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It’s Not Incompetence; It’s Treason!

Biden Regime is the Greatest State Sponsor of Terrorism!
It’s Not Incompetence; It’s Treason!

Ahreeman X
September 8, 2022

Joe Biden Angry Demonic Omen Red Hate Speech at Philadelphia, PA, USA 2022
Demonic Red Background with Woke Marine Guards on Both Sides
American Deep State Dystopian Dictatorship Since January 20, 2021
Obey the Demon Regime Leader Or Be Silenced and Jailed!

Not Incompetence But Treason!

Yes, it’s treason, not incompetence! It is true that instead of competent technocrats and specialist experts, we have ideologue incompetent morons running this regime and that is why the Biden’s Regime is the most incompetent administration in the history of America; however, do not be so confident that the present disaster is all due to the incompetence! These people (Biden Cabinet) have been in the government for all their lives, they are career politicians and government bureaucrats, so through the years, they must have learned a thing or two about how to run a country! What is going on right now is not all due to incompetence! Everyone is accusing them of incompetence but the reality is that they are not that stupid but this tragedy is all planned! Allow me to elaborate:

Destruction of the American Capitalism and Democracy

The goal is to destroy the American System of Government, Economy and Constitution. The Biden Regime is a tool, a puppet in the hands of the Globalist Socialist Movement AKA American Communists whom they seek to destroy America from the within. This plan has been cooking since 1960s when they lost the riots in the streets and the Marxist revolution was planned. So, the revolution moved from the street riots to infiltration of the American Institutions and the Government.

Communists changed tactics to achieve their long awaiting strategy. They infiltrated the Media, Academia, Hollywood, Entertainment, Military, Government and down the road, when Internet was formed, the Silicon Valley. Marxists had established a plot to destroy the American system from the within.

Hussein Obama Formed the American Socialism

The disaster which you witness today, is not the result of the 2020 stolen election and establishment of the Deep State Reign since January 20, 2021 but the plot started in the 1960s and for most, started to get established since 2009 when Hussein Obama, the first American Gay Muslim president resided the office.

All of these episodes started with Obama. Transgender bathrooms, transgender ideology, socialist reprograming of America, social engineering to the full, mass entitlement, Obamacare, creation of the grand welfare state, the nanny state, government control of everything, disarming the people and establishment of the Big Government as the Big Brother to spy on the people, watch the people and dictate to the people. Obama’s Regime and Deep State cronies even spied on the Trump campaign and presidency. Obama’s Regime started the establishment of the Socialist System in America. Obama’s transgender programs had two motives:

A) Climate Cult’s agenda to depopulate the earth via turning people gay.

Liberal Made LGBTQIA+ 6 to 60 Genders!
Why Liberals are Forcing People to Become Gay?

Liberal Made Climate Change Catastrophe Hoax!

B) Hussein Obama’s socialist activist gay partner posing as a woman, Michelle Obama AKA Michael AKA Big Mike is a transsexual.

So basically, all of this garbage started with Obama. Today during the Biden Regime, the seed which was planted during the Obama years is grown and given its deadly fruit! Biden presidency is in fact the Obama’s third term where Susan Rice, Hussein Obama, George Soros, Communists in the Congress, Muslims in the Congress, Tech Oligarchs and the Deep State are actually running the country.

Franklin Roosevelt Started the Socialism in America

Obama formed socialism in America but FDR started Socialism in America. FDR was a New York socialist, keen on USSR during the WWII and started all kinds of social programs including the “New Deal”, social security, high taxation and so on. FDR ran for president and won for 4 terms but died during his 4th term. FDR’s VP Harry Truman finished his 4th term. FDR was in office for 4 terms (1933 – 1945), died during his 4th term and succeeded by his VP Harry Truman (1945 – 1953). Via 4 terms of presidency until he died in office, FDR was becoming a monarch rather than a president; therefore, the congress passed the law, so after FDR, 2 terms limit presidency was passed. Maybe two terms of four years each is too short but then again imagine 4 terms of 16 years are too long! FDR in his own way was social engineering and establishing a socialist dictatorship in America. FDR surely did not go with the tradition of George Washington’s 2 term presidency to avoid becoming a career politician.

Even though the social engineering of America begun with Franklin Delano Roosevelt (1933 – 1945) and shaped by Hussein Obama (2009 – 2017), yet had become almost established today at 2022 during the Joe Biden Regime and his illegitimate presidency since 2021 which is in fact the Hussein Obama’s third term!

Biden Regime’s Socialist Agenda

As you can see, the complete agenda of the Biden’s Regime is destruction of America. Social engineering, welfare state, subsidies and bailout of so-called Green Corporations, corporate welfare, forgiving student loans of the loser students graduating with the Bull Shiite degrees, paying people not to work, green new deal, destruction of the American energy, lockdowns, open borders, high inflation, supply chain, cost of living, cost of food, high gas prices, high crimes, no bail get of jail free for criminals, defund the police, perks for lobbies, globalism, high taxation, destruction of the American manufacturing, destruction of the American labor force, destruction of the American Family, LGBTQIA Garbage, Critical Race Theory, Affirmative Action, Equity, High Regulations, Climate Cult, Liberal New world Order, should I go on? Because I can go on till next morning?!

Let’s just explore one failure plan of the Biden Regime. Spending as much as 1 trillion dollars of your tax money to forgive the student loans of the loser students who graduate with the Bull Shiite Degrees from the Bull Shiite Majors such as Gender Studies, Communication, Ethnic Studies, Liberal Arts and Ebonics! They graduate, can’t get a job to payback their student loans, so they live in their parents’ basement or garage, work at Starbucks part time and riot with BLM and ANTIFA burning down America! You know, the typical losers with man buns, blue hair, piercings, BLM T-Shirts, gay makeup, gay hairdo, puny necks and biceps, the anarchist tattoos and the whole liberal gay shebang, yeah, the losers in their Mama’s basement! Yeah, those bozos! That is where your hard earning tax money goes. Along with bailing out these losers, you also bail out Ukraine, Illegal Aliens crossing the border, Their welfare, healthcare, education and food stamp, green new deal, Bull Shiite Environmental Laws, Red Tapes, and another dozen of Socialist craps, courtesy of the Democrat Party and their loser Communist and Muslim congressional baboons!

Of course, the whole ordeal is well designed by the Billionaire Liberal Jew Masters who run the Liberal plantations!

Liberal Plantation System and Globalism

Liberal Plantation System and Globalism Thread

Joe Biden Angry Demonic Omen Red Hate Speech at Philadelphia, PA, USA 2022
American Deep State Dystopian Dictatorship Since January 20, 2021

Why Biden Regime is State Sponsor of Terrorism?

Biden and Democrats’ Regime is the greatest state sponsor of terrorism. You may ask why? I will explain to you why! Are you ready? Indulge yourselves to some truth which you will never get from the Mainstream Media which does the Administration’s dirty deeds and the state propaganda to hide the truth from you. Ready? Let’s roll:

Reasons for the Biden Regime being the State Sponsor of Terrorism

Iran Nuke Deal
Support of Iran Lobby
Afghanistan Taliban Ordeal
Silence on Cuban People’s Struggle for Freedom
Silence on Growth of Communism in Latin America
Arrests and Raids of the Homes of the Opposition
Stealing Elections
Swatting the Opposition

Let’s dig deeper in each factor:

Iran Nuke Deal

What is the greatest State sponsor of Terrorism in the world according to the Biden Regime? It is IRI (Islamic Republic of Iran). Biden Regime is making a deal with IRI, so what does that make the Biden Regime?

In the past, I have elaborated enough on the Democrats and Mullahs dirty deals.

Iran Nuke Deal 1.0

“Obama gave $150 Billion and $1.8 Billion of it in cash to the Mullahs!”
4 Decades of Democrats and Mullahs cooperation indeed.

Hussein Obama is a Marxist Islamist, an Anti-America ideologue, and a Muslim Socialist who is actively seeking chaos in America, destruction of the American Capitalist System, destruction of the American Democracy and destruction of the America as the sole superpower in the world. Obama is a climate cultist not by belief but by the profit! Obama’s allegiance is with the Islamists such as the IRI Mullahs.

Obama – Iran Nuke Deal Cartoons
3 Parts of Low-Down Dirty Political Deals!

Iran Politics and Life Cartoons: Part 4
Some Neo Bull Shiite, Full O Shiite for the Good Shiite!

Democrats Always Misfire on Iran!
History of Democrats & Mullahs 4 Decades of Cooperation!

Iran Nuke Deal 2.0

Biden Regime is actively seeking to make another deal with the Mullahs by handing them more billions, promises and perks!

Democrats don’t Want a Free Iran!

Iranian Spies and Terrorists in US, Come and Go as they Please!

Biden’s open borders and rendezvous with the IRI Mullahs has made United States the roaming ground for the IRI and their proxy terrorists such as Hezbollah and Hamas. America is already loaded with the Iranian Sleeper Cells, Terrorists, Lobbyists, and Spies, but Biden Regime is yet importing more and they come and go as they please because we do not have a Southern Border. Biden destroyed our Southern border and as the result he imported 5 Million of illegal aliens, criminals, gang members, rapists and women and children traffickers!

Iranian Spies in DC and Persian Cultural Center San Diego
Iranian Spies Bribed US Secret Service in Washington DC
Fake DHS Agents in DC Infiltrated USSS
Iranian Spies Connection with PCC SD

Iranian Terrorists in DC Come & Go as they Please

Battleplan Against IRI in Biden Era

Democrats are Importing COVID-19 to America!
COVID-19 Forever to Steal More Elections!

Support of Iran Lobby

Iran Lobby by the law, supposed to be illegal in America because the greatest State Sponsor of Terrorism (IRI) should not be able to lobby in USA; however, as long as a great number of Democrat and RINO congressmen and politicians including Joe Biden have been on the Iran Lobby Payroll for decades, then they slide this American law and sweep it under the Persian Carpet!

The powerful Iran Lobby is one of the main benefactors of the Democrat Party. Iran Lobby agents are deeply imbedded inside the Biden and Democrats’ Administration.

Iran Lobby Billion Dollar Industry in USA
Iranian American Billionaires and Millionaires Support Iran Lobby
Why Mullahs have been Running Iran for Over 4 Decades?

Iran Lobby Infiltrates San Diego Persian Cultural Center PCC

IRI Iranian Hezbollah Agents and Lobbyists in America

Iranian Hezbollah Agents, Lobby & Front Businesses in USA

Iran Lobby Infiltrates San Diego Persian Cultural Center

For more information on Iran Lobby activities in USA, read:

Iran Movement Index

Afghanistan Taliban Ordeal

On August 30, 2021, Biden ended his final withdrawal of Afghanistan. Joe Biden left 300 times more guns than those passed to the Mexican cartels in Obama’s Fast and Furious program. Taliban have been posting videos of pallets of weapons and stacks of $100 bills in cash that they have seized. Biden abandoned many armories, warehouses and storages full of equipment for the Taliban.

Biden abandoned American citizens, translator employees and other friends of America in Afghanistan but instead, he imported a bunch of Afghani terrorists to America. He took out the military first, rather than last, and left American citizens to rot in Afghanistan; furthermore, he left $87 Billion worth of arms and military vehicles to Taliban.

When Biden Regime hands $87 Billion to Taliban, a ruthless Terrorist Group/Regime, makes a deal with them, tries to legitimize them, preaches diversity and women’s rights to them and jumps in bed with them, then what do you call the Biden Regime? This is set aside that the Democrats have created the Al Qaeda and Taliban as a block to the USSR in the region, to begin with!

The worst thing that Biden left for the Taliban is the Bagram Airfield near the Chinese border where China makes its nuclear arsenal. Trump had no intention of leaving the Bagram Airfield but he wanted to keep it even after the withdrawal. Bagram Airfield cost America $96 Million to build!

As the result, Taliban is now the second largest seller of arms in the world! Who knows, maybe the Pentagon gets 10% and the Big Guy (Biden) also gets 10%! One thing is for sure, China taken over the Bagram Airfield, many thanks to Biden! You do understand that your tax dollars have funded Taliban, right?!

Here is a list of what Biden left to Taliban:

  • 2,000 Armored Vehicles Including Humvees and MRAPs
  • 75,989 Total Vehicles: FMTV, M35, Ford Rangers, Ford F350, Ford Vans, Toyota Pickups, Armored Security Vehicles, and so on
  • 45 UH-60 Blackhawk Helicopters
  • 50 MD530G Scout Attack Choppers
  • ScanEagle Military Drones
  • 30 Military Version Cessnas
  • 4 C-130s
  • 29 Brazilian made A-29 Super Tocano Ground Attack Aircraft
  • 208+ Aircraft Total
  • 600,000+ Small arms M16, M249 SAWs, M24 Sniper Systems, 50 Calibers, 1,394 M203 Grenade Launchers, M134 Mini Gun, 20mm Gatling Guns and Ammunition
  • 61,000 M203 Rounds
  • 20,040 Grenades
  • Howitzers
  • Mortars +1,000s of Rounds
  • 162,000 pieces of Encrypted Military Communications Gear
  • 16,000+ Night Vision Goggles state of the art
  • Newest Technology Night Vision Scopes
  • Thermal Scopes and Thermal Mono Goggles
  • 10,000 2.75-inch Air to Ground Rockets
  • Reconnaissance Equipment (ISR)
  • Laser Aiming Units
  • Explosives Ordnance: C-4, Semtex, Detonators, Shaped Charges, Thermite, Incendiaries, AP/API/APIT
  • 2,520 Bombs
  • Operational Administration Encrypted Cell Phones and Laptops
  • Millions of rounds of ammunition including but not limited to 20,150,600 rounds of 7.62mm bullets and 9,000,000 rounds of .50 caliber bullets
  • Large Stockpile of Plate Carriers and Body Armor
  • U.S. Military HIIDE (Handheld Interagency Identity Detection Equipment) Biometrics
  • Many Heavy Equipment Including Bull Dozers, Backhoes, Dump Trucks, Excavators
  • Pallets with millions of Dollars in U.S. Currency cash

Biden Lost Afghanistan: Iran 1979 on Steroids!

Video: Taliban Granted weapons and dollars after Biden’s US Withdrawal

Complete List of Armaments US Is Leaving to Taliban and Islamist Groups

Taliban List of Weapons and Military Vehicles left by the Biden Regime in Afghanistan Graph Chart

Silence on Cuban People’s Struggle for Freedom

The Biden illegitimate Regime has been absolutely silent on the Cuban people’s cry for freedom and freedom revolts. When Cubans rushed the streets for protests, Biden was silent. When boat loads of Cuban refugees reached the shores, Biden sent them back! This occurs when millions from central America and around the world cross to USA day in and day out! Until this day, Biden Regime did not support the Cuban people’s protests, cry for freedom and attempts to escape Cuba! Why you ask? Do I need to spell it for you?

Biden Regime is a pro-Communist Regime. There are many Communists in the Cabinet, Administration, Congress and Deep State. You will never hear the Biden Regime makes a move against the Communist Regimes, specifically against Cuba.

This occurs when Tech Oligarchs like Jeff Bezos whose father who raised him (adopted father) is Cuban but not that he is always silent about Cuba, yet he never spent a dime for the Cuban Freedom Movement. At the same time, Jeff Bezos given $100 Million to the communist Van Jones!

Silence on Growth of Communism in Latin America

Same goes about Latin America and you never hear that the Biden Regime even say a word against Communist Dictatorships such as Nicaragua, Venezuela and the rise of Communism and Socialism in South America such as in Argentina and Chile!

Arrests and Raids of the Homes of the Opposition

Biden’s Regime and his DOJ and FBI used as Gestapo have been raiding the homes of the opposition, Trump admin personnel and even Trump! Biden Regime has been illegally arresting the patriots and National Populists. Obama done the same. They handcuff and Shackle people on purpose to make a show of force.

The list goes on, Roger Stone, Steve Bannon, Peter Navarro and so many other patriots. While DC jail and Blue States’ Large Cities’ jails are full of American political prisoners, the grand criminals such as Biden Crime Family, Pelosi Crime Family and Clinton Crime Family live free, make billions off of crimes and reside in the White House and the Capitol! Yes, Patriots are in jail for a year without a charge and due process, but the criminals are running the country! Sounds like IRI? Well, close but it is USA under the Biden and Democrats, a Crime infested illegitimate Regime!

Deep State Extermination in America

Stealing Elections

While the Biden Regime accuses MAGA of cheating and being Fascists, they themselves are the real thieves and Fascists. They just repeat the same lies over and over through their propaganda machine of Media, Tech Giants, Social Media, Entertainment Industry and Hollywood!

Definition of Fascism

“Fascism is a political philosophy, movement, or regime which exalts the nation and society above the individual, stands for a big centralized autocratic government headed by a dictatorial leader, severe economic and social regimentation, and forcible suppression of opposition.”

Sounds familiar?

* Putting Government and Globalism above the Individualism.
* Big Centralized Autocratic Government
* Authoritarian Leader Dictator
* Severe Social Engineering of Society and Economy
* Suppression of the Opposition

Aren’t these tasks exactly what the Biden Administration does? Think about it! Will ya?

How American Election was Stolen? Part 2
Navarro Report Volume 2: Art of the Steal

How American Election was Stolen?
Navarro Report: Immaculate Deception

US Election Fraud Evidences 2020 Thread

Swatting the Opposition

Due to Biden Regime’s encouragement, Steve Bannon 3 times and Marjorie Taylor Greene 1 time have been swatted.

Definition of Swatting

“Swatting is a criminal harassment tactic whereby a false emergency phone report, such as a bomb threat or shooting, sends armed federal agents or police to a person’s address of home or work in the hopes of getting the individual shot in the process.”

Due to hate speech from Democrats in the White House, Capitol and Street (BLM, ANTIFA, Anarchists), liberals are now swatting the opposition to get them killed!

All you have to do is watch and listen to Biden, Maxine Waters, Chuk Schumer, Nancy Pelosi, AOC and the rest of the violent criminals in DC calling for riots, threats, illegal assembly, and violence.

What are the Motives of the Biden Regime for Treason?

* To Ideologically Create Chaos in USA
* To Destroy the American System of Capitalism and Democracy
* To Profit from the Chaos

Let’s elaborate:

* To Ideologically Create Chaos in USA

Chaos in USA through the election theft, street riots, violence and mass propaganda would benefit and portray the Democrats as a legitimate party with a legitimate agenda where in fact their only agenda is to create a Nanny State with mass social programs implemented via a massive government to control every aspect of the people’s lives and force them into submission and obedience. Democrats only want to stay in power by all means necessary!

* To Destroy the American System of Capitalism and Democracy

The complete agenda since 1930s Roosevelt to 2000s and 2010s Obama and now at 2020s Biden (Joe-Bama) is to eliminate Capitalism and Democracy in America and to replace them with Communism and Totalitarianism. The goal is to establish a Chinese Style regime in America. Actually, China is one of the main benefactors of the Democrat party and Democrat politicians including Biden who got rich from kickbacks and lobby dollars from China.

* To Profit from the Chaos

There is money in chaos, destruction of the American Constitution and System, replacing it with Socialism and Communism, and so on ….

Look at how many millions BLM, ANTIFA, Communists and Anarchists created in the Summer of Love (Riot) by burning down America, making the buck and handing a big share of it to the Democrat party!

ANTIFA is Burning Down America & Democrats are Watching!

Black Lives Matter Terrorism Thread

Black Lives Matter is a Terrorist Organization
BLM Story, Platform and Photo Gallery

Black Lives Matter Cartoons

Look at how many millions and billions of dollars China is spending in America by buying the Democrat and RINO politicians in the congress, academia in the universities, and so-called journalists in the Media!

Look at how many millions are made by the Democrats insider trading in the stock market, hedge fund managers perks, Wall Street deals, Trial Lawyers crooked gigs and lobby money! Perfect examples are the Pelosi, Feinstein, and Schumer episodes.

Democrat and RINO politicians come to DC with a shirt and a short and a few thousands in their bank accounts. They leave after retirement (if not dead or rotted in office) with hundreds of millions in their bank accounts. Glance at Clintons, Pelosis, Obamas, and the rest of the crooks and cons Career Politicians in DC!

Business has been good to the DC criminals. Democrats and RINOs in DC have been making bundles of dough for decades and enriched themselves while squeezed the wealth, freedom and life out of the American people!

End Notes

The time has come to end the DC Games, Corruption, Treason, Oppression and Cash Cow Slut Machines. Plundering the Wealth of a nation by the crooked politicians who stay in office for 2 or 3 decades has come to an end. Death is coming to DC to burn it all down to the ground. Death has an Orange Horse and he is an Orange Man. Death represents the God Forsaken Workers of this country who have been screwed by the Establishment for decades! God Bless the Death!

2022: Death of the Democrat Party
Death Rides an Orange Horse!
Save America Tour Rallies

Trump Explosive Rally Pennsylvania September 2022

American people have awakened and after decades, the people, the National Populists and the Oppressed have found their spokesman, their champion and their savior. Trump is only the spokesman who awakened the soul and the conscience of the American people. The people are the storm and this storm will blow out the Deep State, the Establishment, the Big Government and the complete DC to Hell! Not a minute too soon!

Observe the braindead puppet usurper placed at the White House by the Deep State as the figurehead:

Video: Biden Rally vs. Trump Rally

Biden Has Spent 40% Of His Presidency On Vacation

The only problem is that the minority of this country are still sleep due to bombardment of the fake news and propaganda by the State Corporate Media, Social Media, Tech Giants, Academia and the Hollywood.

Some are ignorant to the facts, some are uninformed, some prefer to close their eyes to the reality, some self-censor themselves in to believing that the system is fair, some flat out lie to themselves about the nature of the corrupt rigged system and some are themselves part of the problem! These are the folks residing in the LaLa Land!

For instance, while,

Billionaire Liberal Jews run the Liberal Plantations
Billionaire and Millionaire Persians are Foremen of the Plantations
Majority of Blacks, Persians and Jews are Slaves to the Plantations

The Plantation just keeps on going like it has been for over a century!

Why is it that the majority of the Persians who are highly educated and talented professionals are Democrats? I elaborated here:

Iranian American Democrats, who are they?

Why are the American Jews by majority Democrats? Why are the American Blacks by majority Democrats? Look carefully and you will notice that Democrats have been the worst enemy of the Persians, Jews and Blacks, then why are they by majority Democrats and vote for the Democrats?

Democrats are the very reason for destruction of the Imperial Iran and the Rise of the IRI (Islamic Republic of Iran) to power!

Reasons for the birth of Islamic Republic of Iran

Democrats are the very reason for Mullahs remaining in power for over 4 decades!

History of Democrats & Mullahs: Democrats' Misfires Thread

Democrats have betrayed the Iranian opposition, flirted with the Mullahs and French kissed the Iran Lobby for over 4 decades!

Biden & Raisi Halloween Special

Democrats are also the natural enemy of Israel and the Jews. Democrats surely have been enslaving the Blacks since before the Civil War, after the Civil War, Through the Jim Crow, all the way till today!

It is like the majority of Persians, Jews and Blacks have Stockholm Syndrome and are Happy Slaves! Why are they still Democrats? The answer lies right here where it is all explained:

Liberal Plantation System and Globalism

It is time for the Jews to get off the Liberal Concentration Camp, the Blacks to get off the Liberal plantation as the Farm Negroes and House Negroes; it is for sure time for the Persians to seize residing at the Liberal plantations as the Pegroes (Persian Negroes)! Get a breeze of reality and get off the plantations! Slavery is over and as Dr. King stated: Free at Last, Free at Last!

Stolen America
Your Reality is an Establishment Lie!

Allow me to hit you with some facts before I leave you thinking about everything which I have stated:

“Totalitarian Regimes including Communist, Socialist and Islamist Regimes in a nutshell are:

Elite ruling class on the top.
Shrinking middle class dying in the middle.
Vast lower class slave force at the bottom.”

(Ahreeman X)

“Will of the People is greater than the wealth of the Globalists.”
(Ahreeman X)

Ahreeman X Famous Persian Quotes

Life is too short folks, get off the plantation and be free men and women! Your Reality is an Establishment Lie! Wake up to the Real Reality! There has been a whole different Reality, the True Reality out there which has been hidden from you for decades. Wake up and see the world without your obscured dark Liberal Blue Shades!

On the bright side, take a good look at Joe Biden’s face and honestly tell me that it doesn’t look like Chicken’s Ass?! Now I know that you are running to the ranch and grabbing a chicken to see her ass and compare it to Biden’s face! Take a good look? I told you so! Why do you think we call him the Chicken Ass Joe!

Chicken Ass Joe!
Doesn’t Joe Biden’s face really look like the Chicken’s Ass?

Folks, just remember, if it quacks like a duck, walks like a duck and looks like a duck, then by Golly Gee, it must be a duck!

If it makes deals with the terrorists (IRI), funds and supports the terrorists (Taliban) and creates a terror police state in the nation (for the opposition), then for the Shiite’s sake, FAQ me blind and kick me Balls with the Jack Boots, the Biden Regime must be the Greatest State Sponsor of Terrorism in the World!

I am the Harbinger of Truth and this is your wakeup call!


Dr. X


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