A question and a suggestion....

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Should IPC stay as disorganized and out of touch as it is now on the IPC.NET BOARD?

Poll ended at Sun May 22, 2005 1:54 pm

Total votes : 0

A question and a suggestion....

Postby LOJ » Sun May 15, 2005 1:54 pm

Dear Wise one yet disorganized as shiite one:

Now once again I have no idea on which room to post this in, it appears to be IPC related but.....one can never tell in this chaos of labyriths.

Now you say that you have a "SERVER" ok, great, that does not truly mean that you have any better way to use it than a domain unless...you utilize it to the best of your ability and what the Masses feel COMFORTABLE USING......now I didn't say go on mass vote, gawd knows we wouldn't want to screw with your little system of chaos...but I might, in my tiny little uneducated "web design" mind, might have a suggestion.
Now since you have a server you also have a domain.....and just FYI, a server is not some name at net.com.....I could get LORIisGORGEOUS.net and it would fly, but anyway.....

Lets just say you get a domain, you are allowed so many pages dependent on your price paid .....for example...

If you got the domain AhreemanTriesButStillNeedsLoLosHelp.net
ok now lets assume you have 10 subdomains that accompany this domain...

1. You could put your mission statement/objective and your initial Iran Flags and Lion pics and whatever ......just like your main page was at IPC... all it would take is a little formatting on your behalf, that is if you have that knowledge.

2. When people read the post on page one.....the link would be going to page 2 like the pages in the old IPC....
3. Therefor by using these links to subdomains (you can also rename your links, they DO NOT HAVE TO REMAIN AS for example.... Index-About me page-services....etal....
You can rename the index to IPC homepage, then rename the others to be simplistically formatted like the old IPC....

You see even though you can only see the moon via YOUR FINGER...which I'm sure is ahhh....never mind....You fail to see the simple logistics it would take to make your members and guests feel more comfortable posting and making sure that their post are being READ or even looked at.

Now I know you have this protective mode about "ALWAYS BEING RIGHT" but lets look past that fricking moon to the galaxy and see that yes LoLo was right there is a much WISER way to do things rather than trying to sustain and justify the need for all of these fricking rooms.....Because I know you can't get rid of them so you feel like you must protect what you are given by IPC.NET
Now if you need anymore help in web design and how to achieve a much smarter and quicker way for people to begin using the more IPC friendlier site....let me know dear....You see my page was not realistically designed by me and we will leave it at that.

But in a synopsis here lets look at the pros that I've accomplished for you, I mean you can take the credit and I won't say a thing :-: But you do need to face facts.

1. A more simplistic design of IPC will allow others to see the top postings in a view on one page, thus making it more interesting and peaking their interest more so than coming to some site that lists a fricking million rooms where they have to delve into each one separately.

I mean look at it like this, Lets say you go to the proctologist for an anal exam.
Butt :badgrin: instead of the doc just ramming his finger up your ass and feeling around, he makes you go to about 20 other stations where they ram their fingers up your ass as well....so by the end of the exam you say "FRICK THIS" I will never come back here again, because they don't know their ass from a hole in the ground, because they needed 20 other consults to figure out the problem....
( I just added this part to get you excited....but damn I'm good....yet humble :badgrin: ....

Who luvs ya baby....but more important who is willing to give you the expertise help that I've just accomplished here for you....

Don't forget on the weekly mailings to list this link as one that includes my name being mentioned :-s ......God I kill myself....luvs, LoLo
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Postby Ahreeman X » Sun May 15, 2005 9:57 pm

Dear Lojak:

"Dear Wise one yet disorganized as shiite one:"

I truely believe that you have no clue about what you are saying, because you do not have enough information on how the Cyber Space works or how the Internet Operates. I am going to try to explain it a bit to you.

"Now once again I have no idea on which room to post this in,"

Sounds like a personal problem to me! Also it has something to do with IQ!

" it appears to be IPC related"

No, its a poll related, so it goes under polls!

" but.....one can never tell in this chaos of labyriths."

Labyrinth you mean? It is amazing how someone like you who used to teach English in Iran :teacher: , who used to correct every god damn member of IPC in the old club about their Grammar & Spelling errors, who is an Author, who is an influential mentor, who is a philosopher, who is an Islamic Scholar, who is a bla bla bla ten other titles..................., can be so illiterate with her own spelling/Grammar!
Typo or no typo, someone like you, who fingers everyone else about their English & Grammar, must first type her posts on a text editor or MS word & then post it here, so she will not become Shiite faced! Git it Lojak?

"Now you say that you have a "SERVER" ok, great, that does not truly mean that you have any better way to use it than a domain unless...you utilize it to the best of your ability and what the Masses feel COMFORTABLE USING......now I didn't say go on mass vote, gawd knows we wouldn't want to screw with your little system of chaos...but I might, in my tiny little uneducated "web design" mind, might have a suggestion."

You still do not get it, do you? When you have your own server somewhere, for instance in a company, in a room or in your house, then this means, you are the owner of that server & you can do whatever you want. You are the boss. But when you have a domain on someone elses server, then they are your host; therefore, they can tell you what to do. @ last, when you have your domain on a hosting like for instance AOL, Geosites, Bravenet, etc., then they are in absolute charge & they own you. You must run things according to their rules. So here are the levels:

You own your domain on your own server (like IPC)
You own your domain on a host server (like these Iranian sites)
You own your domain on a company's web space (like old IPC on AOL)

Do you get it? It has nothing to do with domains. It has something to do with who has a say on what to & what not to be published on your server! Do you understand woman?
"Now since you have a server you also have a domain....."

Finally you have given a factor! Bravo Lojak, Bravoooooooooooooo! Now as Shah used to say, We are moving towards The Great Civilization! But with turtle speed!
"and just FYI, a server is not some name at net.com.....I could get LORIisGORGEOUS.net and it would fly, but anyway..... "

Exactly. Some name .com is a domain. Do you get it? :hug:

"Lets just say you get a domain, you are allowed so many pages dependent on your price paid .....for example... "

Wrong. [-X For instance, you got a domain with Bravenet as your host server; therefore, Bravenet allows you to have certain memory space (as much as you paid for or if its free hosting, then as much as they allow you). It does not measure by how many pages can you publish, but by memory space!

But when you have your own server, then you do whatever the hell you wanna do, but depending on how much memory you input in your server. Do you even understand what the hell am I saying? Or is it all Swahili to you?

"If you got the domain AhreemanTriesButStillNeedsLoLosHelp.net
ok now lets assume you have 10 subdomains that accompany this domain...

1. You could put your mission statement/objective and your initial Iran Flags and Lion pics and whatever ......just like your main page was at IPC... all it would take is a little formatting on your behalf, that is if you have that knowledge.

2. When people read the post on page one.....the link would be going to page 2 like the pages in the old IPC....
3. Therefor by using these links to subdomains (you can also rename your links, they DO NOT HAVE TO REMAIN AS for example.... Index-About me page-services....etal....
You can rename the index to IPC homepage, then rename the others to be simplistically formatted like the old IPC.... "

OK. Now I am assuming that you are talking about the Old IPC club & not the Old IPC Website, correct? Club was hosted by yahoo, website was hosted by AOL.

"You see even though you can only see the moon via YOUR FINGER...which I'm sure is ahhh....never mind....You fail to see the simple logistics it would take to make your members and guests feel more comfortable posting and making sure that their post are being READ or even looked at. "

The top 5 new posts were on front page. Well we can do the same here & we can even put the top most popular posts (most viewed) on the first page. But then again if you would have only bothered to educate yourself on the functions of this great new IPC database system that we use, then you would just log in & go to top right of the first page & click on "New Posts" link, & read all new posts. Also all new posts are high lighted with a bright color folders, but first you must log in to see all these.

It is very simple. You just have to learn on how to use all your new toys here. That is what FAQ link is for. Frequently Asked Questions.

"Now I know you have this protective mode about "ALWAYS BEING RIGHT"

Now that is a FILTHY Lie made in Hanoi! I am always the first one who admits I am wrong, if I am indeed wrong!

"but lets look past that fricking moon to the galaxy and see that yes LoLo was right there is a much WISER way to do things rather than trying to sustain and justify the need for all of these fricking rooms....."

I always take advise from everyone including you. But you must understand that the present IPC Club is organized. Actually it is the most organized Iranian Forum on the net. It just takes time to get used to it, because you guys are still used to the old IPC club.

"Because I know you can't get rid of them"

Yes I can get rid of All The rooms in a second if I want to, but why would I do that?

" so you feel like you must protect what you are given by IPC.NET "

You still do not get it, do you? I am not being given anything by IPC.net, because I created IPC.net, do you get it? :sarcas:

Here we go, I feel like explaining how Internet works to a 6th grader! On Internet there are URL. They are addresses. Such as:

.net for network
.info for information
.org for non profit organizations or general organizations
.com for commercial sites
.mil for military
.edu for universities & schools

IPC's new URL is a .net because IPC is a Netwrok which includes, website, club & network of communications around the globe.

.net is not a gigantic secret organization who gives away domains of .nets around the globe! Do you get it?

IPC happens to be a .net because I wanted it to be. IPC.net doesn't tell me what to do. I created it. Can you comprehend these technical jargons or not?

"Now if you need anymore help in web design and how to achieve a much smarter and quicker way for people to begin using the more IPC friendlier site....let me know dear...."

Before I let you enlighten me about Internet & Web design, I rather get Gang Ass Raped by Khamenei, Khatami & Rafsanjani! That would be the day to ask you Tech questions! Its like asking the blind the direction of the highway! God Help us!

"You see my page was not realistically designed by me and we will leave it at that. "

You mean you have a web designer who came up with that master_piss? Oh Lord!

"But in a synopsis here lets look at the pros that I've accomplished for you, I mean you can take the credit and I won't say a thing But you do need to face facts. "

How much & how far do I have to suffer to listen to your gibberish? I rather pay you dollars not to listen to your nonsense! Woman you have no clue what the hell you are talking about! You are out of your league. Computer Science is not your beef! Give it a rest!

I can listen to all your advise about the format & all your suggestions about the design but please do not get technical, cause you have no clue about CS.

I truly suffer when I have to listen to your gibberish, trying to be technical! I give you $5.00 not to talk. Here take it............ :dollar:

Listen LoLo:
What you see in front of you as the new IPC Club (this site) has been made with a software. A Database Software which interfaces with the web. Someone wrote this software (not me). But I can design the new IPC Club in any format that I want, with this software. However, much of the different inputs, formats & designs can also be written (programed) by a programer (in this case IPC Office or myself). As you see, we wrote some HTML language to change things on the design.

In shorts, I can change things in any way that I desire. I can change the format, design & colors.

Now, lets see how many people vote here. As you know, IPC members have a history of not voting! Remember the old club? Out of over 1100 members, the max they used to vote was 70. Even the website surveys were voted between 250 to 400 votes & that included not just members but all non member readers! Members used to vote an average of between 6 to 18 votes!

If the majority prefers a certain format for the club, then I change it in a minute. But I doubt the majority wants to change this palce back to the way it was in old IPC Club! Lets see how many votes you get!

"1. A more simplistic design of IPC will allow others to see the top postings in a view on one page, thus making it more interesting and peaking their interest more so than coming to some site that lists a fricking million rooms where they have to delve into each one separately."

I can do that, but this place is not designed for kindergarten children! Supposedly, we have the brightest of the Iranian community here!

Also, have in mind that what you say is good for the website. The future website, will be designed like that. A little paragraph & picture about each major new article on front page & then link to the related page. But that is for the website, not for the club!

"I mean look at it like this, Lets say you go to the proctologist for an anal exam. "

I do not go for Anal Exams! I am not Gay to be checked for Hemorrhoids!

"Butt instead of the doc just ramming his finger up your ass"

I know back when you were a nurse, you used to finger a ton of people!
You would like to see my butt be fingered, wouldn't you? :doctorF:

However, sorry to dissapoint you but No one fingers Ahreeman, yet Ahreman fingers "ALL"! :pokey:

He who is the Gold Finger! And of course you know why they called me Gold Finger in Junior High in Iran, don't you?

Because I fingered the Art Teacher who was a university student! :fingering:

" and feeling around, he makes you go to about 20 other stations where they ram their fingers up your ass as well...."

Like a Finger Gang Bang? That gives new meaning to the term "Fingering"!

"so by the end of the exam you say "FRICK THIS" I will never come back here again, because they don't know their ass from a hole in the ground, because they needed 20 other consults to figure out the problem.... "

Now that would be a clinic under your supervision, won't it? As long as you are also a Nurse!

"( I just added this part to get you excited...."

You are a twisted ill woman! :multiple:

"but damn I'm good....yet humble ...."

You are good but you are far from humble! You are the most arrogant woman on the planet! I know you for years! You are a snob! You just don't get to practice it much!

"Who luvs ya baby...."

I don't know why you don't like the new Kojak?! I like it very much, I seen every single episode! Give it a chance it grows on you. It can never be like the old classics but Ving Rhames is good.

But Law & Order, all 4 series, I watch them religiously! Just love them!

"but more important who is willing to give you the expertise help that I've just accomplished here for you.... "

Your advise on many issues is always respected, appreciated & I have been listening to you for years but when it comes to Tech, you are illiterate!

"Don't forget on the weekly mailings to list this link as one that includes my name being mentioned"

I think step one for you to leaarn how to use all the toys in the club is to get your ass here often & play with the gadgets. Thats how you get used to it. Therefore, I am not going to send you emails with links to articles involving you! From now on, get your butt here, log in & read the posts & reply to the posts related to you. There are all kinds of toys in this new system. You can even follow a thread by letting the site email you any new responds! No more emails to you.

It took a long time to create this place & it will take a longer time to create the future website, the least you can do is to appreciate them by using them!

If I wanted to send emails to people about links, then why the hell I created this forum?

However, next week, I am going to try to catch you on IM for a live talk. We have much to discuss.

In a meanwhile try to find debates involving major players in IPC. You have the CDs, so when you get time, check them out.

You know what, we need to continue our old philosophical discussion in fomal debates room! I let you shoot first.
:kojak: :lojak:

" ......God I kill myself...."

Many others would love to kill you too!

"luvs, LoLo"

You mean Lojak? :lojak:


Maybe we need to create a section in the future site as: "ask Dr. LoLo?"

So people can email "Dear LoLo" questions in regards to their relations, love & sex, English Language, & Islam, to you to answer! :yeees:

What happened to your Arab & Red Neck Army of followers in the old club? Where are they? How come they are not here to support your stands? :Mullah: :cowgirl: :hezboz: :wow: :cowboy:

Thanks for input & all your help


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Postby LOJ » Mon May 16, 2005 5:24 pm

Ok, I will obviously have to build a template just to show you how easy it can be done.

Seriously, I've spoken with people who used to belong to my club or yours and they totally don't get it.....or if they do and it's too damn long to keep their eyes focused and it makes them dizzy switching from room to room. Some true comments I've received are:
When I go there I don't know which room I should go in to find a certain topic....same, same with those posting.
If INTELLIGENT PEOPLE HAVE SOMETHING TO POST which could prove to be very eye opening, they refrain from posting, and not because they can't figure out the silly rooms, but they don't even know if they post it if it will be read at all. I mean they might post Osama's mother gives him a kidney, now truly this one could in ....The Middle East Room, The American Room, The USA room or the World room, since it would technically fly for all of these if you'd like to technically get down to the finer points.

All I'm saying the easier the asthetic value of the site will entice more readers to come and check it out. And who fucking cares if these people are stupid, the rain man was too, but a damn fine idiot savant with numbers.

As for web design dear I will not say anymore, but someday out there you just might be working for moi :badgrin: And then I will get you your 1967 Mustang.....or was that a masasquatchi or something anyway :evil: :evil:

For instance, lets say someone wanted to post an article on how major Iranian supporters in America have worked together to draw out their fellow countrymen into a cumbent state. This could be a drive by that no one notices but also could be a damn good article which might draw enthusiasm in anyones cause.....I don't know it's a damn example....but if it's posted in the wrong room and no one reads it then it might as well end up in one of Saddams mass graves, rather than benefiting you............
Ok about the links...DEAR I DID NOT ASK YOU TO SEND THEM TO ME....you did it out of the sheer urge that I might be online if I answered it right away. You are so predictable hon....but just remember who is the fairest one of all..........
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Postby Ahreeman X » Wed May 18, 2005 6:53 am

Re: A question and a suggestion....

Dear Lojak:

Yes, you might need a template to explain yourself, cause I cannot understand you! Or maybe you need to explain yourself in English, not Arabic!

Woman I can see your lips are moving, but what are you saying?

Do you speak E N G L I S H?

English please?!

Woman, what kind of influential mentor are you? How did you teach English in Shiraz?

How the hell should I understand what the hell you are talking about?

Expand your horizons woman, there is a world out there, another world, out of your little world trapped in the limits of your mind!

I am pointing @ the Moon, yet you always fail & only see the tip of my finger!

Go beyond the finger! You are fixated on the Finger!

What's with you and The Finger?

It must be all the years that you Fingered people as a Nurse!


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Postby Lawrence Of Persia » Thu Nov 10, 2011 9:15 am

Gosh, another room with :belly: and :watcher: alone together. What are you two up to?

I notice that hardly anyone is voting in these polls.
May I suggest an experiment?
Keep this room but allow members to post polls in other rooms if the poll is closely related to what the topic is.
See if after a while (a long while for this comatose forum) such polls get more votes and participation than the ones in here.
If they do, then perhaps reserve this room for important polls where the poll is the whole purpose of the topic, but allow polls in other rooms also.

Okay that's it for now. Behave yourselves.
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Postby LOJ » Thu Nov 10, 2011 9:28 am

Rob you really need to change your avitar. I will try to find the squirrel with the swinging balls that you asked before....but then again Lindsay Lohan would be a better avitar than this!!
What polls are we talking about...if you ask me the whole blog thing is confusing.
You click the link to read the post then you get directed back to reply or to vote. Why not just put a link with a subject period and let people follow that, rather than have to follow two or three links...we all aren't as intelligent as you and I :)
While Terrorism is a war that starts developing within the mind,
Religion is a war that antagonizes our conscience, but
Love is a war within the heart.....
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Postby LOJ » Thu Nov 10, 2011 9:34 am

Last edited by LOJ on Thu Nov 10, 2011 9:37 am, edited 1 time in total.
While Terrorism is a war that starts developing within the mind,
Religion is a war that antagonizes our conscience, but
Love is a war within the heart.....
Lori F.5/2002 Share The Peace!
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Postby LOJ » Thu Nov 10, 2011 9:35 am

While Terrorism is a war that starts developing within the mind,
Religion is a war that antagonizes our conscience, but
Love is a war within the heart.....
Lori F.5/2002 Share The Peace!
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