You said it. Results of 30 years of Reza Pahlavi’s anti IRI activities has been a total of half an hour of 5 minutes interviews on CNN and FOX. That’s what Reza Pahlavi has done for Iran. Like father (RP) like sons (monarchist punks), cowardice runs in the family.

“and was too dogmatic to move ahead with his life.”

You said it girl. Too dogmatic to move on with his life, so his mind remained stuck in his teen years and 1970s Pahlavi period. These people live in the past and they are no use to Iranian opposition.

“The monarchist fellow whom I used to always beat in debates and rub his nose in it.”

I remember you two children used to be at each other’s throats but did you rub his face in to dirt?

“Do you guys know the lies he packs about you?”

Can I ask a question from you? After over 30 years that monarchists have been kicked out of Iran, the only thing they have left for them is the same old statement which goes like this:

< Anyone who’s not a monarchist, must be Hezbollah. > and then this one
< Anyone who’s not a monarchist, is a traitor because he or she participated in 1978 revolution. >

They sound like a broken record and so old that no one listens anymore.

“By no means I intend to defend you guys but I hate liars and I hate most, the monarchist liars.”

Same here. I despise liars and I look at monarchists are inferior wanna be activists and freedom fighters. They don’t have the guts to become real fighters and activists.

“By the way, you need to ease off on NCRI.”

Dear Minoo thanks for exposing monarchist lies but we can’t give you a free pass! Two wrongs don’t make a right! I’m going to be honest with you. I have fundamental ideological difference with both monarchists and you guys. But I don’t put both of you in the same league. I have respect for Maryam Rajavi as a fighter and a leader, but I have no respect for Reza Pahlavi. He isn’t a fighter, surely not a leader and not slightly a human being with a conscience. Reza Pahlavi is a large bag of hot air who has been leaking and releasing gas for 3 decades. Los Angeles and London’s Iranian TVs, Radios and Newspapers are reflections of this man’s empty talks, no actions and loud barks.

“We are the only alternative, active and legitimate Iranian opposition.”

I have fundamental disagreements with Sam Ghandchi, but I agree with him on a couple of subjects:

1. To unite the Iranian opposition under one flag, we must dissolve both monarchists and mojaheds.

2. The only major spark for the Iranian opposition is inside Iran which consists of the civil movement, student movement and progressive movement.

Both monarchists and mojaheds are parts of Iranian opposition and we consider them as Anti IRI Opposition. We have been promoting both groups and supporting both groups for over 10 years. We promote both groups on the web and off the web inside many major universities of Iran.

Enemy of our enemy is our friend. So we consider monarchists and mojaheds our friends. But this doesn’t change the facts that both groups internal operations and belief systems are totalitarian rather than democratic.

Monarchists believe in the divine rights of one person (Shah) and his family (Pahlavi) to rule a nation of over 70 millions.

Mojaheds believe in the Marxist Islamism and control of a committee over a nation. NCRI consists of Mojahedin and then a few other little groups. NCRI operates as a totalitarian Marxist islamist system, then how can they bring democracy and fair elections to Iran?

Monarchists are about dictatorship of one person in Iran.
Mojaheds are about dictatorship of a group in Iran.

Neither group will willfully conduct free elections and then obey the will of the people. Majority of Iranians will never accept monarchy or mojahed rule (North Korea style), so hypothetically speaking, if you guys over throw the regime and conduct referendums and then people reject you, do you think you will pack it all up and leave the scene? Of course not! You will rule by force.

Monarchists and Mojaheds are both totalitarian lovers believe in totalitarian systems hiding behind the democratic veils. We promote both of you and we support both of you because both of you are anti IRI regime, but once we overthrow IRI, then that’s as far as it goes. At that point, we believe in free referendums and elections and the people to choose their destiny. We don’t believe monarchists and mojaheds are trust worthy to obey the will of the people in free referendums and elections. Both monarchists and mojaheds have a history of non democratic internal operations in their organizations and both groups believe in non democratic ideologies.

Monarchists believe in government of one person and one dynasty.
Mojaheds believe in a combination of dictatorship of proletariat (Marxism) and dictatorship of religion (Islam).

You can’t blame the people and us for not trusting both of you.

“Have some respect. You may not agree with us but you can’t deny out great service to Iranian Opposition.”

We disagree with you ideologically but we agree that you are a respectable part of the Iranian opposition. We have been promoting and supporting you for 10 years and we will continue to do such.

“So be good and Ahreeman behave yourself. “

I try to be good but as for Ahreeman, if he becomes good and behaves himself then IPC will lose all its popularity and ratings. Our rating hits the roof to the sky because Ahreeman is Ahreeman and Ahreeman is bad and controversial.

“Check what I posted in his blog and I’m sure it will never gets published.”

We checked it and yes you are correct, it will never gets approval. Monarchist TVs, Radios and Media are based on censorship, what makes you believe that their silly little weblogs are differ?

“ Monarchist censorship dates back to Shah and before. So for the record, I make sure it gets posted here:”

You got it Soul Sister! IPC is the only fair and balanced media in the Iranian community. We don’t censor people’s mouths and minds.

Thank you for your post and stating your mind. Your opinion is well respected.

Respect and Regards
IPC Web Mistress
Catayoun Razmjou
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