Dear good fellow Amir, how R U? Here R some info for U (DBK Style) .....
..... Dear good fellow Amir, Alah (with one L) bless U (DBK Style)!
Ah, how you tease me! Don’t U know how much I miss Mr. Smith Kooni?
I’m on the market for a new pet. Know anyone that will wag its tail and greet me with enthusiasm when I get home from work the way my Old Yeller Taazi used to do?.......
...... Anyways, thanks for the additional info, and may Allah bless us all….everyone.
Sorry to kill your pet over and over and over and ............ but DBK did not used to wag its tail and greet you with enthusiasm when you got home from work! Old Yeller? Ye right!
Your Old Transgender Taazi Rabid Hound used to weewee and poopoo all over your feet, your couch, your Persian Rug, your office desk, your coffee table, your desk and office in IPC, every room of IPC, my high heels, my manicure, Liberator's foot, IPC members and IPC curtains and straight shooting to ceiling and walls, not to mention chewing on your pants, leather couch and scratching IPC curtains!
Your Old Transgender Taazi Hound was a Gay Rabid Drag Hound!
But if you really really miss your weewee pet,
my heart goes for you and your pet; so I'm still willing to make a deal with you.....OUCH ouch, Liberator just elbowed my stomach and kicked my foot, telling me "No Deals, Screw DBK, let her RIP"! LOL
No, really, lets make a deal Amir. I revive your pet, like bring her back to life "Hound of Frankenstein", if you can tame her
to behave. What do you say? I had unbanned all the banned IPs, so I know she can read this post, but she cannot post in IPC. So if you promise to tame your doggy (Dead Bache Kooni), promise no more technical sabotage, multiple spam posts, vulgarity, etc. then my big heart gives in to your needs and I may consider not to separate you from your doggy (DBK's tail is wagging in her coffin)!
I may find it in my big heart to return the rabid living dead doggy, once again (12th time) to life! I have had killed DBK so many times that I lost count! LOL
So come home, have a cup of coffee and think it over. If you want your Weewee Woowoo back to kick around, then you must make a deal with me. Plus, you need to clean after her, surely you must understand that if I let DBK back in here, you need to take on another hat in IPC!
Amir, The new IPC Janitor! You will go room to room, hall to hall and clean up after your pet! I don't want to see any chewed trash, left over bones, droppings, poopoo, doodoo, weewee, doggy dildo, edible doggy underware (for butch), kotex pads, condoms or sex toys around IPC rooms. We run a clean business. Am I making myself clear?
How many times do I have to take chances and revive the Dead Bache Kooni for you?
Kill her, revive her, kill her, revive her, kill her
............... who do you think I am? Dr. Frankenstein?
You and your gay poodle, shoo
Unofficial IPC Undertaker